Mod Reset #150415

link Click on me to help me hatch, thrive, and grow! Adopt one yourself!
So is this supposed to be an about me or something?
Okay, here it goes.
My name is Aaliyah. Pronouns are She/Her. Like the buttons say.
I am on the same time as Wolvden.
I enjoy going on hikes and spending time with my Parents, Two dogs (who are the center of my universe and I would burn the world down if anything happened to them

I speak Spanish and am great at some forms of art. I am in an honor orchestra program and love writing (as you can see on my den page)
My partner of almost 1 year is also on Wolvden! They are so sweet! Find Annie´s profile here link
Also, the tiny identity buttons that I am now obsessed with are here link
I am usually very quiet and don't seem to like a lot of people. I do love helping people, especially if I do not know them. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can talk to me.
I do not really like getting into conversations about religion as I am an atheist. Belive whatever you want, worship whoever you want, and I respect that. But note that if a conversation about religion starts, I am going to exit that situation. Thanks for understanding!
My story on my den page is based on the book A Wolf Called Wander and my favorite wolf, OR7 (commonly referred to as Journey). Respect my space, please.
I beg you.
I will notify you guys here if I will not be rolling over for a period of time, but I roll every day unless otherwise stated. If I do t roll over with no warning, I was either very very very VERY busy/tired, or I am dead.
I can act really moody some days and happy others, like most of this profile was done when I was in a very goth-type state. But right now? Sorry for all the buttons at the top and they are so adorable and I just love them and yay!
I am usually very quiet and may not seem like I am in a good mood, but I can be somewhat cheery
Why did I even make this?
Why did I spend time telling people about myself?
Like damnitt, I don't even know who the hell I am anymore.
My dog Hailey as a wardrobe wolf
Below here is how I organize my pack! This has everything from names to jobs to dens to roles to levels. This may cause your computer to lag. This is designed for me. You can read it if you are bored, curious about how I organize, or want to learn more about my pack. I will except suggestions on these, but I will not tolerate you telling me that how I sort my wolves is ¨Wrong¨ or that I should take this off of my profile. I have this easy-to-access and in a place that others can learn more of they feel inclined for a reason.
Dens are an important part of pack life.
There is a shared den for Herbalists, Mentors, and Scouts, as there are very few of each and they are each respected similarly. This den is also used for elder wolves for the same reasons.
There is a den for pupsitters and pupsiters only, known as the Pupsitting den. Here, they can relax without the pups. They also have their own den because there are so many of them.
There is also a den for only hunters, known as the Hunter´s den. Here, they can discuss tactics for hunting and practice with each other. Only hunters have this den because of the quantity of wolves with this role, and so that they can relax after a stressful hunt.
The Quarantine den is where wolves that are sick go so that the illness does not spread. this den is currently not in use because of how many sick wolves I have, but this should be changed soon.
Den of Youth is used for pups and adolescents that are weaned, and even yearlings under the age of 1 year and 1 month. In real life, yearlings are used as pupsitters in large groups while the older wolves go out to hunt. This is because they still act like puppies. Although they can learn at this age, they usually do not begin truly hunting or dispersing until they reach 2 years of age. For the sake of my sanity and roleplay, however, wolves are given roles at 1 year and 1 month. Never before unless the pack is in a crisis, or I just did not notice. Unweaned pups stay with their mothers. This den has not been created yet but will be created soon.
The Forgotten is for wolves without a role, or Refugees (which I will get into later). This is the equivalent of my unsorted wolves, used so that wolves don't get sick. Again, does not matter right now, but hoping to change that.
The Refugees' den is for well, Refugees. But more on them in a moment. This den has not been created yet but will be soon.
The info below will all be in the footnote of a wolf. This will be easy-to-access way for me to quickly see many aspects of a wolf´s life.
Mentors, Herbalists, Elders, and Scouts
These wolves are regarded highly as bringers of wisdom and patience. It is believed that much can be learned form them. These wolves are chosen from birth (with the exception of elders, of course) and are highly regarded. Elders become elders when they reach 7 years and are retired from any role, but they do not move to the Forgotten.
Alpha and Breeding male
Like in most packs, there is an alpha female and male here (Male is breeding male almost always, and the leader is female). They are usually pairbonded and have most of the pups in the pack. They stay loyal to only each other, and other wolves, unlike real packs, may breed, but only every other heat. This way, the pack is mostly the pups of the Alphas.
Hunters are respected because they feed the pack. Although in the real world, all wolves hunt, this is a game, and I don't give any parts of a damn. They feed the pack and provide life.
Ppsitters are respected and sympathized with. They are stuck watching pups (most enjoy it, but still) and all wolves know that it is exhausting. They are well respected because they keep the blood of the pack alive.
