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Warrior Cats a New World: Outside the Clans [RP]

Posted 4 days ago
( darktail already beat rueben mom said its MY turn /lhj)

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 4 days ago
(Rueben didn't even get hurt )

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 4 days ago
(Sunflower is just chillin' in his farm, oblivious)


Posted 4 days ago
(you hurt him mentally and socially does that count lmao)

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 4 days ago
(No not a chance )

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 4 days ago
Finch - Loner - Tom; He/Him

Finch hissed, ripping out another chunk of fluff before backing away, ears flattening.
"I don't care who you are, but either we continue fighting or we make a truce. It's your choice."
Blood ran from his wounds, but he paid little attention to the pain.

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 4 days ago
DarkTail - Rogue - Shecat - She/Her

She whipped around, ready to continue the fight. "What's the deal? Better be worth it." She spat back, her voice was slightly raspy.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 4 days ago
Finch - Loner - Tom; He/Him

"I will not intrude on your territory and you shall not intrude on mine, the punishment if either one of us crosses the other's territory, must bid the other a favor, whether it be prey, an herb, or something different - so long that it's within the area around here."
He made his voice as calm as possible, but was irritable at the fighting.
"I will let you have this area as your own, but i will be making my territory around here."

(me thinking of something on the fly because i didnt think it through)

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 4 days ago
DarkTail - Rogue - Shecat - She/Her

She narrowed her eyes, determining if this was a good enough deal.

"I suppose it will do for now." She spat, she was fine with her burrow

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 4 days ago
Finch - Loner - Tom; He/Him

Finch flicked his tail, and headed off towards where he initially appeared from.
"I'm glad we have a truce." He said, padding away.
"I will be on my way now, as this is your territory."
He disappeared and picked up the rabbit he had left behind, running off with a slight limp.
He was glad he was finally free of that fight.

kat | crunchy leaves

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