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Birthdays! (A thread to post birthday wishlists!)

Birthdays! (A thread to post birthday wishlists!)
Posted 2024-10-23 16:01:30 (edited)


Hello! I'm Moon! I'm making this thread because I was setting up my birthday wishlist and was like "Oh, but where will I post it?" And a friend gave me this idea! An entire thread for people to post their birthday wishlists!


1: Please no coversation in the thread. If you'd like to discuss something with someone, message them. If you have a question, message me.
2: Please only post your birthday wishlist! You can edit it at anytime! Please do not post more than once.
3: Don't be greedy! And be honest.
4: Have fun! Gift other people!
5: Please bump this.


Please use this layout for easy access!
birthday: (When is your birthday? You can leave out year! Here is mine as an example! 11-29!)

Items wanted: (What things would you like? Apps? Decor? Perhaps a special wolf?)

Currency wanted: (Self explanatory. Do you want and ? If so, how much?)

Birthday Options! (Dates with be organized in Month and Numerical order!
You can click the spoiler beneath the month and gift someone under the month you chose! Be it a friend or stranger!


Jan 5

Feb 18th


April 29


June 2nd

July 12th

August 14th



November 13
November 18
Novermber 29

Dec 9th
Dec 17th
Dec 20th

I am open to recommendations to make this post better!

Posted 2024-10-23 16:04:01
birthday: 11-29

Items wanted: Apps: (Achilles, Wisp, Clover, Moss) (Matching S-C-N sets: Rouge, fern, fungus) (Total Shuffle) (Random Marking Applicators!)
Bulk Decor
Bulk herbs
Any decor or app from my wishlist!

Currency wanted: Any amount of or

Posted 2024-10-23 16:09:05
birthday: 1-05

Items wanted: Any base apps, any apps (including grove), bulk uncommon decor, poses, backgrounds (not common, sex changers (WILL ADD MORE OVER TIME!)

Currency wanted: Any thing, any amount! Preferably 500+ but whatever is fine! <3


Posted 2024-10-23 16:13:24
Birthday: April 29th

Items wanted: Any apps, bulk uncommon/rare decor, poses (preferably 2), backgrounds (preferably 2), Elk Bundle, Elk heart, Sexc changer, Guarana, Instant Pup Delivery (All in grove) (MORE TO BE ADDED)

Currency wanted: Preferable 500+ and/or 2+

๐•Ž๐•’๐•—๐•—๐•๐•–๐•Ž๐• ๐•๐•— [โ„]

Posted 2024-10-26 17:35:41
Birthday: June 2nd

Items wanted: Breeding items, food, amusement, den materials, grove stuff

Currency wanted: Gold cones: 2+

Posted 2024-10-27 16:02:45
Birthday: february 18

Items wanted: backgrounds, base apps, eye apps, guarana, decor, anything from my wishlist

Currency wanted: any!

i love this idea


Posted 2024-11-06 22:27:07
Hii mine is 11-13! I've been wanting some spooky looking CD , natural or mute wolfs or ANY amount of GC is fine! thank you so much if you gift !<3


Posted 2024-11-09 15:29:04
birthday: The 14th of August!

Items wanted: Anything in my Wishlist, but decor overall, fatal muties, and any of the wolfs in the "Pretty Wolves I Want" on my den bio!! Oh and breeding stuff, mostly wolf meat!!

Currency wanted: I want a lot of , enough to make an immortal wolf (placement + jellyfish) and to buy the extra pup stages! Any extra will be loved!! When it comes to , ill take any amount you wanna give!!

Posted 2024-11-12 17:42:19
B-day: Dec 20!

Wanted: Honestly, anything not too bad. I'm not that picky, although I do want any applicators or anything in Grove!

Currency wanted: Any amount of GC, or 100+ SC.

Posted 2024-11-18 19:02:38
Hi my birthday is tomorrow can i have some GC or Useful Items : )

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