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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 5 days ago

"How dare you accuse your leader of cheating," I gasped, turning and leaping at the tom, easily knocking him into the mud.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 5 days ago

Stormpelt slid across the mud, and was about to spit a retort, when something scraped his front leg.
"Ow." he said, "Ow, ow, ow..." The mud in Stormpet's wound was making it sting.


Posted 5 days ago

At his words, I leapt back. "What's wrong?" I questioned, scanning his body, though it was hard to see anything through his mud-splattered pelt.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 5 days ago

Stormpelt limped, the mud making his wound sting. Licking away the mud, grimacing at the taste, he was shocked to see a deep cut, welling with blood.
"Well, that can't be good..." he muttered, the sight of his blood making him dizzy.


Posted 5 days ago

"Let's get you back to Cloudheart," I ordered, rushing over and nudging him to his paws. "We can't risk it getting infected."
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 5 days ago

Stormpelt nodded and stood up, careful to not put weight onto the wound. He could feel the warm, crimson blood dripping down his foreleg, and winced every time he moved it.


Posted 5 days ago

Leading the way back to camp, tail pressed against his flank to prevent any tripping. "Cloudheart!" I called, padding into camp.


Ears pricking at the leaders call, I glanced up from my nest in concern, spotting Doestar leading a limping Stormpelt into camp. "What happened?" I questioned.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 5 days ago

Cloudheart hurried out, scenting the sharp tang of blood.
"Bring him in, quick."


Stormpelt managed a smile.
"Oh, nothing. I just scraped a branch pretty hard." Stormpelt lied, wincing.


Posted 5 days ago

Rising from my nest, wincing as my joints protested, I padded over to the medicine den. "Anything I can do?" I asked
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 5 days ago

"If you could get something to clean the mud off, that's be great." Cloudheart said, as he guided Stormpelt to the medicine den. Cloudheart sniffed at the wound, where mud had already seeped in.
Well, that's probably getting infected...


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