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Halloween Event!

Posted 2024-10-07 14:25:23
Yeah the Storyline seems to be bugged... unless it's supposed to end so abruptly which i don't think it does.
Here's bug report about it: link


Posted 2024-10-07 20:26:43
Oh man, the logic is seriously bugged - yeah LOL. Just spent all day on one part of the story only to have it repeat over again. Oof

Posted 2024-10-08 01:40:53
The event has literally stopped for me and I don't know when or how to move forward.


Posted 2024-10-08 06:06:44
Think mine is glitched to. I think it ended mid scene or something.


Posted 2024-10-08 06:08:06
Yeah, I'm having the same issue Canaridante is having.


Posted 2024-10-08 07:28:06
I can't cast the spell Kora wanted me to


Posted 2024-10-08 07:52:14
My story just takes me back to the spell book. ;0;


Posted 2024-10-08 10:17:32
Really really wish this had been better tested before being pushed out. At least we can still collect currency as normal, so the extreme amount of bugs doesn't affect end goal too terribly

Posted 2024-10-08 10:23:06
For anyone who didn't see the bug report, apparently chapter 2 (the storyline we got on the 7th) wasn't supposed to show up at all yet. Which would explain why chapter 2 just sort of exploded halfway through.

We'll be getting the next part on Friday as was initially intended, it seems. Very strange situation.

Whirligig (Hiatus)

Posted 2024-10-08 11:10:35
We can't even do the next part on Friday if this issue doesn't get resolved
