Warriors: Divided || Public
Posted 2020-11-28 19:38:58 (edited)
(Sorry for the absence and short replies ^^') .::Skyeyes::. Mentions: Pebblepaw Hearing the distant voice of his apprentice far above, Skyeyes stared up into the treetops. It was dizzying, but he caught a glimpse of the small apprentice's pale tabby fur. What was she doing? He definitely didn't tell her about any herbs growing in trees! "What are you doing up there, Pebblepaw?" he yowled. He ran up to the base of the tree. -==Raven==- Mentions: Murtagh, (indirect) Honey, Silver, Feather Raven dropped the dove at her paws and waved her tail in greeting to the tom. "Nice catch! Almost as nice as mine." she purred arrogantly, adding "How is your shoulder this morning?" She craned her neck to get a better look, noticing a few fresh scratches along his back. He should really look out for himself more. |
🏳🌈ɓσωɦεα∂ɓσყ🏳🌈 #610 |
Posted 2020-11-30 07:49:51
Kestrelheart {} Female {} Warrior Kestrelheart raised her chin slightly, staring at the rogues that had spoken up. Her translucent blue eyes scoured them as if she were sizing them up for a fight. |
katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2020-11-30 10:04:03
Shadeheart || Deputy || Tag: Patrol, Rogues At the tap to his flank after he spoke to the rogues, Shadeheart turned his head to look towards Kestrelheart. His ears twitched a little as he listened to her words, his teal eyes moving back over to the rogues before returning to the female warrior once more. "It is a risk we are taking... But I believe they can become like us with some help. Icestorm over there is quite the example we can use. After all, he was a loner himself before and now he's a loyal member of Rainclan." He responded in a hushed tone so that only she could hear his response. There was still some doubt in terms of trusting the loners entering their clan, but at the same time they had to risk it so that their clan could survive. |
Fyran #12260 |
Posted 2020-11-30 20:21:42
Pebblepaw (F) | Med Cat App | Location: RainClan territory| Mentions: Skyeyes The small tabby shrank back, obviously embarrassed for causing her mentor such great concern. She had no real motivation (at least no reasonable reason) to go climbing high up in the tree- she was no warrior, Pebblepaw did not know how to hunt. She couldn't catch a mouse if it scrambled into her paws and played dead right there. Pale belly pressed against the coarse bark of the tree branch, the apprentice frowned down at her mentor. "I-I'm sorry," she managed to squeak out another submissive answer, tiny claws sinking into the tree bark to keep herself secure. She feared that if the wind picked up, it might shake her loose and carry her away. "...I just wanted to see the sunrise and be closer to StarClan. I never get to see the sky from camp." ---- Murtagh (M) | Rogue | Location: Forest | Mentions: Raven, RainClan Oh? She was so confident that her catch rivaled his? He couldn't help but to smirk at her sudden emphasis of pride, before motioning to his own catch with his paw. "Well, I was going to catch a bigger one, but I figured I'd just...flatter you this morning by letting you catch something bigger." Murtagh couldn't resist twitching his whiskers in amusement, before settling down to pluck the mud-colored feathers from the young pheasant. He might consider hiding the feathers away somewhere, perhaps in the secure nook of a familiar tree, or some abandoned fox den. Although the weather was still relatively warm, leafbare would arrive eventually. It was best to be prepared- feathers were wonderful, cozy nest-liners. He rotated the sore shoulder when she asked him its status. It did feel a little warm underneath his fur, and perhaps a little inflamed after hauling himself and his catch into the tree to hide away from the raging mother hen, but it didn't seem as sore as the day prior. "Better, I think. Thank you." The tom replied earnestly before he continued to pull feathers from the carcass. The tom twitched an ear thoughtfully as he continued to work on the piece of fresh kill. Feathered prey sure took a lot of work. "Forest seems quieter today- that could be a good sign. Might mean that things didn't go over too poorly with those other rogues. If we're lucky, we may run into an....acquaintance or two of mine along the border." ((Nearing exams and have a very busy week myself...likely to be slow the next few weeks)) |
20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2020-11-30 20:23:05
Icestorm ~~ Warrior ~~ Tag: Patrol, Rogues Icestorm silently observed the first couple of rogues who agreed to joining Rainclan, observing their expressions to see if they were genuine. He didn't see a liar, yet, but he would be patient and wait and see. His head lifted when Shadeheart spoke, letting the rogues that wanted to join them to sit by him. He didn't mind that, though he didn't bother getting up, he was easy to see even just laying down and he was well aware of that. He watched the rogues carefully, dipping his head politely to those who came over to sit with him. For now there wasn't much he should do, though he did keep an ear ready for if any of the rogues wanted to ask him anything. |
