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Ísjórná #135830

Ísjórná (Icy Wulfe)

Hi, you may call me Icy, I am 2 hours ahead of Wolvden time and I am still semi-new to Wolvden and learning all there is to know!
One other tidbit about me is I am an April Aries, born on the 5th with autism and anxiety, but overall, described as a "broken" Aries by my younger March Aries sister who says I don't have the confidence of one. Plus, I'm too goofy and wild but do have the tendencies for competitive streaks and the Aries nature, even tho slightly dampened.

My List of Favorites:
        Seasons: Fall & Winter
        Holidays: Christmas & Halloween
        Times of Day/Night: Sunrises, Sunsets, Stars, Full Moon & Night Skies (Typically nighttime)
        Colors: Black, Blue, White, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Brown, Gold & Silver
        Animals: Wolves, Foxes, Dogs & Cats (Mythical and Non-Mythical)
        Drinks: Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider & Arizona Tea
        Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Drawing, Coloring, Listening to Music, Crocheting & Wood Burning
        Characters: Severus Snape (HP), Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson & Helmut Zemo (Marvel) [Plus more I can't remember at the moment...]
        Books/Book Series: Dragon Lance, WoF, Warrior Cats, Harry Potter, Lotr, The Hobbit, The Kiesha'ra Series & more I can't remember at the top of my head
Norse Mythology and Music (preferably SKÁLD)

My favorite animal of all is wolves and has been since I had my first glimpse of a wild wolf on a road trip with my grandpa and has been a growing infatuation ever since. I enjoy playing Wolvden because it satisfies my love for wolves and the ability to create/breed them, or decorate, to what I desire. My favorite theme or looks for my wolves are anything celestial or moon based (pretty much the night skies) or natural based wolves.

My Trades (Currently 3)
My Raffles (Currently 1)

Stud Male
- 200 or 2 per breeding
- Friends get refunded breeding's to Freyr
- Fellow R&C members get 1 refunded breeding a week and 100 breeding discount afterwards with correct codeword(s) found in Stud Forum

My Wishlist
- Decor/BGs (preferably lunar or custom)
- Sc/Gc
- Amusement
- Breeding Items
- Applicators
- Dream Wolves Spoiler Below (Needed Wishlist)

Erebus (¡Current Dream Stud Building Project!)
- Pose Variant [Relaxed]
- Base Applicator [Selene]
- Skin Applicator [Chill]
- Nose Applicator [Chill]
- Claw Applicator Chill
- Eye Applicator [Hevl]
- MoD: Patches Split/Patches Pointed
- Markings Applicator [Losna] (2)
- Markings Applicator [Airglow]
- Markings Applicator [Artemis]
- Markings Applicator [Nightchill] (2)
- Markings Applicator [Penumbra]
- Markings Applicator [Selene]
- Marking Set Applicator [Wraith]
- Marking Set Applicator [Crawl]
- Feather Wings - Bottom [Black]
- Feather Wings - Top [Black]
- Ear Tuft [Black]
- Belly Fluffy [Black]
- Fluffy Mane [Black]
- Elbow Tufts [Black]
- Light Snow

Severus Snape
- Pose Variant [Relaxed]
- Base Applicator [Umbra]
- Skin Applicator [Umbral]
- Nose Applicator [Umbral]
- Claw Applicator [Umbral]
- Eye Applicator [Moonlight]
- Markings Applicator (3)
- Markings Applicator [Artemis] (4)
- Markings Applicator [Crystal]
- Marking Set Applicator [Wraith]
- Marking Set Applicator [Shadow]
- Blue Moon
- Broken Antler Decor
- Ear Tuft [Black]
- Elbow Tufts [Black]
- Feather Wings - Bottom [Black]
- Feather Wings - Top [Black]
- Flirty Expression [Black]
- Light Snow

- Pose Variant [Relaxed]
- Base Applicator [Umbra]
- Skin Applicator [Umbral]
- Nose Applicator [Umbral]
- Claw Applicator [Umbral]
- Eye Applicator [Tranquil]
- Marking Applicator (2)
- Markings Applicator [Caelum]
- Markings Applicator [Cynthia] (2)
- Markings Applicator [Losna]
- Markings Applicator [Nightchill]
- Lunar Forest Fog
- Circling Orbs
- Elbow Tufts [Dark Blue]
- Exquisite Adorned Horns [Lunar]
- Feather Wings - Bottom [Black]
- Feather Wings - Top [Black]
- Glowing Eyes [Lunar]
- Lunar Breath
- Glowing Paws [Lunar]
- Pendent [Lunar Tear]
- Light Snow


Truffle Puff

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Quotev: I.R. Wulfe

Come check out my two stories I've been working on!! (Warning, I haven't recently been active in updates. I've been working on new chapters and hoping to find some time to add new additions)
- Immortal Wolves: Shadows of My Past
- Sacred Relics: The Fall of the Wolves
Member Information
Name Ísjórná
Pack Helgafjǫrðr Pakki
Alpha Ástríðr
Joined 2024-02-29
Last Active 2 days ago
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