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Tweak Trophy Hunting Quest - new suggestions

Posted 2021-09-02 16:21:02 (edited)
A way to make it an action-based quest would be to change it to "spend 200 energy exploring" or "spend 70 energy in battle". It would remove the focus on trophies, though; and I like the focus on trophies as it should on the long term lower their prices, and make it easier to craft stuff.

Edit: I mean, you could also increase trophy chance and it would too lower prices of trophies and craftables.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-09-02 17:01:11
Been thinking about alternatives for the current versions and heres what I have come up with

Easy: Do one battle, works like the complete hunt quest so win or lose just have to participate in one until either you or they win.

Medium: Find 1 battle DROP - meaning anything that drops from battle including trophies, toys, meat chunks, decor anything. Harder than the easy but not trophy level.

Hard: Find 1 battle TROPHY - The current medium quest including only trophies.

A clear progression between levels and an increase in time aswell. Plus making the Med quest take far less time than right now while still keeping the hard quest hard.
Aavinox / Roamingtundra

Posted 2021-09-03 02:09:26
Ive gotten the 2 trophies quest every second day now and its super frustrating. Those with fight an enemy lvl xy work way better.


Posted 2021-09-03 02:34:07
Personally I have been able to meet this demand easily but I still fully support this change, just because something is easy for me with my level 20 wolf doesnt mean thats the case for everyone! I like the idea of it falling to a hard quest, so full support here :)

MoscoMoon {Lethan} ❄️

Posted 2021-09-03 02:57:07
Ok all, I've added the following suggestions to the main post:

Suggestion 1 - Collect Less
Medium: remove Trophy Quest
Hard: Collect 1 Trophy from battling
Less severe version of the current quests, still encourages users to level up their leads and gather trophies for later crafting uses.

Suggestion 2 - Submit Instead
Medium: remove Trophy Quest / submit 1 trophy
Hard: Submit 1 / 2 trophies
Allow those having difficulty to buy them from other users. Consumes the trophy item meaning the cost & rarity on the TC will likely rise, but users can still gather their own & level their leads.

Suggestion 3 - Any Reward
Medium: Collect any 1 reward from battling
Hard: Collect any 2 rewards from battling
Has a greater allowance for what would complete the quest. Includes meat & SC drops, which are more common drops. Less trophies would be gathered for future crafting, but users would still be encouraged to level their leads.

Suggestion 4 - Remove Entirely
Remove Trophy quests entirely
If all else fails, removing the quests entirely would fix the reliance on RNG. There have been a couple of users asking that this be the case, but most seem to want one of or a slightly different version of the sugestions above

What do you guys think of these options? These are gathered mostly from this thread, but if I've missed anyone or anyone else has another idea feel free to chime in!

I personally like suggestion 1 or 3 the best. Suggestion 1 would still encourage users to go out and find trophies so they can be more available for future crafting, and Suggestion 3 would still encourage users to battle & level up their leads but wouldn't rely on the rarer trophy drops (though it would still include them). At a pinch I'd say I'm more in support of option 3 at this point, but wouldn't be upset with either.


Posted 2021-09-03 03:49:10
about 2: I don't think trophy prices would raise, as they already are higher than the quest reward money (at least for those trophies whose prices I checked).

I have two more suggestions:
- leave the quest as is but raise the chance of trophy
- change it to "spend 200 energy exploring" or "spend 70 energy in battle", as this is something we have control over.

(but you're free not to include them; I just added them here in case you hadn't seen it)

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-09-03 07:52:14
@Fal #43456 Added them both! =D The first was one I meant to add so thats fine, the second one is a good suggestion for just "change it to something else but similar" in general.

@ Roamingtundra #13656 Added a note at the bottom suggesting multiple suggestions could be implemented like we talked about in chat ^ ^


Posted 2021-09-03 13:41:03
Full on support! I have one of these (the hard one) at the moment and I doubt I can make it.


Posted 2021-09-04 21:28:39 (edited)
Support, and I think I like the idea of increasing the trophy rate best.  I tried to get a trophy today with my level 20 lead, and eight battles with opponents ranging levels 16-25 didn't yield one.  The odds should be better if time-limited quests are involved now.

Edit: I checked my userlog and my last trophy was 18 battles ago (enemy level range 16-25).  Dunno if this luck is unusually bad but dang, I don't think I'd be able to fit that many battles in a day without guarana.


Posted 2021-09-04 22:47:43
I don't think you need to battle high-level enemies to get trophies though. When I get the quest (I got it four times so far) I usually leave them alone and concentrate on level 5-12 ones to economize energy and hp, and it works for me (I have a lot of time, so that may help)
Checking my userlog, I got a battle 13 battles ago (from a level 9 enemy), then 4 (lv 5) before that, 22 (lv 25), 1 (lv 18), 2 (lv 9), 4 (lv 10), 7 (lv 7), 10 (lv 8), 1 (lv 11), 24 (lv 9), 28 (lv 13), and then the lunar event started so I stopped choosing my battles and the drop rates may be different: 9 (lv 17),  9 (lv 12), 8 (lv 15), 12 (lv 13), 2 (lv 18), 16 (lv 16), 3 (lv 17), and then I'll stop counting because I've gotta go.

If someone else wants to share their user log statistics and their prefered range of enemies to battle I'm interested (to see whether some levels have a higher chance to drop trophies than others)

Fal - semi hiatus

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