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Warrior Cats a New World: Outside the Clans [RP]

Posted 4 days ago
Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

Rueben entered into his home, he had been outside all day, his twolegs left out food for him to eat once he returned, so he happily munched on it for a while.
After eating, he jumped onto the couch in the living room and sprawled out, yawning and starting to doze off.

Finch - Loner - Tom; He/Him

Finch set up his territory near a stream, where he would have a constant water source and occasionally fish if needed, he built a den carefully with thickets and twigs, using three trees that were in a triangle shape for extra support, when he was done claiming the territory as his, he spent the night licking his wounds from the fight he had, praying that they wouldnt get infected.
After that, he ate the kill he hunted a while ago, the meat was rather stale and cold, but he didnt care, he spents hours on end finding and establishing a new home that he will eat almost anything.
Hopefully life looks up for him.

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 4 days ago
(Hmmm what should DarkTail do..)

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 4 days ago

Blaze|Haunted Howloween🌙

Posted 4 days ago
(i dont want no more evil stuff my cats wanna eep)

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 4 days ago (edited)
(DarkTail isn't evil as much as she is territorial and feral. She's not a fan of talking unless you have a good reason)

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 4 days ago (edited)
(Sorry :( )

Blaze|Haunted Howloween🌙

Posted 3 days ago (edited)
(Giggles in another cat)

Name: Lilith
Gender & Pronouns: SheCat (She/Her)
Orientation: Bi (male preference)
Rank: Rogue
Personality: Motherly, however strict and stern with her rules. Manipulative, tends to gain others trust simply to use it for her own gain. Tends to speak in riddles, or rhymes, she can easily predict what may happen however it's not always accurate. Has a strong connection to the dark forest. Semi-good foresight, extreme hindsight.
Relationships: N/A (hoping/looking for kits)
Appearance: IMG-0407 a fluffy she, with long legs and a strong/thick tail. Her tail is almost like it's- apprehensible? She's missing a front leg, however that only adds to her strangeness…
IMAGE GOTTEN FROM: link (Felidaze cat creator)

Song: The Poison In Your Drink

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 3 days ago
(realizes i have had rueben and finch napping for literally 20 hours:
also pretty kitty)

Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

Rueben woke up from his nap, noticing the setting sun, his eyes widened.
"How long had I been sleeping for...?" He thought to himself, yawning.
"Whatever... I'll just eat what my twolegs set out and probably be up all night..."
Rueben stretched out his back and legs, before jumping down to eat something.
When he was done, he went outside, the chilly air making his fur slightly puff out, the cold seasons were coming soon.
He jumped on the fence and started licking his morning mess fur, as he usually does.

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 3 days ago
DarkTail - Rogue - Shecat - She/Her

DarkTail arose from her burrow, her eyes darting around her new territories borders- before setting on a finch (bird finch not Finch)

It made her laughed a smidge, however once the bird saw her she knew she didn't have much time- she quickly leapt and ate the bird.

Lilith - Rogue - Shecat - She/Her

Lilith yawned, stretching her poofy body across the fallen wooden logs, the moss comforting her body in her sleep.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 3 days ago

Sunflower had just caught three mice, one to many for him to eat.
Rueben would love one I bet!
He slipped out the cracked farm doors and started towards the house cat's home. Sunflower enjoyed the nice sunset, and ate a mice on the way. He arrived with the other two dangling from his jaws.
"Heay!" he said through the tails, "Waunna eet?"


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