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One Silver Cone

One Silver Cone
Posted 2022-06-11 18:32:00

Ever hear of One Red Paperclip? Or maybe Bigger, Better? Maybe even the Straw Millionaire!

I'm a new player to Wolvden, and I've never played Lioden. In my time here, I've found myself having a lot of fun, but struggling at some points. Sometimes, I find myself thinking, "Ugh, I wish it was easier to get rare items." (But then, what would the point in rare items be?) Sometimes, I find myself going in circles trying to trade something small for something bigger and something better. To quote the maker of One Red Paperclip:

"I want to trade this paperclip with you for something bigger or better, maybe a pen, a spoon, or perhaps a boot."
I'm going to make a continuous chain of 'up trades' until I get a house. Or an Island. Or a house on an island. You get the idea."

I decided that it would be fun to start a project with the same idea, but on Wolvden!


The premise of this game is actually really simple. I start with something small, and you keep continuously trading for items that are rarer (even if only a little!) It could be a feather, or an acorn, or a random remnant. The only rule here is I may not take food items! I don't want anything to rot :(

I also don't have a clear goal in mind yet! As of right now, everything is on the table to be traded either to or from me!

Feel free to start your own project based off of this. It's not my original idea, as you can see!! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, too! If there's too much confusion, I'll clear them up in this post! Have fun everyone!


Posted 2022-06-11 18:32:20 (edited)
Here's what I have right now!!
(Psst! Do you want to see how we got to our current point? Check here!)

What will you trade me for Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Tail] and a Lunar Orb Tailband?


Posted 2022-06-11 19:01:50
abt your previous post: its okay :sob: im so sorry!! anyways, i'll trade for a large branch :]


Posted 2022-06-11 19:06:41
ill set the trade up now!!


Posted 2022-06-11 21:53:10
Redacted due to Account Closure

Closed Account

Posted 2022-06-11 21:54:14
awesome! setting up the trade!


Posted 2022-06-12 09:25:21
Will you take a lucky foot for that?

❀ Pizzamuffin ❀

Posted 2022-06-12 09:26:34
Ooh, yes! I'll set that up now!


Posted 2022-06-12 09:29:45
I'll trade for the Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Elbows]


Posted 2022-06-12 09:47:20
Oh wow two back to back!! I'll take that! I have to step away for just a sec but I'll get to you asap!


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