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Starless Sky [Character Sheets]

Posted 2022-09-26 17:27:34 (edited)
Character Form:
Name: Amberblaze
Age: 25 moons
Rank: Warrior
Gender: She-cat (they/she)
Orientation: Queer
+++ Agreeable, clever, compassionate, hard-working
/// Ambitious, determined, sarcastic
- - - Timid, excitable
History: Amberblaze didn't have a very easy go of it as a kit nor as an apprentice. Her mentor in ThunderClan had once expressed concern that she would never make a good warrior. Her timid nature kept her from acting instantly, and it kept her from forming many early relationships with others. It wasn't easy for her to allow herself to get close to someone despite her want for friendship and compassionate demeanor. When new things arose, like their first time hunting, Amberblaze spooked a lot of the initial prey because she got too excited. Once they became more accustomed to warrior activites, Amberblaze was described as passionate because of how dedicated to her clan she was. She was a bit shaken by the need to move, but hopes the combined clans can perform strongly for and with each other.
Family: N/A
Other: I haven't read the full series. Only the first arc, and I am on the second. Hopefully that's okay.
Romantic with Stormclaw


Posted 2022-09-26 18:13:55 (edited)
Was  Rejected

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2022-09-26 21:28:01 (edited)
Name: HeatherStump
Age: 38 moons
Rank: Medicine Cat
Gender: Tom [He/They]
Orientation: Homosexual
Physical Description: HeatherStump is a lynx cinnamon point siamese. He is lithe and on the smaller side, due to being the runt of the litter. He has a mostly white body (besides the point markings) and sky blue eyes. He is missing one half of his back right leg, hence the name, but is still very capable of doing his job. He has many thorn scars on him from herb picking, because he wouldnt give up on an herb.
+ Patient, Kind
/ Sometimes detached, Persistant
- Extremely Stubborn, Calculating

HeatherStump has become very patient over the years due to this grueling job, answering even what might seem like the dumbest question. Because although it might be small to him, it could mean the world to the cat he's treating. Whether it be for comfort or some other reason. He has learned it's better to be kind to the patients, and over the moons realised it makes his job much easier because they dont fight him as much.

When he has a particularly grueling job, he learned to detach himself from his emotions in the moment so he doesnt become sick to his stomach or depressed. It happened so much during sick bouts, and huge injuries that it was better if he learned that skill. Some cats might find this annoying, but he is very persistant when it comes to treatments he think will help the cat. Starclan help the cat that tries to argue with him about treatments, that argument will seem to last moons and HeatherStump will still win.

If he sets his mind to something, no one can change his mind. But, to the point where he will risk his own life to do what he promised or said he'd do. Such as find a lost kit, or keep a cat from leaving the med den. And if the cat doing said leaving underestimates his strength just because he's not as able bodied as the other cats, phew, would hate to be them. Sometimes, HeatherStump may seem cold due to how calculating he is. Because at points he will be so lost in his head that he wont respond to a cat when they ask something, but this rarely happens.

History: Born and raised in Thunderclan to extremely distant parents that couldn't have cared less about their kits, they would rather have drowned them when they realized none of them were "special" than raise them. HeatherStump never knew parental love, only the love he felt for his siblings. They were all he had, and he was all they had. As they grew and he had become medicine cat apprentice, it became clear they were growing apart. They didnt share any interests anymore, and now they spent less and less time together because they had found love.

He was happy for them, sure. But he missed the good old days of frolicking through camp together because their mother had kicked them out of the den. He felt particularly down about this one day, deciding he would go out of camp alone to pick herbs. What he didnt know was that there was an... unhappy fox wandering the woods that day and he was attacked. Half of his back right leg was severed, and everyone thought he wouldnt make it. Needless to say, he pulled through. But he will never go herb picking again without another cat, nor will he let a cat go by themselves.

