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Click For Free Stuff!

Posted 2024-10-26 12:02:50 (edited)

- Apps (any)
- 1 ( GC )
- Guarana
- Rattlesnake skull  (NEEDED THE MOST) (not the normal snake skull, but specifically rattlesnake skull or remnant of it)
- Aniseed
- Guarana
- Rattlesnake skull!  (high needed)
- Any backgrounds!
- 2 - 3+ decors
- Custom Decor
- Raccon backgrounds
- any lunar app or markings
- Any Pose
- Wishlist
- Breeding items
- Wolf meat
- Wolf blood


Posted 2024-10-26 12:04:50 (edited)
Sending decor


Crawl app
Ghost, corruptud and spectral  apps
Marking removal
Gc (any amount)
SC +300
Wolf meat
Wolf blood

No surprise please


Posted 2024-10-26 12:34:56 (edited)
Sending sc

wishlist items (decor or apps mostly) (Common things as well)
Any apps
Join my raffle! (Easy entries!)
need bulk glowing spores
bulk decor (5+ not oak or bone!)
breeding items (not red cock or the fertility flowers please)
nesting mat 5+
buy a pup, please.
Herbs! (Mostly tobacco and winterfat but any are appreciated!)

Posted 2024-10-26 14:27:36 (edited)
sending or entering the raffle!


items worth gc

Grey Fox tail
Red Fox Tail
Grey Fox Pelt
Red Fox Pelt
Canine Claws and Fangs
Fox skull(really low need)
Remnants of anything on my list  is fine!
SLR|The Belsnickel ist I!

Posted 2024-10-26 14:58:38 (edited)

Looking for:
+1 GC
Base applicators (Ghost base would be perfect )
Instant pup delivery
Buy a wolf from my sales
+5 Smoky Quartz or Mysterious Effigies
Sex Changer
+400 SC
30+ Herbs
Wishlist items (I have non-custom decors on it)
G1 or G2 natural-looking wolf (min. 7 markings)
2+ Racoon or Event Decors (not very common)
1+ Racoon or Event Background (not very common/not Lunar or Howl Fayre pls)
Grove or special breeding items (not nesting material pls)


Posted 2024-10-27 10:32:45 (edited)
Text is a high want.
Sent 30+ Herbs!
Looking for:

Any applicators!
Poses (Sentinal is a priority!)
Custom decor
Breeding items • no nesting material!
Mysterious Effigies / Smouldering Effigies

Surprises w/ a wishlist item are welcome!

Loyal Goblin Servant #57

Posted 2024-10-27 10:43:02 (edited)

- Apps (any)
- Rattlesnake skull  (NEEDED THE MOST) (not the normal snake skull, but specifically rattlesnake skull or remnant of it)
- Aniseed
- Guarana
- Rattlesnake skull!  ( high )
- Any backgrounds!
- 5 - 6+ decors
- Custom Decor
- Raccon backgrounds
- Any lunar app or markings
- Any Pose
- Wishlist
- Breeding items
- Wolf meat
- Wolf blood
- Sex Changer ( high! )
- +5 Smoky Quartz or Smouldering Effigies


Posted 2024-10-28 03:34:59 (edited)

Breed to my Chased NBW stud ( novus eyes and 10 marks ) : link

Each tier has a buy wolf option with pricing accordingly ( mostly G2 and G3 in all tiers )

Really want the Halloween wolf decors : Namir, corrupted Kora

Enter Raffle
Raffle: ⚠️WTA 11 Applicators For Corrupt Apps⚠️ link

( Easy )
Buy a Wolf : link (easy)
5+ Rabbits feet
150 Uses of amusement
2+ open wound Salve
2+ Cough cure
2+ Antidote
2+ Cystitis Cure
2+ Ear Mites ointment

( Med )
Buy a wolf : link (med)
500 SC
1+ Gc

( Advanced )
Buy a wolf : link
Badger pelt/Remnant
1000+ Sc
3+ Gc
Custom Decors
Instant pup delivery
Elk heart
Sex changer
Wishlist items

No surprises please


Posted 2024-10-28 06:01:41 (edited)

1+ gc (high/med need)
send a stud request ^^ (med need)
anything on my wish list (high need)
apps (high/med need)
sex changer or grove items (med/low need)
event items/decor of some value (med need)(pm me before you send i do have preferences!)
CD (med/low need)
entering my raffle ( please only items ^^) (med need)
300+ SC (med need)
take in a traveler or 2 (I have a lot of over crowding)

No surprises please!

Thx in advance

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-10-28 06:13:35


GC(1+) - High

SC(300+) - High

Any Pose - Low

Decor!(No common decor, I love natual/zombie, or any CD[Look Wishlist]) - VERY Hgih

Event Decors (2+)

RMA's - Mid

App's (Pref no eye) - High

Stud to my boy - Low

Backgrounds (Nothing to common) - VERY High

Recipes(Not common ones please) - Mid/Low

Wishlist - Fluxuating depending on item^^

Sex changers - Mid

Event Apps (any) -HIGH
Dont need:


Food/Amusement/den mats(if you send it w sm on my wishlist that's fine^^)

Please don't send a surprise, if you don't have anything on my list, wait for someone else to reply!


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