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Name my wolf for gc! (CLOSED)

Posted 2024-10-11 17:34:03
1: Arzerial (Ar-zee-ree-ul)
2: Carion (Care-e-in)/(Care-e-on)
3: Shadala (Sha-doll-uh)
4: Frusha/Frushco (Froo-sh-uh)/(Froo-sh-co)

The parentheses is how I hear it but you can use it and say it different if u want!


Posted 2024-10-11 23:55:56
1: Helena - Greek Origin - "Shining Light" (HEL-eh-nah; HEH-Lay-na)
2. Achlys/Akhlys - Greek spirit of sorrow - (AK-liss)
3. Kalani - Hawaiian Origin - "The heavens" - (Kah-LAH-nee)
4. Calynn - Gaelic Origin - "Mighty in Battle" - (Kahl-IH-ihn)
5. Adelaide - German Origin - "Nobility" - (A-duh-layd)
6. Makayla - Hebrew Origin - "Who is like God" - (Muh-kay-la)
7. Circe - Greek Origin - "Bird" - (Sir-see)
Empyrean Expanse

Posted 2024-10-12 03:27:55
1. Kyriaki - Sunday in Greek
2. Telethusa - 'To come into being' in Ancient Greek
3. Eurydice - Wide justice in Ancient Greek
4. Maedeh - Glorious in Persian
5. Dryope - Woodpecker in Ancient Greek
6. Salmacis - an atypical Naiad nymph of Greek mythology
7. Naupaka - a flower originating from Hawaii
8. Jadwiga - the first woman to be crowned as monarch of the Kingdom of Poland
9. Aslaug - a figure in Norse mythology
10. Katydid - commonly known as a 'bush cricket'
11. Sokolova - Falcon in Russian
12. Minerva - intellect, wisdom/mind in Latin
13. Calypso - 'She who conceals' in Ancient Greek
14. Hortensia - Garden in Latin

narwhal (asena)

Posted 2024-10-16 03:46:06
very pretty wolf! a little late but here are some i thought of as soon as i saw them :]
"Alta Rasa" loosely meaning Deep Slate
"Tempestas" meaning Storm
"Cataegis" meaning Flurry
"Vincere" meaning Conquer
"Cieri" meaning Lunar Eclipse
"Virtus" meaning Bravery

Posted 2024-10-16 07:55:18
1. Ethurel
2. Sauros
3. Morpheus
Milk Snake (0/200 GC)

Posted 2024-10-17 02:03:09
Fremy might be a good name

Posted 2024-10-19 13:32:55
Zena - On Hiatus

Posted 2024-10-23 05:26:28
La beauté dans l'obscurit

French for Beauty in the Dark!

Posted 2024-10-23 05:30:20
Deianira - A name with Greek origins that means "man destroyer."
I think this would be perfect for her!!

Posted 2024-10-24 21:21:26
German Names:
- Hildegard: "Battle-guardian"
- Wilhelmina: "Resolute protector"
- Sylvia: "A lady of the woods or forest"

Russian Names:
- Tavisha: "Heavenly"
- Grusha: "Untamed" or "Majestic"
- Veronika: "She who brings victory" or "True image"

Norse (Viking) Names:
- Siegrun (SIY-Grahn): "victory rune"
- Tyra: "Holy thunder" or "Strength of Thor"
- Skadi: "damage", "harm", "shadow", or "Norse goddess of bowhunting, skiing, winter, and mountains"

Irish Names:
- Keira: "Little dark one"
- Shea: "the stately, dauntless one"
- Bree: "Strength" or "Exalted one"

Japanese Names:
- Runa: "Rune", "Secret lore", or "Moon"
- Miyuki: "Beautiful fortune", "Deep snow", "Beautiful reason for history", or "Happiness and good fortune"
- Lunamaria: "Moon-loving", "Sea moon", or "Dark areas of the moon"


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