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Warrior Cats a New World : ECHOCLAN [SIGN UP & OOC]

Posted 1 day ago
Where are we in the moon clan and the eckoclan?

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 1 day ago
I think everyone went to sleep XD well silent rain isn't but yk

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 day ago
Maybe in the future Blaze, I'll have brownpaw get so sick of his father *and discover batclaws affair) that he leaves and joins snowman? Cause I got to many ocs to make more lol

Posted 1 day ago
Are characters should be up to date-


Posted 1 day ago
Okie, thx Dyna!

Blaze | Fury Of The Flame

Posted 1 day ago
Okie, thx Dyna!

Blaze | Fury Of The Flame

Posted 1 day ago
Just a heads up, I wont really be active tomorrow until like 17:00WD time

Posted 1 day ago
Me + RP = Happy

Me - RP = Angry 😠

LemonTree ^The best zest^

Posted 1 day ago
yeah- that equation applies to most of us XD


Posted 1 day ago
Relatable asf

Ghost of the lost wolf

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