AloeHeart - Mother - Deceased
GreenPelt - Father - 68 moons - Adoptable
Maple___ - Littermate - 38 moons - Adoptable
Dandelion___ - Littermate - 38 moons - Adoptable
GrassKit - Littermate - Deceased
Other: Lmk if I need to edit anything!

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-27 05:23:05 (edited)

Name: Sparrowsong
Age: 34 moons
Rank: Queen
Gender: She-Cat (she/her)
Orientation: Bisexual
Physical Description: A lithe she-cat, Sparrowsong has a very striped appearance. With most of her marks clustered around her face, tail and legs, her body is left more faded and bare with only a few pronounced marks. Her eyes are green and amber, the two colours somewhat mixed and very soft toned.
- Sparrowsong is a very sweet she-cat, her plans were always to be a mother. She's kind and loyal but certainly determined - especially with the recent death of both her mate and kits. Only one remains.
- Reserved and no longer as outgoing, happy to keep to herself and a few other cats.
- Cowardly, if it came to the others or herself, Sparrowsong would choose herself. Stubborn - if she believes what she's doing is right there's very little to do to stop her! She's become more mistrustful of other clan cats, deluded by the death of her family, she thinks they should've been able to stop the sickness before it took so many.
History: Was born and raised in ThunderClan, never really showed an interest in herbalism. She had enjoyed the aspect of exploring and patrolling but after falling in love with Hawkriver, she was happy to keep to her family and kits. The newest kits were barely half a moon old when the plague took them and Hawkriver, leaving only Sparrowsong to care for the remaining kit.
Hawkriver - mate - deceased
[unnamed] - kit - deceased
[unnamed] - kit - deceased
[unnamed] - apprentice - deceased
[unnamed] - apprentice - deceased
Moss___ - kit - 2 moons - adoptable (pm me!)
Other: let me know if you need me to change anything - wasn't terribly sure of ages and such so just made a guess lmao i think i'll make up a proper warrior later!

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2022-09-28 21:28:53 (edited)

Name: Lostsoul
Age: 27 moons
Rank: outsider
Gender: male (he/him)
Orientation: unlabeled
Physical Description:

He looks as if he were a paled version of his littermate, Roseflank. A pale orange adorned his head, though further down covering his face like a mask rather than a crown. His eyes are a more lighter color, blue, pale just like the rest of him. He has the pale orange throught the rest of his fur, nuzzled into the main white base, and more prominent in his tail. He has a thick body, and long legs. His genetics as a ThunderClan cat mixed with the countless days and nights, wandering and traveling gave him such a sturdy appearance.

+++ Smart, Keen
// Independent, lonely
--- Distrustful, Belligerent, Guarded

When one finds themselves in the world alone, they become closed off. Wary and in tune to every little thing around them. Every sound, every movement, every gust of wind is something to look out for, to watch. In loneliness everything is a threat, and no matter how small. Claws always at the ready to unsheathe.

Lostsoul has become one of these cats, lonely. He is smart, very smart about how he traverses the world. Every step, leap, or sound is deliberate. It has to be. He needs to protect himself, as it's all he has left.

Lostsoul very much lives up to his name, wandering the former lands of the clans, hoping and praying to StarClan he'd find his family, his clan, his sense of home. Moons had passed and he had begun to lose hope, thinking that maybe this was his fate. He wasn't even sure how it had happened, he should have listened, stayed in camp, and he'd be with his siblings, his clanmates. But no, he was a mouse-brained apprentice who wandered off, thinking he'd take a quick peek around the territory. That was, until he was corned, grabbed, and tosed into a twoleg monster. Fear and panic filling him. "Where were they taking him? "What were they going to do with him?" His questions and threats went unanswered as the two species couldn't understand each other. It wasn't long before he was placed into a twoleg den, one who was more gentle, and treated him with more respect and care than the previous. He began to understand the language they spoke, even realizing they referred to him as Logan. It was fine for a while, but Lostpaw missed his family and clan, and one night he snuck out of an open crack, running pack into the forest.

