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Warrior Cats a New World: ECHOCLAN [RP]

Posted 1 day ago

"You don't have to if you don't want to, though I'd like a little more insight on the... incident that happened." Echostar replied


Posted 1 day ago (edited)
(ill be back in 15 minutes!)

Posted 1 day ago
(Okay, got it)


Posted 1 day ago

"Of course! ill be happy to fill you in." He mewed his voice solemn.

Posted 1 day ago

Echostar nodded, then he turned to Brightsong.
"I'd like you to stay here until Owlbreeze checks you over. We need healthy warriors, not ones scratched up from fights."


Posted 1 day ago
BrightSong she/her - Warrior -

She looked at her sides, wouldn't hurt to stay just for a while longer. She'd rather not run the risk of getting an infection and having to lose another limb, her tail was enough.

LemonTree ^The best zest^

Posted 1 day ago

Echostar nodded in approval.
"Lionstorm, I might pull you away another time to talk, otherwise you're free to go."
Echostar slipped out of camp, ready for a niiiiice morning hunt.


Posted 1 day ago
(Im back!, sorry i got pulled into something)

Posted 1 day ago

After seeing Brightsong's sides all scratched up, the tom quickly went to the side of the den; after some moments, he returned where the injured cat was with a mouthful of dock leaves and some cowebs. "Okay, this may sting a bit" he warned. Chewing the soft dark green leaves into a poultice, he carefully applied the ointment where the she-cat was wounded. After that, with the help of a stick he then put some cowebs around to help it stay in place. "This shouldn't take long to heal, and once it does you'll be as new. Just don't move a lot for a little while so it doesn't fall off" he meowed.

(Sorry, I haden't seen the msg before aa) //

Posted 1 day ago

Nightshade blinked her eyes open waking up from her catnap. Hmm that was nice. She thought as she stretched and licked her jaws feeling hungry. She trotted over to the fresh-kill pile and chose a fish before settling down to eat it.

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