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Warrior Cats a New World: Alpineclan RP

Posted 2 days ago
oakear crouched and pounced grabbing the bird out of the air. he tore the feathers off of one of the wings, and landed on top of it. "thank you starclan." he painted.

Shapeshifter the Goldwing

Posted 2 days ago

He nodded as he finally understood. "Ivykit is a good name." He mused, just imagining her as a young cat. He smiled as his thoughts seemed to wander off from the conversation. Kits were so cute! He wanted kits of his own one day. He smiled at himself.

Posted 2 days ago
Autumnfur S/H-Warrior

"Nice catch! More, or are we good?" Autumn stretched, her fluffy pelt lighter in the sun.

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
ivykit smiled. "thank you." she said. "I am glad that I had some practicing with you, how do you feel?"

oakear smiled. "thank you." he said. he placed the prey down. "I think we should get back, then go for more, what do you think?"

Shapeshifter the Goldwing

Posted 2 days ago
"Aw, poor kit! We can't just leave it here right? Shouldn't we find its father? It could be a clan cat!" She said that last part with a bit of excitement. Lynx looks a bit doubtful but nodded "alright, we can look for its father, but we can't keep it long, if we can find a nursing she cat then that's our best option for the little guy"  Lynx said after a few moments of hesitation.

Nova paw grinned, feeling a bit sad in the kits behalf for its mother and sibling, she carefully pulled it a bit away from the cold body of its mother, grooming its fur up a bit, once it was nice and clean she picked it up, turning to look around.

Lynx was searching for a scent at the moment, her tail flicking as she searched "found its mothers main scent, could see if it leads to the father" they said, earning a slight nod from the young she whom followed after them, keeping the kit as close to them as she could, Nova paw was trying to keep the poor scrap of fur from getting cold, probably gonna have to pause in a few moments to warm it up.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2 days ago

He simply offered a shrug. "It was a good fight," he told her. "We have opposite fighting styles which makes it interesting," he told her. He enjoyed training, especially when there was someone to practice with.

Posted 2 days ago
Autumnfur S/H-Warrior

"Yeah, lets get some more. Bury the bird for now, we can grab it later." Autumn pricked her ears, glancing around. "Maybe... Fish or mice?"

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
she nods. "I'm sorry about that." she purred. "I did not plan on that, and in a fight you can't control the opponent."

oakear smiled and burried it. "what ever you think is harder." he purred.

Shapeshifter the Goldwing

Posted 2 days ago

"Don't apologize," he mewed quickly. That was not what he had meant to make her feel. "It's a goody thing. Where I lack strength where you exceed, I have to rely on my speed in which you lack," he mewed simply. "Not that you're slow," he added, "just not as fast," he grinned.

Posted 2 days ago
Autumnfur S/H-Warrior

"Mice are quick and have good hearing, but fish are in water, also fast. Fish? The water slows us down, so it might be harder. Would you rather swim or snatch the fish out by the shore?" Autumn was already walking away toward a nearby water source. River, she suspected.

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