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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 4 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk led the way into the cheerful camp, saddened by the bad news she was going to invoke. Her tail flicked against Rabbitfoot, and she winced. He was already still and cold, unlike the living.

Posted 4 days ago
He heard voices and leaned forward to look into the entrance and his eyes widened as he noticed Rabbitfoots pelt. Oh Starclan! His eyes flicked to Frostear and his ears flattened as his gaze clouded with grief. "Oh Frostear, I'm so sorry."

Posted 4 days ago (edited)
Frostear stumbled and caught herself. "I'm so sorry, I worried." She whispered to his dead body. Frostear looks up. "Thank you."

petal the forestwing

Posted 4 days ago

Pumpkimpaw gasped at the sight of Rabbitfoot's limp body, carried by Duskstep. He didn't know much about the tom, but knew that he and the deputy had a short affair. Pumpkinpaw didn't know what to say, so he stayed silent.


Posted 4 days ago
Why is there so much death?? he padded out of the nursery, holding a small clump of moss. Who new we made nests for kits? Steering himself away from the crowd of cats, he led himself to the outside of the camp. He knew Furledwing told him to dig a hole and bury the old moss, but he didnt want to get his paws wet, besides that was too much work anyways. he just thrust some leaves over it and left back into the camp


Posted 4 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

"Where's Wildstar? She should know," Dusk blinked at Brackenleaf, stepping forward a bit

Posted 4 days ago
Frostear looked at brackenleaf. "Thank you brackenleaf." She sighs sadly.

petal the forestwing

Posted 4 days ago
He nodded as he sadly blinked at Rabbitfoots body before turning to Duskstep. "She may be asleep, the last time I saw her she went into her den. I think she's still grieving the kits and this...Well loss really hits her." He thought of when they were apprentices and he remembered how every death of a  clanmate had hit her hard, especially to those close to her.

Posted 4 days ago
Frostear nods understanding. "Kits should never die." She said. She looks at her cousin. "Or warriors." She sadly closed her eyes and lowered herself to the floor.

petal the forestwing

Posted 4 days ago (edited)
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk hesitated. She didn't want to disturb Wildstar, with more loss so soon after the kits. But she headed towards the leader's den, waiting outside. "Wildstar?"

(gtg for the night)

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