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Remove or Adjust "Craft # of items" Quest
Remove or Adjust "Craft # of items" Quest
Posted 2021-09-30 10:28:54
I think the "craft # of items" quest from the snake should either be removed or adjusted. I don't like wasting valuable items to make a decor I'm probably not going to use, and it's frustrating that Nesting Material doesn't count towards this quest, as it is the one item I actually want to craft. (Besides applicators, which I never have the items for anyway.) I understand that the quests are completely optional and I could use a Snake Skull to change them, but with how often it pops up I would be wasting a bunch of Snake Skulls.
I'm very interesting in hearing what other players think of the crafting quest. It's the one quest I wish would stop popping up for me, but maybe I'm the only one who feels that way. Thanks!

Posted 2021-10-02 04:39:58
Sort of agree, I usually end up making items with large branch/leaf/rocks, which doesn't feel like I'm wasting much. The problem there is that I'm probs not going to use any of these decors and they can't be sold to the raccoon, so they're just going to be thrown away :/ So being able to sell the common decors to the raccoon would be nice or, yeah, just count nesting materials XD

Posted 2021-10-02 05:07:21
I would love it if nesting material were added into the crafting quests tbh. I have a lot of bone decors just sitting around because I get the crafting quest at least two times a week if not more! They're too common to sell to other players too, since almost everyone has the recipe for themselves and bones are easy to come across. Sometimes I'm lucky and I've buried enough acorns to make something other than the bone decor.
Perhaps the easy crafting quest could include nesting materials but the others keep the limitation in order to remain difficult? That might be a challenge to code, though.
Posted 2021-10-02 19:18:48 (edited)
I think Nesting Materials should be included in the quest. I don't always make Nesting Materials myself, as it takes a lot of materials to craft, but at least the items I would craft specifically for the quest would be useful to me! I don't always want to craft decor.
Posted 2021-10-02 19:37:06
Personally, I don't mind the crafting quests. I use them to craft cheap decor out of cave mats (aka nothing valuable) and then I stick it on giveaway pups.

Posted 2021-10-04 23:25:48
I also agree Nesting Materials should count for these because they are one of the most useful crafted items, and you can never go wrong with extra crafted nesting materials :3

Evil 💀
Posted 2021-10-05 05:00:54
I'd be fine with the quest if nesting material was included. I wasn't a big crafter before. I used to just use up all of my items. I hate that this quest almost requires you to have a ton of 1-use items cluttering up your hoard. Nesting material is actually useful.
