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Chased Wolf Spotting - Revamped

Posted 2024-06-17 13:00:54
Another fresh one today?
Pewter with horizon eyes

Chaser has 24 hours from posting if they'd like her back, otherwise I'll do whatever I see fit <3

Hollow Howls

Posted 2024-06-17 14:11:34
devil dog 2y 2m female obsidian with bloodhound eyes and 7m (2x T2, 1x T3)
chaser gets priority with proof n gene fee, otherwise, PM to offer on her! if shes not claimed by 21:00WDT TODAY she will be deleted


Posted 2024-06-17 15:10:05
Found this female chocolate! Free for the chaser, will be sold later on.


Posted 2024-06-17 15:24:27

Found Yearling Teardrop


Posted 2024-06-17 15:45:02 (edited)
Got a little bit too silly and used an aniseed

Striped Flint male

Grulla male with Warm Gray eyes and some hidden marks

Bedrock female with Novus eyes

Argent female

Many thanks to their chasers! All of them can be reclaimed before the RO, otherwise I'll sell ^^


Posted 2024-06-17 15:52:37
yearlung pumice female with husky eyes and 8 amazing markings!! im very tempted to change her base and keep her, but if shes sentimental, the chaser can reclaim with proof & the gene fee!


Posted 2024-06-17 15:58:54 (edited)
Second chase found with my new lead seems to be a chased starter wolf. If the chaser wants her back, PM me, but she'll be chased after next rollover


Posted 2024-06-17 17:10:50
Found these three last day or two
Spotted Liver


Scallop Oroide


Posted 2024-06-17 21:32:31
I just found this Wulfenite Female!

She is gorgeous! Thank you to the chaser!


Posted 2024-06-17 23:32:28

Wow, what a stunning find! I think that one might belong to a friend of mine. Or at the very least, is almost certainly sired by their stud: link
Proxy Loves Mojaves

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