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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 1 day ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk shook her head, "No need to do anything, I don't believe anything needs to be done anyway." She acknowledged Stoneclaw with a turn of her ear, before stretching and getting up. "I might as well get the other patrols."

Posted 1 day ago
"Alright" she meowed looking over at the tom "no, you can go on a different patrol, maybe console your sister rather then avoiding her" she meowed, her tone almost stern, she wasn't being mean, just had other cats to bring, and also, who avoids their grieving sister?

Ghost of the lost

Posted 1 day ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

"I was going to put you on a patrol with Frostear, if you don't mind." Dusk paused, glancing back at Stonefur. "She's still grieving and needs to take her mind off of something, and I believe you can help her."

Posted 1 day ago
stoneclaw nods. "alright, thanks, I was just double checking." he said. he looked at the warrior den. "no hard feelings."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 1 day ago
twilightpaw blinked. How did she talk like that? "Oh, um, gee" he swished his tail and looked down on the floor. Furledwing stomped into the den, with volcanicpaw at her heels. She looked at him, and raised her tail in greeting, and he raised his back. She blinked happily as Furledwing gathered him with her tail, and they headed out


Posted 1 day ago
Onyx paw gave an amused expression, flicking her tail at the three and giving Furledwing a small dip of her head, then she padded off to track down her darn mentor.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 1 day ago
Stoneclaw smiled as he walked to his sister and his smile disappeared as his sister spoke.

"Stoneclaw, I don't want to talk to you, I want to be alone with my sorrow." She said growling slightly. What she really wanted is someone else to speak with her, other then her older brother.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 1 day ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk sat, grooming, near the camp entrance. She couldn't help but overhear Frostear's words. Understandable, cats need time alone, but Stoneclaw was only trying to help. Dusk moved to a section of her pelt, licking the messy fur down. She got caught in her thoughts for a moment, remembering the past days. Would she have become Rabbitfoot's mate? Did she like him that much? He was a good clanmate, but Dusk wasn't sure she wanted anything more.

Posted 1 day ago
"Frostear, I'm trying to help." He sat near her. "I'm worried for you, don't let sadness rule your life, you can find someone else, I know."

Frostear looked up at him as he spoke. "Stoneclaw, I'm sorry, he was my best friend, and our cousin." She closed her eyes. "I wanted him as a close friend, not a mate." She opened her eyes sadly. "There's someone else that I want as a mate, but can't ask him, because what if he says no?"

petal the forsetwing

Posted 1 day ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk shook her head as if expelling the thoughts. She continued grooming, this time trying not to eavesdrop on the two siblings. Her tail flicked softly, and she started to assign patrols.

Neptunefrost H/H-Warrior

Neptune walked into camp with two mice and a vole swinging from his mouth. His fur ruffled from a breeze and he sighed. More grooming later. He deposited the prey on the fresh-kill pile, keeping a mouse for himself

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