The Light and Dark (Wolf Roleplay)
Posted 2020-10-28 09:21:19
Korosu | Darkclaw ~ ~ ~ Sainen | LightheartThe light-pelted, petite female kept her eyes on Caelum, Aster, and Brightstar.If Darkclaw were planning on attacking, she certainly didn't want to be on the receiving side of it. Clearing her throat lightly, she lifted her head from where she was laying. "I believe their words are wise in a sense, Alpha. However, we must coordinate a plan before just rushing into battle. Darkclaw outnumbers us, and we must keep that in mind. And a question still stands: What will happen after the battle? Will we end up losing and just making them stronger? Will they just end up launching another attack soon after to make sure we don't rise again?" The she-wolf's pupils were dilated as she studied the three, her ears raised, expecting an answer. Although she was young, she wasn't dumb. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |
Posted 2020-10-28 14:08:50
Ailera jumped back, startled. "Fussy, fussy. At least I know I can get away." Okay, maybe this wasn't going as planned. She jumped further away, watching the Alpha with sharp eyes. "Just because you're so uptight doesn't mean other animals can have fun." The vixen tsked somewhat, brush tail flicking. |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2020-10-28 14:34:38
Pine's ears perked up as he picked up another scent. He let out a soft growl, though it was more confusing than threatening, "Who else is there? I don't like being spied on." He turned back to the fox trying to make sure she wouldn't disappear. |
![]() Kaz #7722 |
Posted 2020-10-28 14:58:00
Okami finished up with her little b a b i e s, and wondered if this is what it’d be like to have pups, or would it be more like Lume? She thought a little bit of both, and finished up with the plants. “Okay... what else to do... I feel like I’ve already finished up... yo, Lume, do you think I missed doing anything?” She called to her little sister. “Nope!” The small pup said, and Okami sighed. “I need more work,,, but the plants are already taken care of, and so is Lume...” She sighed. It sure is hard for a workaholic outside of work. Perhaps she would try and reach out and talk to some in her pack? She decided to go ahead and watch the fighters of the pack train, she always thought it was sorta interesting to watch them do their thing. Lume was training on her own, she was too tired of waiting to grow up. She knew it was no use fighting it, so she just trained. And trained, and trained. After her sessions, she swore her pup muscles had grown really big- she was showing it off to everyone-! Everyone thought she was dumb, but she didn’t care. She just kept showing them off. “One day,” She said to some random puppies in her pack, “One day I’m going to be so buff, I’ll only need to look at someone to knock them out.” They, of course, laughed at her, but she, again, didn’t care and thought they were just being jealous. |
![]() ✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder! #13511 |
Posted 2020-10-28 17:11:31
Ailera lifted her head as well, the scent stronger as she moved slightly closer to the camp. She darted to the other side of the clearing, watching the trees incase another wolf appeared. |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2020-10-28 18:19:02 (edited)
Okami got tired of the fighting, and decided to go out and gather more herbs. “I need to restock anyways... and this’ll give me a chance to finally get some Goldenseal and Tobacco...” She left a little pebble, meaning that she was out for a bit, put on her satchel, and went out to find what she needed. To be honest... she actually came because she had plans to meet that fox lady again. She still felt bad after what happened, and wanted to make up for it. She even made her something-a small hair clip.- She had still remembered the shefox’s appearance, and thought it’d look pretty on her fur. She especially remembered how rude/vain she was, so she took some gold cones from her savings and planned to give them to her as well. She was so excited to see her “friend” again. She hummed a little, and went off looking for both her, and some herbs. As she did, she had the biggest smile on her face. -^^- (I do be throwing her back your way doe) |
![]() ✨𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢✨ |:| Mutie Breeder! #13511 |
Posted 2020-10-28 18:24:37 (edited)
Ailera kept a distance away from the Alpha and the male scent. Her fur was bristled, all sassy arrogance gone replaced by fear but also anger. She just wanted some fun, to cause some chaos. Not to be chased by wolves. "Come forward so I can see you... unless you're too scared." she tried, but her voice was more serious, not as teasing and sassy. The vixen's tail dropped slightly as she waited, wondering if it was another dark pack wolf. Ah well, we can have the Alpha, Herbalist, Beta and vixen. This'll be interesting XD)) |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2020-10-28 18:50:17
Raven had watched a little bit of Pine's quarrel with the vixen, but quickly grew bored and wandered off. She found a nice spot in the center of camp and layed down there, licking her paws. She watched some of the pups run by, followed by a couple of chatting wolves from the pack. They all paid her no mind, continuing on about their business. This got on her nerves a bit, but she tried to ignore it. She was tired by now and decided to try to get some rest, laying her head on her paws |
![]() 🪶Spider🪶 #10087 |
Posted 2020-10-28 19:17:39
Grace finished her chores quickly and lay in the sun happily, cleaning her paws. The Omega quickly finished and looked around before putting her head down as she watched the camp. Her tail swished slowly as she watched through half closed eyes, waiting for her next thing to do. |
![]() 𓆏 phrog 𓆏 #15316 |
Posted 2020-10-29 05:12:55
(why does everything good happen while im gone so I have to respond late ;3;) Korosu | Darkclaw "Your nose certainly doesn't deceive you, does it?" He asked in a deep voice, low and inquiring. He almost looked as if he were calm. Probably because his alpha wasn't there to almost ruin something again. Maybe this fox was here for a reason. Maybe she could have news of Lightheart? Of course, it was worth trying. But he wanted to wait and hear what the vixen said first. OR Sainen | Lightheart She picked up a faint scent of a fox, surprisingly on Lightheart territory, but dangerously close to the Darkclaw border. She must've just run out of it. Placing her paws lightly, she maneuvered through the foliage slowly before she could see the vixen. However, she wasn't in front of her, but, rather, behind her. Not wanting to startle her, Sainen cleared her throat. "Hello there. Are those Darkclaw idiots messing with you?" She asked in a polite voice, unlike the one she'd just used. However, an aura of annoyance still circled her slowly, and she slowly tried to ebb it away. Her tail wagged ever so slightly at the tip, displaying her lack of harm -- unless a fight occurred. She hoped not. |
![]() katastrophic #12334 |