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Click For Free Stuff!

Posted 8 hours ago (edited)
Sending a few of the listed above!

I'm searching with urgency for Kava and Pineapple leaves!

SC 500+ or 2+ GC is fine too


Posted 8 hours ago (edited)

Breed to my new stud: link
Any apps
Custom decor
SQ Chunks
300+ SC ( do not send less then this pls )
1+ Gc
Marking Apps
Enter my Raffle for a shot at 600 link
No surprises Plse


Posted 8 hours ago
Sending <3

Pose variant
Grove items
1+ Gc
200+ Sc
Any apps
Custom Decor
Breed to my new stud Novak! He's Melanistic:) (must be during this rollover)
Check out my trades!
Any spooky backgrounds!
Art of any of my wolves:)
5+Healing salves
Darkness Decor
Essence covered fur clump
Broken antlers
Caribou antlers(can be remnant)
Dark Decor
Wishlist Items ✨️
Event Decor (Except Fayre)
Any Skull Trophy (Not remnant)
Dust Storm [Night] Decor
1 Raccon wares bg (biome exclusive)
Halloween Spectacle items
Coigreach decor 2+


Posted 8 hours ago (edited)
Sending (Woops got ninja'd! Will be sending to Angsty instead)

Looking for:
300+ SC or 1+GC
Red Fox parts (preferably pelts (high need on the pelts) or tails  remnants are fine!)
Smoldering Effigies
Marking/Base/ Eye Apps
Marking remover
Opacity Changer
Personality Changers
Relaxed or motherly pose
Medicines (any) +3
Herbs (Any) +10

If anyone gives a Mutie on Demand: Patches Mottled applicator, I will die of excitement!!!

No surprises please! If the list isn't possible please wait for someone else!

Also if you're ok with receiving a Christmas gift let me know! I feel weird just sending things to random people but want the achievements. Please do not send the chatter gift through the event BTW!


Posted 8 hours ago
Sending :)

Dont send the gift via event plz.


●Breed Itens
Stud my leader!

No Suprises plz


Posted 8 hours ago (edited)
1+ gc (high/med need)
send a stud request ^^ (low need)
anything on my wish list (high need)
apps (high/med need)
sex changer or grove items (med/low need)
event items/decor of some value (med need)(pm me before you send i do have preferences!)
CD (med/low need)(I adore dragon decor~)
300+ SC (med need)
BUY 3 OR MORE WOLVES! (Pm about ones not in a trade)(LOW NEED)
Decor! (Currently looking for nature themed ones/animal ones!)
Free studding to your stud!(low need) (PM first!)
New decor/mod/apps (I'll be eternally thankful)(HIGH need)

No surprises please!

Thx in advance

Ghost of the lost

Posted 8 hours ago (edited)

Breed to my new stud: link 1 Gc or 500 Sc
Any apps
Custom decor
SQ Chunks
300+ SC ( do not send less then this pls )
1+ Gc
Marking Apps
Enter my Raffle for a shot at 600 link
No surprises Plse


Posted 3 hours ago (edited)
Entering raffle!

I'd like any of the followings!

food(not as needed right now but still appreciated)
decor can be event too(no common stuff please)
backgrounds can be event too(no common stuff please)
nesting mats 6+
ANY poses
wishlist stuff
food bundles(critter, food, elk)
meat pie or other energy items(not so much of bone marrow since its one use per ro)
ANY applicators(eye, base, marks, etc)
Big Cat Claw Necklace, Ornate Fang Necklace, Canine Fang Necklace, Dark Crow Skull Necklace, Foxglove Necklace(correct me if the name(s) is wrong tvt)
tons of herbs
Smoldering Effigies
healing and rich healing salves(2+ for rich and 10+ for healing)
NO surprises unless it's necessary or you don't have anything on my list if you send a surprise please send in bulk!

thank you in advance if your feeling generous you can send more or stuff in higher bulks, I appreciate anything sent, please stay to my list!

Posted 3 hours ago
going to send a Christmas gift to your stalking UwU

anything off my Wishlist
GC to buy CD
Sex changer
Sentinel pose
Relaxed pose
Eye changer ( wisp)
CD creator
Breeding items
Instant birth feather
New black Friday MODS
100+ uses of both food and toys please
breed to my new stud
Base changer (grove)
Always up for receiving gifts for this event
Pm me to host one of MY travelers

No surprise

If you already gifted me please wait till someone else replies to this


Posted 2 hours ago
sending a gift

-SC and GC (saving to build new lead)
-Any applicators /prefer Marking and Base apps/ also RMAs
-Dnd fitting decor
- Custom Decors
-Guarana, aniseed or instant pup
-Mutie on demand (for my next stud👉👈)
-Breeding items or sex changer
-Nesting Material
-Throphies (Prefer the once needed to make bases)
-but I love anything I get ^^ (Just prefer less food and amusement, have too much x3 )
Skyler Strider

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