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Chased Wolf Spotting - Revamped

Posted 2023-10-20 18:34:51
@FallenVirgo I'm not the chaser, and I'm not sure who the mother is, but the Father MIGHT be 笑金红XiaoJinHong lot of the Markings align, as well as the claws and skin etc.


Posted 2023-10-20 18:49:55
@FallenVirgo oh my gosshhhhh I am in love with him!!


Posted 2023-10-20 18:50:44
@Nemira Huh, yeah they do kinda look it. Dunno if it's their raise and chase or if it's someone's stud request pup though :/  don't really wanna bother them with a DM. I'll write that down, Thank you!!!


Posted 2023-10-20 18:52:54
mine looks so much like him I wonder if they were related


Posted 2023-10-20 19:31:59
Found this seal guy in the Rainforest just now!

His base is one of my favorites, but his marks aren't something I am looking for at the moment. OG chaser can have back for testing fee w/ proof, otherwise he will be in TC later!


Posted 2023-10-20 19:40:42 (edited)
@Ashy I chased that wolf! PMing with proof! Mistaken identity but that NBW looks EERILY similar to a wolf I chased, down to the same appearance and markings. The only difference is that the one I chased was a T1 and had a very slight brown tilt around the face.

Solar Flares

Posted 2023-10-20 19:41:24
@labeskimo, he's very pretty! I'm broke right now, else I'd offer on him
Constantly Sleep Deprived

Posted 2023-10-20 19:48:13
Just caught this Fawn yearling with merle! If Chaser is hoping to reclaim they have until 04:00 Wolvden time tomorrow to message me with proof of chase. After that I'll put up on the TC so I can re-home quickly before I have a space issue. Pic is profile link. Many thanks to whoever chased!


Posted 2023-10-20 20:06:22
Found this basic looking T1 yearling..then i noticed the markings.. 5x lupos!

Would be an awesome project for someone.. sadly i don't have the funds to do it so they will be up on TC later :) thank you to the chaser!


🎃 𝐄 𝐢 𝐫 𝐚 👻

Posted 2023-10-20 20:06:50
Found this lovely colorbomb lily age re-roll! She'll be on the TC later, and chaser is welcome to PM me if they want her back ^^


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