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Warriors: Divided || Public

Posted 2020-11-18 14:05:30

Shadeheart || Warrior || Tag: Dusk, Cosmos, Kestrelheart

The grey tom kept his gaze steady with the two toms as he remained where he was as they spoke, the larger one giving him an underlying warning, or perhaps threat, of a fight to happen when a blue feather drifted along the breeze before landing at his paw. What the...? He glanced down at it briefly as he flicked his tail. Oh, great... He knew just which cat used feathers to alert the clan but hung onto them as well. It would be good to have back up for sure but...

The Siamese slunk off, causing him to jerk his head towards him. "Hey!" He snapped, though didn't have much time to really react as the larger tom threw his full weight into him and forced his face into the ground. "Umph!" He growled as he winced a little, kicking himself for letting himself get distracted like that. He pulled his head up, shaking his head to get him to stop touching it. He didn't make a move to stand as he just shifted to crouch a bit on the ground, looking up at the larger tom.

"Aw... You think so highly of me! I'm so touched." He forced a purr out, smirking as he put his ears back. Right...he had to think carefully on his next move. The rogue was larger than  he was and no doubt stronger, but he was smaller and more agile. Perhaps with more stamina... He made an attempt to launch himself between the tom's legs and under him, hoping to catch him off guard in that way. 

If he wanted to dance...then they could dance. He, upon standing once more behind the tom, reached out to bite his tail before he hopped away. "Oops, sorry! My mouth slipped! Should we try that again?" He piped up, grinning as he raised a paw slightly to await the tom's next move.


Posted 2020-11-18 14:21:09

Hopestar || Leader || Tag: Seeptail, Skyeyes || Mentions: Patrol, Rogues

Hopestar shook her head. "Yes, Seeptail, join them at the rear. It seems all this confusion has made me a bit forgetful." She nodded to the warrior before turning back to Skyeyes. "There's so many rogues," Hopestar whispered to the tom. "What does this mean? It has to mean something, right? Has StarClan spoken to you lately?" She prayed that Skyeyes would provide an answer that would help her sort through this situation. Hopestar continued walking, keeping an eye on the rogues behind her.


Posted 2020-11-18 14:25:59

Dusk {} Male {} Loner
|:| Mentions: Shadeheart |:|

Dusk tilted his head with a little curiosity at the tom's purr, but it was quickly replaced with newfound aggression as the Clan cat shot out from underneath him.
He felt a sharp pain on his tail and spun around, hissing. "I don't think so," The loner said in a low voice. Of course, it was smart of the dark tom to bite his tail, since it was a part of him that was easy to get down to his skin on, as opposed to his neck, shoulders, etc...
Crouching down, Dusk snaked around Shadeheart, his eyes pinned on him, thinking of many things he could do in retaliation of his little show after escaping from under him.
Flicking his ears back, pinning them against his skull, he got an idea. Although his size could play a detrimental role in fighting, it also came with its advantages. Leaping forwards with a burst of strength, Dusk grabbed the tom's scruff and flung him towards the nearest tree. Pulling his tail close to his body, he stalked towards Shadeheart, hissing lightly.


Posted 2020-11-18 14:32:12

// I have to get off for today so @Fyran & @Xena, with the fighting, just respond once if you'd like and I'll read it in the morning <3
Have a great rest of your days, guys! //


Posted 2020-11-18 14:38:47 (edited)


Mentions: Hopestar

Skyeyes let out a sigh of relief as the tension evaporated from his body. Picking up the herbs, he took his place at Hopestar's side. He glanced back at the strange new cats occasionally, curious. When Hopestar spoke up, the prophecy replayed in his mind. He lowered his voice as he replied,

"Funny you should ask. On our way back from picking herbs, Pebblepaw and I received a prophecy: RainClan must grow from beyond its borders, or risk drying up forever. Perhaps our ancestors are working in mysterious ways to help us fulfill it. I think this is another sign, to bring these cats from outside our borders into our ranks. However I wouldn't suggest taking too many new cats in at once... On the chance any one of them could be hostile." he advised rationally.


Mentions: Murtagh

Raven felt a touch of relief hearing there wasn't often so much drama. Although she worried that if they returned another time, the more prickly RainClan cats might not give her a chance. She glanced at Murtagh as he spoke, wondering why he seemed to gloomy. She didn't want to push him, though. If he wanted to tell her, he would. Whatever it was, it wasn't her business. She felt her stomach rumble at the mention of food. A touch of embarrassment made her pelt grow hot.

"I could use a mouse or two, if I'm honest." she replied. Without thinking, she parted her jaws to take in the scents around them, twisting her ears to any sounds of scuttering nearby.


Posted 2020-11-18 14:46:47

Hopestar || Leader || Tag: Skyeyes, Pebblepaw || Mentions: Patrol, Rogues

Hopestar stopped in her tracks when Skyeyes told her what he'd seen. A prophecy? Could the mention of the river drying up be referring to their dying numbers? Did StarClan really expect them to take in loners and rogues, who they did not know and could be dangerous? What kind of plan was this? She didn't know how to feel about it. Although the majority of the rogues didn't seem too bad, they were unpredictable and they didn't understand clan customs.