By this time, Lostpaw would have missed his warrior ceremony by many moons, and he'd surely have to retrain. He'd rather retrain than live as a kittypet for the rest of his life.

But when he returned "home", there was nothing left. ThunderClan had been abandoned, and RiverClan, WindClan, even ShadowClan. There were no signs of any cats in many moons, rotting leftovers abandoned, not even a hungry vulture would have wanted them. So he began to search. And search, and search, and search. North, south, east, and west. He looked for any signs of his former life, until one day he stopped. He considered returning to the twoleg den, but no, he had no home there, he had no home anywhere.

He accepted who he was, and where he'd always be. He gave himself his own "warrior" name: Lostsoul, reflecting who he was; lost, lonely, and forever wandering.
Mother: Brindlethroat (Deceased)
Father: Cherrystem (Deceased)
Siblings: Roseflank (see her player for claimable family)

Other: got perms to claim one of roseflank's siblings

hope everything's alright, and not too dark 😅

He was originally from ThunderClan


Posted 2022-09-28 22:09:11 (edited)
Name: Stormclaw
Age: 25 moons
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Tom (He/him)
Orientation: Pansexual

Formerly Shadowclan

Physical Description:

Stormclaw is a large tom with silver fur and black stripes with tufts of white here and there. His eyes are a light sky blue.


+++ Intelligent, loyal, friendly
/// Can be naive/a little too optimistic, a little clumsy
--- Gets distracted, forgetful, very stubborn


-Born as a kittypet
-Abandoned by his twolegs at the age of 4 moons
-Taken in by a queen named Honeysong and her mate Redstorm (Both NPC)
-Trained to be a warrior
-Fell into the river as an apprentice
-Dislikes/fears the river


Honeysong-  Adoptive mother, deceased (NPC)
Redstorm - Adoptive father, deceased (NPC)

Fawnsky - Adoptive sister (NPC)
Sunpine - Adoptive sisterr (NPC)


Posted 2022-09-29 07:50:35 (edited)
Source (I changed the eyes)

Name: Fadedpaw (to be FadedLight)
Age: 11 moons
Rank: med cat app
Gender: intersex (she-cat) (she/they)
Orientation: bisexual
Physical Description:

She's what could be described as a brown torbie. She has fluffy fur, much like her father's, but a lighter brown, with an even lighter brown, almost white, underbelly. And she has calico markings, like her mother, but almost faded orange and a dark brown, with what looks like tabby stripes within the calico spots. She has blue eyes just like her father.
(Couldn't find exact photo reference I liked so the photo is a guesstimate :/ )

+++ Smart, Caring, Polite
// Clumsy, Curious
--- Self Doubtful, Impatient, Anxious

Fadedpaw is a smart cat, picking up on new herbs and how to use them with ease. She's always curious to learn new things, but can sometimes be clumsy with carrying and picking up herbs. She always treats patients with a kindness and can be heard saying her "please"s and "thank you"s to cats old and young. Though, her politeness can tie into her anxiety, and self doubt, believing she needs to be perfect for everyone to like her. And despite her kindness, she struggles internally with patience, holding her tongue to not snap when a cat or herself takes to long for something.

Ever since she could remember, her father disliked her, or at least, was absent in her life. He was cold to her and avoided her, much to her mother's dismay. She was about five moons old when, unbeknownst to her, Skystripe, a warrior in the clan, gave birth to her two siblings. Her father's avoidence of her made her doubt herself, and peaked her anxiety.

Robinfeather shortly left skystripe too after she announced to him her pregnancy, and no one in the clan knew they were his kits, though fallenspirit always had a suspicion.

