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Lip and Lavender's Pup Parade [Round 4] - Holiday Special - CLOSED - Prizes sent out!

Posted 2020-12-27 09:02:19 (edited)

Update: Rollover was not kind. Several pups gained injuries and 2 have died. 1 Normal and 1 TII. In addition, 3 Normals have grown up. Hopefully they all still count.

(If the adults count, I won't chase. I will neglect till they leave so they are not added to chased pool and are deleted as though they were chased as pups.)


Posted 2020-12-27 09:51:56 (edited)


Tickets updated!


Tickets updated!

3 total pups

3 non target pups = 3 tickets

If correct, please chase!


No problem!

Tickets updated! :)


Tickets updated!


60 total pups

28 non target: 28

10 x1 Merle: 30

17 x1 Inuit: 51

3 x2 Inuit: 15

7 Tier II: 70

Total: 194 Tickets

You've said some pups died and some have grown up - if you can link me to the ones that died - I'll update your tickets with the missing two. I've added the adults as I can see they aged upon rollover. This is what I have for your ticket count currently, please let me know know if this is right.


2 Total pups

2 Tier II: 20

I see one of them isn't found, and one aged up on rollover. I counted the one that aged up, but if the other died could you please link it? :)


2 total pups

1 non target: 1

1 x1 Inuit: 3

Total: 4 tickets

If correct please chase!


Tickets updated!

Glad to see your high stat pups sold!

2 total pups

2 x1 Inuit: 6

Total: 6 tickets

If correct, please chase!


3 total pups

2 non target: 2

1 x1 Inuit: 3

Total: 5 tickets

If correct, please chase!


8 total pups

6 non target: 6

1 x1 Inuit: 3

1 Tier II: 10

Total: 19 tickets

If correct, please chase!


57 total pups

50 non target: 50

5 x1 Merle: 15

3 x1 Inuit: 9

1 x2 Inuit: 5

Total: 79 tickets

If correct, please chase!

Tickets updated!


Tickets updated!


Tickets updated!

26 total pups

4 x1 Merle: 12

2 x2 Merle: 10

2 x1 Inuit: 6

1 x2 Inuit: 5

25 Tier II: 250

Total: 283 tickets

If correct, please chase~!


I just counted the ones that aren't named actual names - lemme know if this is right.

5 total pups

2 non target: 2

1 x1 Merle: 3

3 x1 Inuit: 9

Total: 14 tickets

If correct, you can chase!


You were yes!

2 total pups

2 non target pups = 2 tickets

If correct please chase!


I will give everyone a full 24 hours to confirm their chases and then I shall draw prizes! You have until the below time tomorrow to confirm, thank you!:

 28th Dec, 2020 - 09:51 WD time


Posted 2020-12-27 09:55:35



Posted 2020-12-27 10:24:35

Chased! Thanks!


Posted 2020-12-27 10:51:30

Both chased


Posted 2020-12-27 10:52:56

I chased the one that isn't being found, since they aged up on rollover I wasn't sure if they would count. But then I left the auburn one because if they wouldn't count I kind of wanted to keep her.

Hopefully, this is acceptable proof


Posted 2020-12-27 11:05:28

That's odd, I flagged a moderator because only one is in my dynasty. Here's one, 


Posted 2020-12-27 11:12:42

I guess until this is sorted out, I bought this one to replace the one I can't account for for the time being. If the missing one is found, I'll keep this one to resell. If I can't find the missing one, I'll chase this one in its place 


Posted 2020-12-27 12:59:14

When would you do another Pup parade? Because I bought two last night to chase but forgot to post them here so now I just have two pups I don't want. I wanna know if they would grow up before another Pup Parade would happen. Just if you have a guesstimate on when another might be up? No rush though!


Posted 2020-12-27 13:41:19

my two chased


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