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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 6 hours ago

"Born ready." he said, "Oh ya, Ridgeclan patrol, correct?"


Posted 6 hours ago (edited)
She rose shaking out her pelt and stretching out her legs."ready as I'll ever be,I think I'm over doing this,it's like my 3rd patrol" she chuckled and nodded "yea I wanna check it out" she purred.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 6 hours ago

Stormpelt followed Frostfeather outside, pelt puffing up at the cold.


Posted 6 hours ago

I padded after the two, silent as the wind buffeted my face, pushing my ears and whiskers back as I narrowed my eyes.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 6 hours ago
Frost feather padded along ears perked.*well at least the amount of patrols I do give me time to think about my boring life* she thought mildly amused.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 5 hours ago

Stormpelt kept his eye out for intruders, and jaw open for scent.


Posted 5 hours ago
Yall can just puppet frost I gtg for my grandfathers b-day!)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 hours ago

Padding along Ridgeclan's border, I sniffed the air and rubbed my flank against a branch, leaving my scent and some fur behind.


Blinking open my eyes with a yawn, I glanced around in confusion, yesterday's events coming back as I shifted, my shoulder stiff and sore.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2 hours ago
She followed mostly just listening and watching for threats or anything brushing against trees or a bush or two while she walked and glancing back at the two toms every now and then mostly just because she always felt oddly uncomfortable patrolling the ridge clan border.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 hours ago

"Their border smells strong today," I meowed, tasting the air, muzzle wrinkling at their scent.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

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