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Chased Wolf Spotting - Revamped

Posted 7 hours ago

Nice kid too (even if they are old) they have cream soay unders and mercury eyes ❤️

Sangre🩸/ Mother Of Irons

Posted 7 hours ago
@Sangre oooo thanks! I looked over the soay unders lol

✨️🧚‍♀️{ Faerie }🧚‍♀️✨️

Posted 6 hours ago
Wolves found recently:


Cute guy, probable age reroll. Free to chaser, otherwise might go on TC


Young lady, pretty basic, also free to chaser and might go to TC otherwise


Another young lady, same deal as the one before


Pretty Megalodon, keeping as a hunter currently but chaser can contact me <3


A young male this time, free to chaser or will go on TC


Age reroll? Free to chaser, otherwise might go on TC


Part of someone's start lineup? Free to chaser, otherwise might chase


Unfortunate age reroll. Free to chaser, otherwise TC also


Cool looking lad, free to chaser, otherwise might keep


And lastly a yearling lady with some rare markings, free to chaser, will go on TC otherwise

☀️Trey🕸🎃|Lights OFF

Posted 6 hours ago (edited)
Blueschist Yearling w/3 T6 Markings

Gorgeous girl, not my type of base unfortch...

Gene to chaser, will be up on TC otherwise!


Colorbomb Steele Yearling w/ Halo 👀

Gene fee to chaser, otherwise will be on TC :)


✨️🧚‍♀️{ Faerie }🧚‍♀️✨️

Posted 6 hours ago
Hi everyone, been a while but here we are.
I found 3 chased wolves yesterday after about 15 guarana lmfao. such a disappointment but oh well!

Here is the first guy , a completely plain, T1,  0 marks fella with penumbra skin. On TC for 5sc

Here is the second guy a gorgeous T1 yearling with antumbral skin & nose, with t3 and t8 marks. Up on TC for 100sc

And the last little lady, simply beautiful t2 yearling with  4 marks all T3! on TC for 200 sc

theyre up on the tc already ^^

Posted 6 hours ago
Got this puppers looking for their chasers. Chasers can have them for free and got priority on them, anyone else can get them for gene fee.


Posted 6 hours ago

That's my girl! I'd love to reclaim her. Proof: link

John, Father of Spores

Posted 6 hours ago
@John, Father of Spores

Such a pretty bb

✨️🧚‍♀️{ Faerie }🧚‍♀️✨️

Posted 5 hours ago
@John, Father of Spores That's so unique! (sorry, don't mean to clog up thread just had to comment on that fox one last time lol!)


Posted 3 hours ago
Just found this wolf

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