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Raffle Stud Name Suggestions

Posted 2021-10-02 18:23:31

Names like Bear and Buckeye:

  • Stag
  • Barley
  • Grizzly
  • Mahogany

Names like Beethoven and Rasputin:

  • Bucephalus
  • Wolfgang
  • Ramses
  • Gilgamesh

Names like Mercury (in the mythological sense):

  • Remus
  • Romulus
  • Ares
  • Cerberus
  • Lycaon

Names like Mercury (in the celestial sense):

  • Polaris
  • Lupus
  • Orion
  • Mars

Names like Meatloaf:

  • Taco
  • Waffles
  • Bagel
  • Cheeseburger

Also, I know these are breeding males, but I think it would be neat to have a handful of traditionally feminine names thrown into the mix. For example, the name Luna (the name of our moon) would fit very well thematically, but is feminine and would not normally be considered.


Posted 2021-10-04 10:57:04
Kaitou sounds like a good name

Posted 2021-10-15 00:37:54

all hail


Posted 2021-11-07 19:46:31
Hey, the feminine thing is fine, our stud could be a trans girl!
The Abnormal Mind

Posted 2021-11-10 15:07:53 (edited)
Perkons, or the variations, Perkunas, Perukunis. Baltic god of thunder


Posted 2021-11-13 17:57:28
God Related Names:
  • Osiris

  • Abzu

  • Boreas

  • Volturnus

  • Ryūjin

Nature Related Names:
  • Mulberry

  • Lichen

  • Evergreen

  • Marrow

  • Eclipse

  • Conifer

  • Golden moss

  • Hickory

  • Nightshade

  • Huckleberry

  • Muscadine

  • Mistletoe

Names I just like:
  • Ulysses

  • Sheldirk

  • Soleil

  • Atticus


Posted 2021-11-20 23:09:22
Just a few names I like. No Rhyme, reason or theme to them.
  • Benedict

  • Aziel

  • Cree

  • Dario/Darius

  • Ezekiel

  • Kapono

  • Marcellus

  • Rehan

  • Silas

  • Zyair


Posted 2021-11-21 15:16:37
Hey, why not do some Disney Princes?
Florian, Henri, Phillip, Eric, Adam, Aladdin, John, Shang, Naveen, Flynn, Eugene, Kristoff, Hans, Simba

Or maybe a Princess or two for a trans girl?
Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Elsa, Anna, Moana, Nala
The Abnormal Mind

Posted 2021-11-25 22:03:41
Heiraa! Means diamond in Urdu :)
Aysh 𓆏

Posted 2021-11-29 16:53:49
Oooooooo I got a whol list of mine! Most of them are Swedish or Hungarian words.

Three wolf related names;

Ulv- Old Swedish word for wolf (as instead of Varg)- plenty Swedish authors  use it as a go to name for wolf characters in my experience, so we ought to have one stud named that!

Ordas- Hungarian word that translates to somehing like Wolf-gray or huge. It's honestly hard to explain exactly, but the word is always associated with wolves.

Vuk- The Serbian word for wolf- also cioncidentally the name of a fox protagonist from a famous Hungarian novel.

Now the not so wolfy names(?);

Raseri- The Swedish word for Rage

Paprika- For that spice

Kukorica- Means corn in Hungarian

Marvel- Self explanatory

Bruno- Just a regular name

Lurvig- Means shaggy in Swedish

Kopasz- Hungarian word for bald- a strange name suggestion on it's own ik ik, but it's a reference to a Hungarian tale where a small pig  tricks a wolf by pouring boiling hot water over them.

Grigio- The word Gray in Italian.

Styrka- Means strength in Swedish

Duveteux- Simply,mthe word fluffy in French

Porridge- you know what that is...right?

Kanel- Cinnamon in Swedish

Mar- A word to bite or otherwise injure in Hungarian

Järv- The word for lake in Estonian, but also what you call a Wolverine in Swedish.

Farfalla- Butterly or mouth in Italian

Harmat- Hungarian word for Dew

Minningar- Icelandic word for Memories

Piroska- Nicknamed version of red. Also the name of Red riding hood in Hungarian, so extra folk tale points there

Ceasar- Self explanatory

Konung- means Ruler/pagan king

Rex- King in latin, to nobody's surprise

Nuage- The French word for cloud.

Jeklo- Slovenian for steel


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