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Cookie's Dragon Decor [Xmas Raffles!!]

Posted 2024-12-01 23:41:21
*implodes from excitement


Posted 2024-12-02 02:18:06
Custom Colour Order Form:
Decor base: Curious
Colours: based on this bean!
Pattern: Simplified of Matcha ^
Payment method: GC!
Extra notes: Thanks so much! I may also wind up comming you more in the future, these guys are adorable!

✧ Kilyaru ✧

Posted 2024-12-02 06:29:50
Adding you to the list <3


Posted 2024-12-03 17:43:26

Advance Notice: Customs Closing!

Custom Colours will be temporarily closing in 48 hours!

If you want to order one before then please do so, I will also temporarily lift the slot limit but please be aware it make take a little longer for me to complete your order.

The Flying base has also been added to the options, I'm hopeful it's had its final revision and should be accepted soon. Curious is still available but I may retire it for awhile as it has a lot of recolours now!

The next Fren on my new design list (aging) will require a lot of work so I will not be accepting Customs again until it is completed and accepted (may leave them closed to get a few base revamps done as well, want to redo the original smol base). Once it is complete I will add some of the bases as custom options (Inc full aging recolours, although these will be more expensive)


Posted 2024-12-03 17:51:50 (edited)
Decor base: Head
Colours:        black, white, gray, some light pink
Pattern: vaguely themed off of that woof ^
Payment method: GC
Extra notes: if I cannot have two slots I can wait on this till you open again! ^^ and I'll send the payments rq if youd like?

✧ Kilyaru ✧

Posted 2024-12-03 17:56:11 (edited)
Smol is currently unavailable (smol base is the little fren on the ground, it's the oldest and will 100% be rejected if I subbed it now ). More than 1 slot per person is fine, let me know which base you want and I'll add you to the list in the morning (editing it on my phone will definitely break something lol)

Edit: do you mean the smol frens on the head? They are confusingly nicknamed head frens just cus lol


Posted 2024-12-03 17:56:59
OH sorry I meant head lol

✧ Kilyaru ✧

Posted 2024-12-03 17:58:07
Gotcha xD (Head fren sounded weird as a name so they got doubled up lol). Will add ya in the morning, send payment whenever, I'll accept when the art is ready :)


Posted 2024-12-03 17:58:55
ok! tysm again 💛

✧ Kilyaru ✧

Posted 2024-12-03 19:22:24 (edited)
Yo! Last minuting one XD

Decor base: Head fren!
Colours: Melanism-black with red eyes
Pattern: Sparkly wings if possible ?
Payment method: Straight GC lol
Extra notes: I want to put it on one of my mel wolves, so can it match the black coloration without disappearing into the fur? Lol thanks!

edit: btw I notice your list is super long rn, so feel free to push this order to after you finish the aging fren and other ones! I can wait ^-^"" what's more important is that you don't burn yourself out and have time for things you want to do!

✨ Pinecone 🌲 [HAITUS]

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