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Click For Free Stuff!

Posted 2024-09-08 22:42:42 (edited)
Sending decor

A bunch of nesting mats
Lucky feetx15
SC +100
A bunch of food and toys please
Black sage


Posted 2024-09-09 02:36:35
Sending food


Heather bundle decor (high need)
Night time in the mountains background (high need)
Any custom decors (looking for wet dawg, periegene falcon buddy or any expressions!)
Any amount of GC
Sex changer
Base changer (high need)
Any apps, MoDs, or pose variants! (Specifically looking for any peat applicators, cold eye applicator or sapphire eye applicator)
Stud request to my G3 dravite 3x merle uneven pie male link

No surprises please, if you don't have what's on my list please wait for someone else to reply!

Posted 2024-09-09 11:50:45 (edited)
sending gc!

really need apps for my wolves. Any apps. Absolutely any.

Buy a pup?

Looking for a mutie that I don't have yet! NOT INBRED and preferably female. But I can make a male work. Still need: Albino, hereditary cataracts, and a brachy carrier. I know this is a long shot.

Lots of decor, medicines, or anything for my random rollings thread. People can get 10-100 items there so my request is 20+ items (not remnants!)

sex changers.

Posted 2024-09-09 12:08:05
Buying sum pups

GC(Any amount is fine)
toys and food(Really need it)200 uses of both if possible
Elk heart
cryptid decor(DM me for specific)
Mela or Albino(up to gen 4)
T3s,T*(up to gen 3)
Badgers(up to gen 3)
Sentinel pose
Trophies for badger base
Eye apps
Marking apps
Any base app(will go onto my wolf ice walker)
Custom decor(morningstar wings and other decor to fit my wolves Lilith and Lucifer)
And for those over achievers
Stud to my boy Jaw collector

Other things I will take
Any GC item
No surprises

Posted 2024-09-09 12:10:08
Sending food


Heather bundle decor (high need)
Night time in the mountains background (high need)
Any custom decors (looking for wet dawg, periegene falcon buddy or any expressions!)
Any amount of GC
Sex changer
Any apps, MoDs, or pose variants! (Specifically looking for any peat applicators, cold eye applicator or sapphire eye applicator)
Stud request to my G3 dravite 3x merle uneven pie male link

No surprises please, if you don't have what's on my list please wait for someone else to reply!

Posted 2024-09-09 12:11:32 (edited)
sending night time in the mountains


  1. Caribou or abomination base(high need)

  2. freckle marking app(high need)

  3. any other apps

  4. breeding items

  5. 1+gc

  6. stuff to craft caribou base

  7. stuff to help level up my lead

  8. 200+ sc

  9. decor that fits a warrior vibe

  10. 200+ amusement

  11. stud to my boy

no surprises if you can't do any please wait


Posted 2024-09-09 12:57:16 (edited)
Sending sc
FOOD 200+ uses
Sc 300+
gc any amount
Large leaves/branches/rocks
Custom decor
BGS 2+
Cypiptid event decors 3+
No surprises
status: unsent


Posted 2024-09-09 14:56:53
sending what i can

Returning from hiatus!

In dire need of?
Food bundles of any kind and you bundles
Nesting mats

Stuff that I want but isn't necessary to give?
Decors event or non event
Backgrounds event or non event
Custom decor(any kind)
Worth while surprises(no junk please or cave stuff)

Please respect this list and only that, please do not send surprises if you are to stingy to share anything, I do not take junk as I have no use for them, thank you for reading, I'd appreciate it!

If you have sent me anything before while I was away you can send it again or just not, I don't care tbh

Posted 2024-09-09 15:06:04 (edited)
Sending food


Heather bundle decor (high need)
Any custom decors (looking for wet dawg, periegene falcon buddy or any expressions!)
Any amount of GC
Sex changer
Base changer
Any apps, MoDs, or pose variants! (Specifically looking for any peat applicators, cold eye applicator or sapphire eye applicator)
Stud request to my G3 dravite 3x merle uneven pie male link

No surprises please, if you don't have what's on my list please wait for someone else to reply!

Posted 2024-09-09 16:43:57 (edited)
Sending gc!

Apps are the highest on my want list. Any apps. If it isn't something I'm looking forw I'll add it to my Random Rollings lot. (Idk aboout rarity or anything yet sorry)
Buy a pup?
Buy a mutie? (none are inbred!)
sex changers
Also looking for muties: Albino, Heriditart cataracts, or a brachy carrier! (NOT INBRED! Female preferred. I know this is a long shot.)
22 large leaves (or at least 8 at a time.)
26 large rocks (or at least 8 at a time.)

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