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Experimented Wolf RP

Posted 1 day ago
Laying next to the cave where Tripp is//


Posted 1 day ago
OH okay//

Tripp, deciding that there was no other way to continue their conversation with Snowdrift and stood up from their nest. They floated above the ground, curling their forelegs under them and appearing as if they were simply laying on air, while also moving.

They had done an awful lot of sleeping lately. However that worked when they were dead. They wondered if it had anything to do with how bad they were feeling. They wondered if they should call it a mid-life crisis… but they were dead, so… hm. They settled on calling it an ongoing life crisis.

They scanned around the outside of their cave with their swirling eyes, their tail swishing when they spotted Rebel again, just outside.

They grinned, dropping to the ground and bounding over to him.

"ReBEL!! REbS!! REBByYYy!!!!"


Posted 1 day ago
Snowdrift blinked at Ivory, hesitating as she didn't respond. He nearly jumped six feet in the air as the ghost wolf flashed past him. "Yeek!"


Posted 1 day ago
Rebel seemed to be pulled into an old memory when he saw Tripp floating towards him, her swirly self making rebel smile.

"Tripp! Your awake." He said enthusiastically, changing his position to a sitting posture.


Posted 1 day ago
Ravensong had emerged from her den after a grooming, glancing at Rebel and Tripp, before padding over to the group.


Posted 1 day ago (edited)
Tripp offered Rebel a toothy grin, the charm on their metal collar jingling as they stopped in front of him. They shook their fur out, tipping their head to the side.

"HI, YeS, AWaKE!!" Their spiraling eyes spun faster. "ArE yOu DOiNGgg anYthiNGg iNTErESTiNg??"

As Ravensong entered the scene, their tail blurred.


Posted 1 day ago
Rebels tail wagged at the rainbow ghost wolf. "Just killed a beaver I guess. But nothing much." He replied.

(Sorry gtg)


Posted 1 day ago (edited)
Ravensong hesitantly kept her distance from Tripp, not quite trusting them.

Snowdrift was watching Tripp, flicking his tail. "Ivory?" He tried again, a bit concerned that the gray wolf was ignoring him. He blinked, turning away. "Never mind."


Posted 1 day ago
No worries, and they're not rainbow, just colorful! They're purple and teal.//

"OOooooOohoo… a BeAVER?" They seemed more interested than they should be, which would lead the other wolves to think they were forcing it. They were, however, not.

Their gaze drifted to face Ravensong and Snowdrift, their head turning to follow at an unnatural looking angle. They proceeded to whisper loudly,

"…WhAT's a BeAveR?"


Posted 1 day ago
Silver sighs wishing that someone other then his brother to talk with him.

Shapeshifter the goldwing

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