Senora #14744 |
Posted 2020-12-01 07:59:06
Kestrelheart {} Female {} Warrior Kestrelheart nodded softly. "I almost forgot about Icestorm's beginnings before the clan, because he just seems to fit in so well now, no cat would know he wasn't clanborn." She whispered, fluffing up her fur momentarily as a cold chill passed her, then she smoothed it back. |
katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2020-12-02 16:31:17
.::Skyeyes::. Mentions: Pebblepaw The flame point tom's striped tail lashed behind him. He paced at the base of the tree, his eyes pointed skyward. He wasn't much of a climber himself, and what could he do if he reached her, anyways? He was hardly strong enough to carry her like a kit. Even if she was small. If she was to get down, it had to be on her own. Unless I suppose Icestorm wants to play rescue squirrel. He sighed. "Well, why don't you come on down and help your clanmates?" he called up to her, becoming a bit cross. Pebblepaw was usually quite well behaved, eager to assist and learn. He found it easy to be lenient with her. However, doing something so impulsive when her clan might have needed her deserved a bit of a lecture. What if the aggressive strangers from yesterday had returned? Or the rogues within their own territory had lashed out? Really, any number of accidents could have occurred and he would have had no help. He tried not to work himself up so much, but the stress of the previous day was making it hard. -==Raven==- Mentions: Murtagh "Are you sure you weren't scared enough by the chick? It seems to have given you a fair fight." She snickered, before grabbing the dove again. The dark-coated cat plopped down close to Murtagh, close enough that their pelts brushed. She pinned her kill with one paw while ripping away the feathers with her teeth. She sneezed and shook her head as the frizzy underbelly feathers prickled her nose. She turned an ear towards the tom as he responded to her query. "I'm glad to hear it." she meowed. She began to tuck into her meal. The rich flavor washed over her tongue and made her mouth water. Raven was naturally a fast eater, and this bird was no exception. The tom's words didn't register for a moment as she stopped eating to take a breath. "It seems plenty active to me," she recalled the trio of strangers she narrowly avoided, "but I'll agree it's more peaceful." |
🏳🌈ɓσωɦεα∂ɓσყ🏳🌈 #610 |
Posted 2020-12-02 18:03:56
Shadeheart || Deputy || Tag: Rogues, Patrol Shadeheart listened to Kestrelheart's words on how they could integrate the rogues into the clan, giving her a small nod of acknowledgement. "I think that might be doable... However we will still have to be careful to not treat them like kits so much." He responded quietly, his tailtip twitching slightly. He glanced towards the rogues and then Hopestar briefly before he returned his attention back over towards the female warrior sitting by him. "I'll bring it up to her regardless, so thank you for this suggestion." He told her, giving her a nod before his attention moved over to Skyeyes and his apprentice. Hopefully the medicine cat could get her down just fine. |
Fyran #12260 |
Posted 2020-12-03 09:08:21
(I apologize for not being active!) Moon - Rogue - Tags: Pebblepaw - Mentions: Smokey, Hopestar, Icestorm, Skyeyes Moon listened intently as Hopestar explained their potential future. She looked at the tom that Hopestar pointed out. Icestorm, gotta remember that. She wasn't all that surprised when Smokey jumped at the chance to join the clan, he seemed to be a little lonely like her. She slowly stood up and shook out her fur, then followed Smokey over towards Icestorm. She heard the medicine cat call out to someone and looked up at Pebblepaw. She smiled shyly and flicked her tail in greeting. "Hi Pebblepaw." Maplefur - Elder - Tags: None - Mentions: Skyeyes, Pebblepaw, Hopestar, Rogues His joints were aching quite a lot this morning, Maplefur observed. He should probably ask Skyeyes or his apprentice for something to ease the pain when they got back to camp. He sighed quietly. He didn't trust the rogues, but he did trust Hopestar's judgement. It was true that they needed more members. At least possibly gaining more apprentices meant that he could have them search his fur for ticks instead of doing it himself. He snorted at the thought. |
🌈Jaded Echo🌈 #9119 |
Posted 2020-12-05 08:54:47
Kestrelheart {} Female {} Warrior Kestrelheart watched with cautious interest as a she-cat followed the first tom, headed towards Icestorm. Her ears ticked back when she heard her call out to the Medicine Cat apprentice. Their interactions were none of her business, she concluded, as she turned back to Shadeheart in time to hear his response. |
katastrophic #12334 |