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Event: The Matchmaker

Posted 2025-02-09 14:08:43
They were playersexual last year as well, the pool wasn't capped once you unlocked all NPCs that were interested in your gender.
In the very beginning they weren't, meaning the first year, until we noticed how botched the numbers were and it was changed for fairness.
It was also intended to be playersexual this year but the code messed up (decided upon after two separate polls).

I do agree that it takes away from the interest representation of the NPCs to have them like every gender but I feel like it should stay like this until the pools are evened out, since otherwise especially NB will be disadvantaged which would essentially be punishing a whole group of players just for choosing the gender they identify with.
I also can't agree with the availability of the decors since the new ones will become rarer as the pool grows and prices will mostly go higher for the newest ones which may not be affordable for a lot of players.

And just like you are saying the imbalance could be fixed over time so it should stay capped, many people say the imbalance can be fixed over time but it should stay open until that is the case since otherwise some genders will not only miss out on dateables but also on a lot of currency which would be really unfair.

Still, I am hoping the event will be reworked to be fun, fair and rewarding for everyone starting next year.


Posted 2025-02-09 14:09:25
@★ Atmospheric They were though. The first year got changed due to the fact that non-binary only had 9 wolves while male-female had 13. & last year they were player sexual as well. That's why I was able to get all of the wolf decors, not just non-binary ones & also why I have them buried so I don't get rid of them by mistake.

I wanted player sexual wolves because of that imbalance. Fix that & give everyone a chance to get the new wolves when they come out and I'd be fine them being based on the sexual orientations after that.

Posted 2025-02-09 15:01:42
I agree with Atmospheric. The current playersexual preference renders blank gay, lesbian, straight and bi identities because all wolves like everybody and I am just not a fan of that. I get that NB leaders are at disadvantage with less datables options but the easy fix of that would be to just add more datatble options for this gender, not to change all gay wolves, lesbians, hetero and bi wolves into "i like whatever"


Posted 2025-02-09 15:12:39
I like this change, it would be a shame to be locked out of event stuff due to my gender or sexuality.  I also don't really care about role-playing, I just want to collect event stuff. It'd be a bit sucky if I had to miss out on something for something I can't just change.

Perhaps a compromise could be wolves not attracted to your gender identity get rolled last from the pool + would take a -1 hit to your date. That way it doesn't impact the priority pool, plus there's a sort of mechanic for sexualities without locking players like me out.


Posted 2025-02-09 15:29:20
I do think reworking this event is something the devs etc are working on/thinking about so hopefully we'll have a solution that works for everyone in the coming years ^^


Posted 2025-02-09 15:30:01
As someone who was not, personally, happy with the playersexual change on the grounds that it upped my odds for getting the new datable, Epi, from a 1 in 6 to a 1 in 17 today (let's not mention how given my leads traits how much harder it will be to romance them to 100% if I happen to luck out) and that I in fact got Oaken, a wolf that is only attracted to female wolves, not my male lead, but I'm not going to argue for it to be reversed at all, but I'll say we need a third more balanced option.

As things stand with the event, no matter which of the two options we have currently (playersexual vs gender based initial dating pools), it will leave a good chunk of players unhappy for one reason or another. I get that we are not supposed to be able to max out all datables and that's fine, but given how rng reliant pulling a datable is now, wouldn't be better to eliminate some of the randomness and give players a bit of more control in which direction they can go?

I'm not going to suggest a half baked change based on my ideas, there's plenty of other player suggestions to consider or even there could be a novel manner to deal with this which hasn't been thought about.

I dislike being solely negative so on another note: I do adore the new eye app quite a lot and I find a lot of the new decors quite the upgrade to the shop.


Posted 2025-02-09 15:33:58
news lets goooooooo
Aaliyah-Wolf Designer-PM!

Posted 2025-02-09 15:35:33 (edited)
If we're really keeping playersexual gameplay for good, I would like a -1 hit on a date because then I'd at least know not to bother immediately instead of having to check a wiki or get really far into dating a character only to learn they don't like my leaf wolf's gender. I like how sexualities have to get unlocked, because it is a personal thing that someone might not want to disclose until you've become close with them, and I think that's cool to show that in gameplay, but it's a pain if I'm using it to tell if I want to date a character or not.

Also, yes! I love the new eye app too, it's so appealing, and I might use it on a future lead wolf... seeing nonbinary and trans apps this year is awesome as a nonbinary person. I go for a more natural pack so I don't ever use them, but the identity-based apps for this event are really cool and fun and I like them. Sorry to devs that I've mostly been complaining on this newspost. I do really enjoy this event.


Posted 2025-02-09 15:37:02
For sure, I am not saying that it needs to be changed this year I just dont like the perspectove that there was a vote held when people were uhappy because of disbalance and because of the results the event will be forever changed to "wolves dont have sexualities, they are playersexual".
I am fine with getting "incompatibile" wolves in my dating pool, just maybe, after I collect all that prefer my gender? I dont like that they all have changed their preferences to all despite being clearly gay, lesbian or whatever else before :(
I am also fine with changing few already existing npcs to like nonbinary
It is for sure discouraging for the players who like to play as nonbinary to have unfair pool of datables third time in a row. I mean three years is a lot to balance things out??
I think more players would be okay with wolves keeping their original sexual orientation they were designed with from the start if nonbinary pool was fair compared to female and male options.


Posted 2025-02-09 15:38:46
@Bluejay In that case yeah, I totally agree, it really is just about the fairness and I would love to see the different orientations if things get balanced ^^


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