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Starless Sky [Character Sheets]

Posted 2022-12-26 12:44:43 (edited)
Name: Loose Orchid(Orchid)

Group: Sun's Garden

Age: 38 moons

Rank: Sentinel

Gender: GenderFluid (She/He/They)

Orientation: Pansexual

Physical Description: Orchid prides herself of the fact that she is on the larger side of the spectrum for even a Sun's Garden cat. she has broad shoulders, thick furr, and blue eyes that almost seem to flicker like a watery flame. her furr is a dark navy blue, and on each of his feet he has golden boots. He has a large mane, that is adorned in vines, leaves,  and whatever green flowers she manages to find. She hates when she has to cover her pelt in mud, but does not argue or question. She has very faint golden tabby markings.

Personality: [two positive, one neutral, two negative personality traits at a MINIMUM]
+Prideful, she always stands up for what is hers and holds her own.
+Smart, she can easily wiggle her way out of a stick situation with the right focus.
//Difensive, they do not beleive something without believing full-heartedly, causing them to get difensive over even the smallest misconception.
-Passionate, he is very passionate about a lot of things, and it most of the time turns out to be his downfall.
-overprotective, he is very protective of anything and anyone he cares about.

Her father was a sacerfice when she was a kit, causing her to choose the same role he had when it had come time for her taining. she was easily accepted into the role thanks to her liniage and skill of the time.

Alpine, Mother, 59 moons - Adoptable(?)
Lilac, sister, 38 moons - Adoptable(?)

Other: if anything needs changed lemme know i did my best i read the document like five mines making this

Posted 2022-12-26 13:26:16 (edited)

Base and Design by me

Name: Amaryllis (or Mari (Mar-ee))
Age: 12 Moons
Rank: Scout
Gender: female [she/her]
Orientation: undecided (will revisit)
Physical Description:

Quite large, especially compared to the newly named warriors of StormClan. Her fur is long, and she has a strong build. Thick legs and a more square body rather than a slender one. Don't let it fool you, though, as she moves silently, almost as if her size and weight is nothing on her paws.

Like the flower she's named after, her fur is of a reddish color, though a bit darker. There are no discernable markings etched into her, however she has a lighter color along her underbelly, paws, tail tip, and around the edges and up the middle of her face. Her skin and nose is a dark color, and she has pale blue eyes.

+++ Curious, Quick Thinker
// Quiet, Independent
--- Nosy, Hypervigilant

Mari is constantly aware of her surroundings, she has to be. They all have to be. Anything could snatch you at a moment's notice, not matter how much protection their camp has. She's learned to keep her mouth shut, paws light, and eyes catch anything and everything. This, however, doesn't stop her from being curious about the things happening around her, often catching herself leaning into conversations she's not part of, even if she's just listening from a distance.


When Mari was born, she was kept close to her mother. Bundled next to her sisters, and kept safe deep in the burrow. The first time she was let out to see the camp and the faces of cats never seen before was when the trio were 2 moons, with many warnings of being careful from their parents. Things were fine, until Ixora had gone too far too late at night. And before any cat could do anything, she had been taken by a nightwalker. The now duo had been kept in the burrow again, not seeing outside for a few months, when their parents realized they couldn't keep them hidden, especially as they were less than a moon short of becoming novices, and they'd be moved out. It wasn't a week later when Eglantine had been snatched by a nightwalker, leaving Mari an only kit. Her mother couldn't handle losing two of her kits, especially after waiting so long before having a litter. Hyacinth had slipped out late that night, mate and kits asleep, and was never seen again.

She just became a scout less than a week before StormClan arrived.


Mother: Hyacinth - deceased(?)
Father: Claimable (any name, prefer someone a bit older as they waited to have kits)
Siblings: Eglantine - she-kit (5.5 moons, deceased)
Ixora - she-kit (2 moons, deceased)

Other: N/A


Posted 2022-12-26 15:16:50 (edited)
Name: Caladium ("Cal")
Age: 32 moons
Rank: Sentinel
Gender: Tom (He/him)
Orientation: Bisexual, leans more towards toms
Physical Description: Cal is considered an averaged sized tom, at least amongst his kin/those who originate from the Sun's Garden. But to outsiders he's pretty large. With a sturdy, muscular frame and long, dark sable (brown) fur and piercing amber eyes. He can appear quite intimidating to those who don't know him. Caladium, like many of the cats from the Sun's Garden, has a fluffy mane resembling that of a small lion. And like the others, he uses mud and body paint to hide from the Nightwalkers, and there are leaves adorning his pelt with a few raven feathers decorating his mane/scruff.