Hopestar began walking forward again. "That's StarClan's plan? For us to take in rogues?" She sounded exasperated. She was exasperated. Hopestar's gaze flitted over to Pebblepaw. "What do you make of it, Pebblepaw?" The young medicine cat apprentice might as well throw in her own thoughts. After all, she had to learn somehow.

Smokey || Rogue || Tag: Moon || Mentions: Patrol, Rogues

As Hopestar and the other clan cats fell in around them to direct them somewhere deeper into their territory, Smokey found himself alongside the skittish she-cat, Moon. He remained silent at first, wondering where they were being taken. For some reason, he wasn't afraid. These clan cats just seemed precautious, not barbaric. They had their reasons. At least they had reasons, unlike that crazy tom, Cosmos.

"So, how do you feel about all of this?" Smokey directed the question at Moon.


Posted 2020-11-18 15:06:11

Will do, have a good rest, @Tiger!))

Shadeheart || Warrior || Tag: Dusk

Shadeheart kept his eyes on the larger tom as he snaked around him, his tail tucking between his legs for protection mostly as he turned his body to try and make sure he didn't get behind him. Though that didn't really do much good for him as his scruff was grabbed and he found himself flying from his spot previous only to make contact with a tree that was closest to them. He grunted as his back made contact with it, knocking the air out of him a little as it had also stunned him momentarily.

He groaned as he pushed himself up slightly, ears back as he cast a glare towards his current friend whom was stalking towards him. Okay, so he really wanted to play that way then. He hissed back in response to him before he jumped towards him to swipe a paw at him in a feint attack back he backed off. No, for now he'd stay on the defensive until he found an opening to strike. He'd already lost the chance to attack his tail again, seeing how close it was to his body and his face was...well, toothy.

The dark grey warrior launched himself forward off to the side, aiming to try and jump onto the tom's back and just hold on as he would have to figure out what to do next from there. Maybe hold onto his scruff as he dug his claws into that thick, fluffy fur. Starclan it looked so soft.


Posted 2020-11-18 15:21:33

Feather || Rogue || Tag: Open || Mentions: Clan Cats

Feather weaved through the undergrowth and trees along the riverside. She kept her crystal-blue eyes focused intently in front of her. Each pawfall brought her further upriver to where she hoped to find the clan cats she's heard so much about. There was a spring of excitement in her step that she couldn't hide. All her life she's lived alone and, quite frankly, she was tired of it. Feather remained aware of everything around her as best as she could.


Posted 2020-11-18 15:48:54 (edited)

Pebblepaw (F) | Med Cat App | Location: RainClan territory| Mentions: Skyeyes, Hopestar

The apprentice listened to the wisdom of her mentor intently, glancing between the leader and the medicine cat as they discussed the ominous messages from their ancestors. Maybe it was StarClan's way of suggesting that they expand their territory as well? Then again, she was not yet an expert interpreting their secretive signs. Pebblepaw was already in awe of the way of her ancestors, but...couldn't they just be a little more straight-forward for a medicine cat in training?

She swallowed nervously when the leader called upon her to share her opinion. "...I think Skyeyes is right. We should give these cats a chance. Maybe as we grow, we can expand our borders as well?" StarClan, she hoped she was right. She didn't want to embarrass herself directly in front of the very leader of her clan. 


Murtagh (M) | Rogue | Location: Forest | Mentions: Raven, patrol 

Two? She seemed a little small to eat two fat mice all by herself, but he wasn't going to judge her. Maybe she was still growing. Then again, Murtagh was relatively tall for a tom himself, even if he was more of a "string bean" than a "beefcake". "...Hmm...Unless you've tired of my company already, I suppose we can split up and see what we can catch if you're that hungry. I wouldn't mind offering my hunting services." The silvered tom angled his ears towards the depths of the forest, which offered much more safety than the nearby clan borders. 

Of course, he could just try to return to his nap in the tree, but he had his doubts that sleep would be able to find him again. His mind was too troubled with the rowdiness of the border. To add, those fighting cats were about as chatty as squirrels, good heavens. "As long as we avoid the border, we should be fine. If anyone catches you trying to get something to eat by RainClan land...those warriors might have you for lunch instead." He twitched his whiskers. 


Posted 2020-11-18 16:39:18

(((im getting a little lost with so many people but ill try to keep up! (''>w<)b

Tansyvine ~Warrior~ Tag: Thistlepaw Mentions: Patrols, Rogues, Literally everyone with hopestar XD

The black and white she-cat kept quiet as she listened to all of the different cats introduce themselves and some... get a little rowdy. She popped in a little late and introduced herself to any of the rogues listening to her, "Im Tansyvine." she said lifting her paw slightly. After that quick intro she looked over to Thistlepaw who had been quiet along side her and spoke, "I don't think we're gonna be able to go out and train today."

Chipper ~Rogue~ Tag: none Mention: Patrols, Rogues
Chipper sat quietly next to River and just listened to the others speak. River had already said his name so there was no reason for him to be vocal. Were they gonna get moving soon... *Great more cats...* he grumbled in his head as more of these 'clan cats' appeared. Chipper hadn't been around this many cats for moons. Sure the occasional one would pop up and hed have to chase it off but for this many to be one place... his fur prickled with anticipation. The tom would sit back, watch, and wait.


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