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- -{ The Rogue's Fate - The Best Bareback | Contest - CLOSED }- -

- -{ The Rogue's Fate - The Best Bareback | Contest - CLOSED }- -
Posted 2024-11-27 23:48:24 (edited)

⋆⟣⦑ » ⊗ « ⦒⟢⋆
Are you ready? Introducing TRF's first ever competition, by the majority vote, the first Best Bareback awards! Best Bareback highlights the wolf and just the wolf. From muted naturals to eye catching colorbombs, any wolf can win! Here are the rules:

You must be a member of TheRogue'sFate to enter : [link]

⦁ The wolf cannot have decor equipped/visible. Backgrounds and pose are acceptable.

⦁ There is a one wolf per person limit. What you submit is set in stone!

⦁ It must be your wolf. It cannot be in a trade, raffle, gift, or be removed from your pack. Non-existing wolves from wardrobe or wolves outside of your pack are disqualified. Wolves entered after the set deadline will be disqualified.

⦁ Please provide a link to the original wolf and an image for ease of viewing.

⦁ The wolf will be judged as-is at the time the deadline arrives and before voting starts.

⦁ Ends on Dec 10th at 21:00 WD-T. Voting starts right after and ends Dec 15th at 21:00 WD-T. Dec 26th before RO [Unclear Results have resulted in a new vote.]

Now that the boring stuff is over, how about some loot? Top THREE wolves will receive a prize according to their placing

First Place: and 5
Relaxed Pose - Playful Otter

Second Place: and 250
Lunar Chickadee

Third Place:
        Moss puppy

Good luck! And may the votes be in your favor.

- -{ Entries }-
Storm - WaffleWolf - #141752
Ferret - Darksight - #148138
Lone - reynbow! 🍬 - #19664
Dragula - Figment 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑 - #122059
Tiger -  🦌Xzeno🎄 - #137265
Kunzite - HoneyGemini - #53831

⋆⟣⦑ » ⊗ « ⦒⟢⋆

⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆

Posted 2024-11-29 07:57:28 (edited)

Here's my pretty boi ^^ (Image is link)


Posted 2024-11-30 20:52:44 (edited)
My badger girl ^^

(alb carrier, 1500+ stats, T3)



Posted 2024-11-30 22:52:10 (edited)
My boy ❇Spook❇
(I'm trying add image I forgot how lol help)


Posted 2024-12-02 13:00:18
A lot of my wolves are decorated so I had very slim pickings but here's my girly Ione

reynbow! 🎶

Posted 2024-12-02 13:39:05
The original wolf has decor applied, unfortunately I can't accept it as an entry. For the future though- If you go to your wolf, hit the left mouse button/tap hold if mobile > copy image address > then paste into an image tag, it should show up. ^^

@everyone else
Entries have been updated!

⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆

Posted 2024-12-02 13:53:23 (edited)
☬°⋆༺ Δράγκουλα ༻⋆°☬ ᴳ¹ Has Entered [Dragula]

Image Is Link

Figmɘnt Tʜɘ 𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑

Posted 2024-12-02 14:36:24 (edited)
Ok sorry about that, I'd instead like to offer Tiger!


Posted 2024-12-02 14:41:22
No worries. ^^

Entries have been updated!

⋆⟣⦑⊰ ᴀᴍᴀᴄ ⊱⦒⟢⋆

Posted 2024-12-04 20:13:32
Here is my beautiful girl Kunzite


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