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doeadear #145788

if i am killed for simply living, let death be kinder than man.

code by #202

look like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under't.

- lady macbeth (after banging the maid probably)

girl carried the entire play on her back
shakespeare gave us one of the first female icons in media and no i will never shut up about it

howdy, i'm kate, and i am just another loser that plays wolvden /pos
i am a 17 y/o from canada and an avid hater of the fake "hockey boy" accent (we do not all talk like that y'all i swear--). i am always cold and always sleepy :)

please use tone tags when needed, and i will do the same! i collect mental illnesses like pokemon cards and often have fluctuating levels of online-ness depending on my ability to exist at a particular moment, so i promise i am not ignoring you!


i love collecting bones and antlers, and deer are my favorite animal. i have eight horses, three cats, a dog, and an assortment of partially domesticated pigeons that live in my rafters. i hate the snow and love sunny weather, so why i live in canada is a mystery to you and me, man. idk. the economy or something. but i have pigeons, so that's a plus i guess.

  • very neurodivergent (if you couldn't tell)

  • yap to me about shakespeare

  • i bite <3

  • please treat me like i'm fragile because i am

david bowie is my wife

Member Information
Name doeadear
Pack Ciervo Pack
Lead Wolf robinsong
Joined 2024-09-11
Last Active 11 hours ago
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