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The House of 100 Doors - FREE ENTRY Edition

The House of 100 Doors - FREE ENTRY Edition
Posted 2021-03-07 04:47:55 (edited)

Welcome in the House of 100 Doors!

You enter a beautyful and huge house at the edge of the city. There isn't anyone living there. But you can hear the howling of wolves and something blue glittering behind some windows.When you enter it you see... Doors.They are everywhere! In every shape and color you can imagine! And every door has a number from 1 to 100 written on it!What will you do? Open one of the doors to find either a big surprise




What can you win?

>5 refunded breedings to my full Selenite Selene stud Found behind door #31

> refunded Breeding to Autums future G2 Albino Carrier Selene stud

> Melanism Carrier 1  Found behind door #73

> Melanism Carrier Found behind door #48

> Melanism Carrier 3 Found behind door #30

> Melanism Carrier 4  Found behind door #2

> Albinism Carrier 1 Found behind door #58

> Albinism Carrier 2  Found behind door #1

> Selenite Skin Applicator

> Selenite Nose Applicator Found behind door #49

> Selenite Claw Applicator Found behind door #19

> Lunar Decideous Forest BG (5 uses)

Cnitharian Wolf Pups (5 uses)

Big Thanks to Autumn for sponsoring the Carrier pups and a big thanks to Evie for sponsoring the lunar event items!

How can you enter

Everyday you can open one door of your choosingthat wasn't opened before.

For free!

After rollover, you can try again if you haven't one a prize any day before!

Doors already opened (GoogleDocs)

Good Luck and have fun!


Posted 2021-03-07 05:22:47

So excited!! <3 Can I try out door 67 for my first one? <3 


Posted 2021-03-07 05:25:52

can I try door 100


Posted 2021-03-07 05:30:08

Can I try door 1 please?


Posted 2021-03-07 05:40:33

Sadly, you find nothing behind this door. Try your luck again tomorrow! <3

You, too, find nothing but an empty room after opening door 100. Try again tomorrow! <3

You have a good feeling when going to the door with a big white 1 on its front. You here some shuffeling and... a yelp? Excited, you open the door and a cute little pup looks up to you! You found an Albino Carrier! I'll send him to you in a minute! Congrats!


Posted 2021-03-07 07:22:56

Could I try opening door 15? Thank you so much for this <3

Lily [Mutie Breeder]

Posted 2021-03-07 07:25:23

Could I please open door 23?

Thankies! ^^


Posted 2021-03-07 09:27:54

Ooh, could I open door 25? Thank you!


Posted 2021-03-07 09:32:01

could I try door 13?

rαıdεη🌟rolling: 3/15🌟

Posted 2021-03-07 09:33:24

could I open #58 please


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