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Experimented Wolf RP

Posted 2024-11-15 06:46:52
Tripp's smile dropped at the sad tone to Silver's voice. They zipped over, pressing their muzzle into his fur below his ear.

"Is EverYThiNG AlriiGhhT…??"


Posted 2024-11-15 06:49:05
"Sadly no, I know we can try to keep the other safe, but we can't have pups." He whispers even though no one was around. "I'm sorry." He said his voice choking, and muffled by her fur. "I'm so sorry."

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 2024-11-15 06:53:58
Tripp blinked, admittedly looking a bit relieved that it wasn't anything horrible… but still clearly something that bothered Silver. They cuddled up to him, their voice gentle.

"WhAt AbOUt AdOpTiNGgg…?"
They suggested.


Posted 2024-11-15 06:59:30
(I seeee,something)

nox had woken before storm who was knocked out asleep now.Now nox was practicing in the trees flapping her little wings and jumping from branch to branch.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-11-15 07:28:48
"I didn't think of that." He said slightly happier. "I'm too stressed and dumb to think about that." He said, ticking her with his snout.

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 2024-11-15 07:32:02
Tripp chuckled, pulling him closer with a paw.

"MAyBE jUst STReSSed."
They assured.

While on the topic of adoption, they spared a rather conspicuous glance towards Nox.


Posted 2024-11-15 07:33:05
Nox was now just messing around bobbing her head to a song storm had taught her.Storm was now awake and watching Nox

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-11-15 07:33:07
Silver saw the glance. "Maybe." He said nuzzling her. "Let's find the others."

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 2024-11-15 07:37:26
Tripp nodded, following Silver.

"I THiNK thEy wenT hUntiNGgg. AftEr I DiD."
They provided.


Posted 2024-11-15 07:40:25
"someone watch nox,she gets hurt,and I'll hurt someone" storm said stretching and walking off probably to get a snack or something.

Nox tilted her head but shrugged just protective! best mama! she thought wagging her tail

Ghost of the lost

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