Breeding Terminology for Future Reference - A Proposal
Posted 2020-09-28 00:50:23
I like LB, I just think saying NLB makes it sound negative. Maybe we can come up with another word for it? |
Newfluffland #751 |
Posted 2020-10-06 07:50:50
From what I’ve seen on lioden, I don’t think the terms were meant to put anyone down? They just described the heritage. I’m pretty sure they were called dirty because their heritage had been tainted with inbreeding. It got its negative connotation because well..incest itself is often viewed negatively. I’ve never seen anyone be rude or stuck up to people who aren’t clean-breeders. I’m a clean breeder myself, but that doesn’t mean I think I’m better than anyone else nor have I ever treated someone who wasn’t any differently than I would a clean breeder... |
𓃦 CrossFox 𓃥 #4622 |
Posted 2020-10-06 10:47:25
@Ari- You may not mean it as an insult, but you did just say that "their heritage had been tainted by inbreeding". Callling something "dirty" or "tainted" for even one instance of distant relatives having offspring seems very harsh and judgemental to me. It's not even usually considered incest if two parents shared the same great grandparent, especially if it's tens of generations back, and for animals there's usually a much higher tolerance level for inbreeding (not incest) anyway. Word choices that have negative connotations are going to feel like a put down to the people/playstyles you describe them with, regardless of how you personally feel That aside, I do find it a little amusing that there's such a harsh distinction on a pet sim, since most people alive today have some level of consanguinity in their ancestry, haha |
VagueShapes #828 |
Posted 2020-10-06 11:04:27 (edited)
Linebreeding is very common in the pet-trade and I think that would be a good term to use for a specific project. IE, if someone wanted to create lots of wolves with a similar look. But I don't think it would necessarily make sense as the general term. If a pup was inbred to a degree I'd personally use COI (Coefficient of Inbreeding) which is used to predict the probability of how genetically similar the two animals would be. - ''A COI of 12.5% is equivalent to a half brother - half sister mating or a grandparent - grandchild mating. A COI of 25% is equivalent to a parent-child or brother - sister mating. Ideally, the COI of a litter should not exceed 6.25% or the average COI of the two parents.'' - The term COI could be used if there is inbreeding in the lines and people could even specify the amount if they know how to work it out :P Inbreeding is very commonly used when breeding dogs, not enough of it and the breed becomes undistinguishable, too much and the dogs face higher chances of certain illnesses, genetic diseases and lower immunities to diseases. The ''magic number'' is typically to stay below 6.25% COI. - Honestly, I'd love a hidden immunity gene, to see the effects in play. While I personally don't mind inbreeding in my lines (it happen in the wild and in selective breeding all the time) I also don't like it being too apparent. Wolvden is in it's early days so things like this may pop up in future, which is the main reason for me to care about my lines COI :P Using COI would also help those trying to breed for deadly mutations and those avoiding them, if that becomes a thing :P Edit : The reason I'd like there to be effects of COI is to give other breeding males a chance, if you start getting puppies prone to sickness due to too much inbreeding then people won't just be able to breed with the same male for the whole duration of it's lifespan, it also adds a separate layer of challenge to breeding a certain look into your wolves and thought into looking for a potential stud :D Keeps yah on your toes a lil :P |
xXDruidXx #2778 |
Posted 2020-10-07 14:11:03
Ooo this is a neat thread! I've personally been using IB/NIB because it's straight to the point, but LB/NLB is really good too! I also really like the sound of Heirloom, it makes me think of tomatoes... I might end up calling myself an Heirloom breeder. I am very happy to see the community already coming up with more varied terms to describe breeding styles, it's very fun! |
Venex 🦅 #760 |
Posted 2020-10-09 04:22:18
(I made a "Are you from Lioden?" guide and since I love the idea of replacing clean/dirty terminology I added your post to mine so people can refer to it. I hope that's okay, since I really want this to take hold!) |
Sienna Snow #402 |
Posted 2020-10-11 19:17:48
If people want to use clean and dirty, they should be able to without other people bashing the terms or try to surruptiously pressure them to use "new" terms. Clean, dirty, and all associated terms came about organically. They were not rigidly planned or discussed. The fact you guys seem to be actively pushing these terms into the parlance kind of makes them lose some of their appeal, if I'm honest. |
🥴 The Jaxhammer | CLCN #4077 |
Posted 2020-10-11 19:24:37
I can see the conversations already ;D user 1: oh no your stud is dirty user 2: UM EXCUSE ME, they are LB/IB how dare u refer to them as dirty- no but honestly I can get behind IB/NIB, the others are a little more complicated and may not stick as well. dirty/clean is simple and to the point, if you're wanting to inspire "nice" terms then ya gotta keep the new terms just as simple. <3 |
bunni #4130 |
Posted 2020-10-11 19:32:20
Yeah, simplicity helps. The secret to how clean got so big (compared to say, Hard Mode) was that I didn't go around forcing it on people or even presenting as this "challenge" for the community (at least not initially). I was just some rando in a corner labelling my lions "clean" and "dirty" and then PMs were flooding in asking me what was going on. People tend to be more responsive to things that aren't targeted towards them. It's Sociology 101 lol |
🥴 The Jaxhammer | CLCN #4077 |
Posted 2020-10-11 19:41:54
Using the terms used for real world canine breeding makes the most sense, to me, as a simple google search will bring up the meaning. Making up terms that have no real world equivalent is more confusing to new players in my opinion. It took me forever to actually find out what 'clean' vs 'dirty' was on LD and why it mattered at all as a new player. And I never liked the 'clean' or 'dirty' terms anyway. As they do imply that one is 'better' than the other. That is just what comes with those words. I don't want to swim in a lake that has been told to me is dirty, no matter how nice the water looks. Please take my tone in this post and future posts with a grain of salt as I try to be as short and blunt as possible. I try to type less with my RA instead of more. I mean no offense and if I give any I preemptively apologize. Constructive criticism on how to be short while being more tactful is always appreciated. |
UnheardSiren #3537 |