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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 1 day ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk sat down aswell, gazing off into the distance. "He said... He was going to ask me to be his mate, but got into a fox conflict and..." Dusk's gaze flicked down before she curled her tail over his paws. "He's waiting for me in Starclan."

Posted 1 day ago
stoneclaw closed his eyes. "i'm so sorry." he said his voice cracking hard. "it's hard to hear the truth when someone is going to starclan." when he open his eyes they were wet. "I don't know what to say."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 1 day ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk focused on him. "You don't need to say anything, friend." Her voice was quiet and soft, holding back grief and sadness. She was good at hiding her emotions. Dusk breathed a small sigh.

Posted 1 day ago
"you are sad, I can see it in your eyes." he sighs as well. "if you need anything, I would like to talk with you about it, and anytime." he turns and walks to his sister.

"what did you talk about?" frostear said. "you don't have to tell me, only if you want to you can."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 1 day ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk watched Stoneclaw walk away, starting to groom with another sigh. She couldn't-wouldn't-focus on anything else. Don't let emotion slip. She needed to be strong for herself and her clan. She started sorting cats into patrols again, placing a wall between herself and the grief.

Posted 1 day ago
Storm spire stood and stretched, padding over to Dusk step, she offer the she cat a small nod "hey, am I on any patrols?" She asked, keeping her tone neutral, she'd been waiting to ask, but then drama just appeared every time she tried to do so.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 1 day ago
stoneclaw shakes his head. "i'm sorry sis, I can't say only she can tell you." he said. he looked around the clearing with his soft eyes. deep down he felt concerned for his deputy, and he didn't know what else. he sighs and closed his eyes as he searched .

frostear nods and noticed him closing his eyes. she stood and walked away. she sighs sadly, and walked into the warrior den and laid down. her whole body felt like someone elses, she wanted to be alone with her grief.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 1 day ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

"Patrols?" Dusk glanced up, slightly startled, before nodding. "You can lead a border patrol with Dawnflare and Springnose, if you can find them. Feel free to take someone else, but don't rid our camp of warriors. We might need them."

Posted 1 day ago
"Ofcourse. I'll see if I can find them, do you need anything else? Help tracking down some cat? I've got nothing else to do after the patrol, may as well see" she paused before adding her second question, she didn't tend to chat this much, but it seemed Duskstep needed a bit more help, course she was sure the other she would be fine, never hurt to ask.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 1 day ago
Stoneclaw looks at stormspire. "Mind if I join?" He asked padding slowly up. "It might keep my mind off my sister." His tone slightly sad.

petal the forsetwing

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