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Silvyr #71646

(credits to these here)

hi! i'm silvyr, and i use xe/vae/he pronouns. still starting out, but i'm eager to continue all this!! :] i usually lurk but feel free to talk, i don't bite!!

i'm also autistic + have adhd!! :] my hyperfixations / special interests atm are writing, dnd, and tarot!! and also wolvden- i also had a previous interest in greek/roman myth so thats also implemented in my wolves!!

all names are themed around greek/roman mythology + planets and constellations bc theyre cool and. yeehaw!

main goal is just to write wolf lore, not to look cool while doing it!! feel free to give me any unwanted wolves (assuming i have free space atm-) and i will try to give them a loving home if it kills me- OR TRAVELING WOLVES I LOVE THEM

though i make an exception for brightly colored wolves, who i'll prolly just chase off for the sake of my eyes LMAO

feel free to look me up on ao3 as "mercymoo2020" !! i have my pack's lore (+ hopefully mythology in the future) written down there :]

you can also message me to ask for my discord if we're friends on here!!

Story Goals
  • Write basic mapping for lore

  • Write basic mythology (kinda done?)

  • Develop wolves' backstory+personality (apart from Pluto and Venus)

  • Stop befriending every wolf I see so that I can save my slots for lore wolves (half-joke)

Member Information
Name Silvyr
Pack Penumbran Pack
Pack Leader Pluto
Joined 2022-06-04
Last Active 2025/02/27 21:53:19
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