Wolves with no roles
With the exception of refugees, wolves with no role are frowned upon. If they are old enough to work, they should. These are the only wolves in the pack not respected and are always fed last. Even the pups and adolescents eat before they do. These wolves are considered ¨Worthless¨ and ¨A waste of food¨
Although the apprentices do not receive as much respect as other members of the pack, they are still cared for and respected. They are learning, and trying their best to become something greater, and this is acknowledged and appreciated.
Refugees (R)
Refugees are wolves that will never be in the pack for long. They stay for 2 years or less and are looking for new homes. They are either
Ment for my Raise and Chase program
Being given away
Being sold
Are a prize in a raffle
or are a traveler.
They never have roles and are fed well, but not as well as the wolves that help out. They are willingly taken in temporarily to find a good home. Not all wolves that were not born into the pack are refugees. Even some wolves that are blood of the pack will be refugees. These are just wolves that I don´t intend on keeping.
Unweaned pups or pups with no training
Apprentices or pups that have begun training
Any wolf at or under 3 levels or at or under the age of 4
Any wolf at or under 5 levels or at or under 5 years
Any wolf at or above 8 levels or above 5 years.
The name chosen at birth. This is the first part of their name that appears in the ¨Name¨ section and will not change until the day they die.
This is going to be a bit like the Warriors series. Similar to Their Level, Role. Personality, and nickname (if given) They will also have a suffix. They will appear as follows
pup-any pup, similar to kit
paw-any apprentice or wolf too young to work but above the age of paw
flower- an elder wolf, getting older (7 years or above)
Star-an alpha male or female
The following suffixes may be used for adult wolves
My theme for names is any name for a plant. All of my wolves, unless unnamed, are named after plants! Some names may be long and confusing, but you can look up the name and I guarantee you it is a real plant or part of the name of a plant! sometimes forget to name NBWs or pups, so if you have a name suggestion PM! You may also see many wolves in my pack named ¨Grape¨ r some variation of this. I am not obsessed with the name. This is my placeholder name, so If I do not know what to name a wolf, I name them Grape. This is temporary, so let me now if you have a name suggestion for them (plants only)
If you want to know how I named a certain wolf, just ask! It can depend on several things, including plants I like, fur color, eyes, a marking that really stands out to me, personality, a vibe that the wolf gives off, and more. If you want to know about a certain wolf, just PM!
A quick note may also appear in the footnote such as ¨First ___ To be bred in to pack! <3
I will categorize the wolves by personality type, as I may not have enough room in the footnote to list full personality. The code is listed below, along with my other codes
Here is the order in which I will put the notes in the footnote.
NR=No Role
Yes, I know that the icon appears under their name, but sometimes I forget hat the icon means, or some situations like No role, apprentice, pup, or refugee do not have a symbol.
Inexperienced (I)
Learning (L)
Working (W)
High (H)
Master (M)
Friendly (FR)
Unfriendly (UF)
Stoic (ST)
Romantic (RM)
Each note is to have a dash between it. An example of this may look something like this
leaf-K-H-ST-First Mel Bred
pup-NR-I-FR-Frost Pup
Bios of my wolves will be short and concise while breaking down many important things about this wolf. This includes, but is not limited to:
Their parents if raised into my pack
What biome they were found in if they are an NBW
What pack they were bred into if not bred in my pack
How I acquired them (partially listed above)
Future role if pup or apprentice
Future pairbond
If not a refugee, if I plan on keeping
If I do not plan on keeping, they are not listed as R&C, and not in a gift, trade, or raffle, what price I may consider giving them up for
Other important info I may need to know
When will these changes take place? None of this info is currently in your pack!
Great question! Most of my wolves are around the same age, meaning that most will die around the same time. When this mass casualty takes place, or when my lead dies and Betula becomes the heiress, I will implement this into my pack! For now, I am too lazy to do any of this!
Also, sorry for the bad grammar and spelling in this spoiler section! I typed all of this in 2 sittings and I always type really fast. I figured most people won´t even see this, so I apologize for those that did! (I am looking at you Annie)
This is subject to be added on to at any time
Check out my Wishlist! I am updating it and if you can spare anything that would be great but is not expected. Some items I would probably cry if I received.
If you can spare food or amusement that would be really appreciated, my pack is struggling a little lol.
I also am currently struggling with my depression. Like... A lot. I used this game as a way to cope but if I am not in for a while or seem to be half heartedly responding to messages/tell you to wait on a custom wolf, it is nothing personal! ❤️❤️ I am probably just having a long/bad day. I will try to be as nice as I can but sometimes it is hard. Thanks for understanding! ❤️❤️
Radioactive piss
2025-03-01 15:36:27
drm (#149994)
my piss son
2025-03-03 20:57:18
🍊drm (#149994)
@[128200] GYATT!!! well. worth the bounty
2025-03-05 18:43:36
I only do my current BEST examples!
HIGGY FUCKING FIGGY and thank you for your time
Member Information | ||
Name | Mod Reset | |
Pack | Mossy Logs Pack | |
Alpha | Birch | |
Joined | 2024-12-22 | |
Last Active | 23 minutes ago |