Fadedpaw kept mostly to herself and to the medicine cats. She enjoyed spending her time getting to know every herb in the stores, much rather safe here helping the clan, rather than fighting or hunting.
Mother: Fallenspirit (a white calico with orange and black spots, and orange eyes)
Father: Robinfeather (a brown, fluffy tabby, with a light brown underbelly and blue eyes)
Siblings: Newpaw - she-kit (6 moons)
Littlepaw - tom (6 moons) (she doesn't know both are her siblings)

Other: her siblings are claimable, please read history before claiming

They were originally from ThunderClan


Posted 2022-09-29 16:08:01 (edited)
(Granted permission by Mae)

Name: Newpaw
Age: 6 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Gender:  She-cat (she/her)
Orientation: N/A (Will change later)

Formerly Thunderclan

Physical Description:

She kinda looks like Brightheart from the warrior's series, but her eyes are green and not blue.


+++ Friendly, Eager, Loyal
/// Stubborn, Punctual, Curious
--- Feisty, Impatient, Ambitious


She was born to Skystripe and Robinfeather along with her brother Littlepaw. However, she does not know that Robinfeather is her father, and she doesn't know that Fadedpaw is her older sister. She doesn't have much contact with her father, but she is rather protective of her brother. Newpaw wants to be the best warrior she can be and often daydreams about someday being chosen to be deputy of her clan. She gets a little too energetic and is raring to go almost 24/8. (Her mentor will have their paws full, lol.)


Father: Robinfeather
Mother: Skystripe
Half-sister: Fadedpaw (She has no idea that they're siblings)
Brother: Littlepaw


Posted 2022-09-30 09:06:59 (edited)
[ Image removed by moderator ]

Name: Sunnyrose
Age: 28 moons
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Female (She/They)
Orientation: Pansexual
Physical Description:
Sunny is a golden honey she-cat with a slightly rose-hued underbelly and chest. Her eyes are a fierce golden-amber.

Personality: [two positives, one neutral, two negative personality traits at a MINIMUM]
+++ Kind-hearted, brave, loyal
// A Space cadet
---  Hot-tempered

Sunnyrose strives to be a kind and caring feline who is as brave and loyal as the clan-mates who raised her. She tends to space out or get lost in thought which gets frustrating, especially when interacting with her clan-mates or on patrol. If someone set her off, she'll rage and sometimes even forget to keep her claws sheathed- even with her clanmates. However, this makes her a formidable opponent when defending her clan.

History: She has lived in the clan since she was 2 moons old. Before that, she was an orphaned loner who was taken in by StormClan. Her parents had been hunting on clan territory and were
Family: Mother was Zera (loner, dead) Father was Maple (loner, dead)
Other: nothin

Posted 2022-09-30 09:31:03 (edited)

Name: Fernshade
Age: 25m (approx. 2.1 years)
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Nonbinary Molly (She/her/any) (AMAB)
Orientation: Ace-Lesbian
Physical Description: a somewhat leggy molly of just over 2 years, with a pale, brownish-white pelt mottled with dark brown. Her points are a dark brown, although not fully defined as they blend with the mottling of her coat. Her eyes are a vibrant green, tinged with yellow along the outer edge. Her fur is short and fairly thin, not velvety nor bristly but a fair inbetween. She has a slight nick in her left ear.
Personality: Supportive, Honest, Brash, Stubborn, Selfless, Rebellious, Opinionated, Loud
History: Fernshade grew up with a different name, back when she was still a tom. Shy and a bit scared of what her parents would think of her if she shared that she wished to change her name. So she waited until she was recieving her name at her warrior ceremony, and spoke to the leader, asking to change her name. Although her heart thumped with fear, eventually she was given a different name of her choosing: Fernshade. Although she recieved glares for having the choice of changing her name, when most warriors were given it, Fernshade was happy. She could finally be herself. Her parents luckily weren't upset, although it did take some adjusting, and now she's proud to be open as herself.
Family: Brackenslash (Father)— dark brown mink tom.
Lilywilt (Mother) — Tan-and-black tortoiseshell molly.
Grassmurmur (Older Sister) — Dark brown tabby molly.
Other: :)


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