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Sales Discussion Chat

Sales Discussion Chat
Posted 2024-10-20 11:10:11 (edited)
We need a public chat dedicated to talking about sales, trades, and giveaways! The Sales, Art Sales, and Giveaway chats are only really good for advertising all that good stuff, and we don't seem to be allowed to talk about trading at all in the Main Chat, even if you're just offering to give someone free food, amusement, or medicine to help them out because they're struggling. So a chat dedicated to talking about all things trading, including price checks and free stuff, would be super helpful to have access to!

Edit: I do explicitly mention not being allowed to offer someone free food or amusement, because I remember getting bonked by mods in the past, because I offered to give someone free resources because they mentioned struggling with something, in-game. Kindness should not be punished just because it "doesn't belong in the Main Chat".

Posted 2024-10-20 15:50:36

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Posted 2024-10-20 16:26:23
This is an amazing idea because I LIVE in the giveaway chat box and love helping out newbies, though it does feel like a bit of a struggle when say, I'm doing a random claim, and want to announce the winner, but can't just put it up in the box.

Waffle-y Christmas!

Posted 2024-12-02 10:57:26 (edited)
I miss old, good Sales chat in Wolvden, where was no cooldown with between posts. There was a rule to post max 4 different ads within 10 minutes. Sale discussions there were without limit though. You can imagine that the trading experience was quite enjoyable in this little chatbox - you throw ads, somewolf responds, you respond back, both of you negotiate the price, make a deal, awesome!

Since Wolvden stuffs us with an excess of items we don't need and wolves no one wants, players offered giveaways in Main chat. It became quite disturbing when players wanted to chitchat and every once in a while somewolf offered a giveaway that was swarmed with replies. So giveaways were taken from the Main chat and a new chat was made for those, which was a good concept but badly designed since players had 10 minute cooldown between posting and replies were forbidden in the chat. I still keep questioning why it wasn't implemented in the most intuitive way: by simply making a new chat for giveaway themed posts without any additional restrictions.

How is it related to the old Sales chat, you may ask? Well, new Giveaway chat brought plenty of negative feedback that players couldn't reply to giveaways in the chat and were forced to either reply in a chatter thread or send a message in inbox. But I found a way to circumvent this restriction that I shared in the Game Development thread: whatever I planned for giveaway, I just went to Sales chat and offered the stuff for 1 SC (even refunded trades were allowed to be posted in Sales chat) and I could get a reply in the chat - simple, easy, just look:

But it looks like it felt unfair that Sales chat was more lenient than Giveaway chat with this simple trick so the development decided to fix the balance between the chats and several months later, along with attaching a form of reply to Giveaway chat named "claim", to ensure no one would feel it worth to circumvent the still ongoing restriction of replying into the Sales chat, under a pretext of growing community (the community hasn't significantly grown in numbers for years), 10-minute cooldown has been introduced to Sales chat and this is how it has been for years: we have no place in the chatbox to make conversations about trades anymore.

I surely would like some rollback to how Sales chat worked in the beginning since the number of active players in the community hasn't changed.


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