pronoun changes?
Posted 2023-05-05 14:03:52
With the new Matchmaker event bringing canon trans on NB wolves and you actually being able to choose your gender I think this thread should come to light again. With a whole event full of representatstion, let's get some in our pack too. If Wolvden has already made it so you are able to choose your pronouns in an event, I don't see why they can't/wont add the ability to add pronouns. Maybe as a subtext behind the name? BUT at the same time, they might not, as the "foot note" feature may be used as an excuse not to add this feature. Regardless, you have my support. |
Rane #118890 |
Posted 2023-05-09 14:10:44
I think this is a great idea. i wish you could support things twice. |
![]() Firew♥lfie | Beach Gay™ #115961 |
Posted 2023-08-22 23:41:54
I would still like their pronouns for my day-to-day use. Shiba's mockup is fantastic. :3 If their pronouns confuse you, check their bio page for the listed sex lmao? This isn't complicated. Please don't over-complicate it with claims of how hard it'd make the game. It's not going to affect your ability to utilize a stud if the stud's pronouns are she/her or they/them. It's not going to confuse you either. Because it says "breed to this stud" and you as a player looking for a stud ONLY need to know mechanically that you can breed to this wolf. This game does not have reverse breeding, so even less chance to get confused. My main concern is if this were implemented and someone were to mistakenly "misgender" a wolf, who's to say the next suggestion wouldn't be a "strike system" for those who have gotten it wrong in order to stop "hate" when it's perfectly possible people just don't think about pronouns on a site like this? It's just such a risky domino effect waiting to happen. I think that a lot of LGBT people are used to 'slippery slope' arguments being used against them as a means to deny them day to day rights and this line of thinking might not be too popular. I doubt that the Admins will enforce any sort of rule system unless you are repeatedly, purposefully misgendering a person, at which point, there's already a rule that covers that. 1.1b Users may not abuse, harass or in any other way purposely offend other users on the site. I understand why but I personally feel like this would be a bit of a useless feature (No offense!) and pronouns can already be added in the footnote or the bio of a wolf so I don't see why this would need to be added It's more how it reads in event notifications. Since the notifs use she/he tied to wolf sex. this would basically be a flag that says 'refer to this wolf this way instead' on all of the little notifs, thereby changing, for example, "He brought you a gift!" to "They brought you a gift!" Seeing that little change can be validating for people. Oppose, seems kinda dumb and like an unnecessary mess. These sort of things only become a dumb and unnecessary mess when sometimes folks might assume things will be forced on them, rather than optional features they don't have to interact with. Nobody will be tRaNSiNg uR gENdeRs WiTh gEnDeR jUIcE against your will. ♥ this will more than likely NEVER happen due to it being extremely unrealistic. i mean no hate but wolves and any animal cannot choose pronouns because its not something needed to survive I say this as politely as possible: You're playing sparklewolf breeding simulator with an event about the world blowing up with major disasters several times a day, dozens of real cryptids and a Super Cool Moon that gives you sparklewolf colour applicators. If you don't want to interact with it, you don't gotta. :3 I fully support this irrational illogical addition to the game because I want people to have fun <3 same fam <3 |
![]() [♰] Yharnam #43420 |
Posted 2023-08-28 12:53:39
![]() Dżanek #24018 |
Posted 2023-08-28 13:44:14
Realism or not, it's a small change that will help make WD's LGBTQ playerbase feel more at home. After all, WD and LD are proudly supportive, so why not, yannow? And it can be easily used by folks who want female wolves for breeding, but their wolves are male lore-wise. |
![]() [♰] Yharnam #43420 |
Posted 2023-08-28 15:26:16
![]() Whirligig (Hiatus) #11137 |
Posted 2023-08-28 16:45:53
Consistancy is the biggest neutral reason to be in favor. But ultimately, this change harms no one and is an optional field you'd have to manually enter data for, for the field to affect your game. But the idea of it being 'unnecessary' feels like a silly reason, especially when this game is getting constant, major unnecessary additions, and not terribly much in the way of real, substantial content. This is such a tiny little tweak. |
![]() [♰] Yharnam #43420 |
Posted 2023-10-13 14:50:23
Ramen #28272 |
Posted 2023-11-07 06:14:06
I fully support! I don't see how it could possibly do any harm to a player's experience - to be able to select/specify a wolf's pronouns would make a world of difference for a lot of people (including myself) who have wolves that don't use the pronouns typically associated with their sex. I feel that the option to change a wolf's pronouns would not only help to make people feel a lot more comfortable, but it would also improve immersion - after all, it's a little jarring to see flavour text use one set of pronouns for a wolf when you refer to them with different pronouns. And for people who aren't interested in the feature at all, they could just... not use it. Like, I genuinely don't understand why people are so opposed when they could have the option to just not use a customizable pronouns feature if they didn't want to. |
![]() venna #8705 |
Posted 2023-11-07 06:18:17
![]() 🔎SHUICHI WORSHIPPER 🔍 #76084 |