Positive:Loyal & protective of those he cares about, he's very resourceful and takes responsibility for his actions.

Neutral: He's stubborn and headstrong, and he's reserved but unafraid to say what's on his mind if he deems it necessary. (Or if he gets riled up, say in an argument with an Outsider for example.)

Negative: Cal can be cocky, he's someone who wants to show off how strong he is. Not necessarily out of vanity but because he thinks if he shows off then he can be seen as a cat who can't be bossed around. He can also be cynical and sarcastic, it takes a bit for him to warm up to anyone.

History: Caladium was born in a litter of four, he was the firstborn kit and the first born son. One sister, two brothers. Not long after they were born, the youngest tom kit, Forest passed away due to complications which left the remaining three. Dahlia, being a sentimental she-cat, named Forest despite her mate's (Asher) insistence that she didn't. Six moons later, Oak was taken by a Nightwalker. Dahlia was overly protective when Cal and Sage were young and Cal is MOST DEFINITELY a Momma's boy. He cares very much about his mother and his sister, the three are very close. His father on the other hand, not so much. Caladium has a strained relationship with Asher because his father believes that the wrong son survived. Talk about harsh.

Despite their strained relationship, part of Cal strives to make his father proud and earn his acceptance. But Asher is a hard cat to impress. And Asher's relationship with Sage is non-existent because Sage is on the weaker side, healthwise. Which only fuels Cal's protectful nature and his dislike of Outsiders. Dahlia and Asher's relationship fell apart and so Cal takes his responsibility for his family very seriously.


Mother- Dahlia, 70 moons (NPC, alive)
Father- Asher, 70 moons (NPC, alive)


Sage- Sister, she-cat, 32 moons  (NPC, alive. Ok to sacrifice)
Forest - Brother, tom, 0 moons (NPC, deceased)
Oak - Brother, tom 6 moons (NPC, deceased)

Other: Open for relationship, just PM.

Posted 2022-12-26 23:45:43 (edited)
Name: Wolfsbane (Alias: the Flamechild) Age: 10m Rank: Novice (Firekeeper) Gender: questioning, he/him atm Orientation: questioning Physical Description: following the usual build of cats in the Sun's Garden, Wolfsbane is a taller than average, muscular heavily furred cat with a particularly fluffy mane. He has a dark grey mink pointed coat, with a white tipped tail, paws, and eartips. His eyes are a deep amber like a flame. He is slathered in mud, and adorns a few decors to keep himself hidden: leaves wrapped with dried stalks on his forearms, twigs stuck in his fur, prey bones held to his tail, and the two incisors of a bear around his head. They're a little heavy, so he hangs his head occasionally. Personality: ++ Colorful, Enthusiastic, Inquisitive // Insensitive, Impressionable, Irreverent, Odd --- Airy, Delicate, Easily Discouraged, Impulsive, Violent Wolfsbane is cheery, playful, and kitlike, a ray of sunshine among most of his fellow clowdermates. This doesn't earn him any favors though, and not many cats treat him with any respect… but that's okay. He doesn't mind.. probably. He has a odd enthusiasm with death and the Nightwalkers in particular. He likes to preform rather.. grotesque experiments, like killing prey and leaving it out for the Nightwalkers to see what they do, examine how long it takes for a lizard to die if he cuts it here and so forth.. it's something he enjoys, although it's a hobby better saved for in private. (or summer, where one rotted mouse won't cost a whole meal) Like his mothers and older sister were, Wolfsbane was planned to be a Stalker— he had the proper body type, and could walk quietly (when he wasn't chasing bugs). But turns out he didn't inherit any of the skill. He was so miserably bad at hunting— especially in a group- that he switched courses to Firekeeping alongside the injured and elderly of the clan. There he could focus, and learn more about the Nightwalkers. Not to mention picking up bones from sacrifices…he's got a screw loose you could say. He has a knack for healing, as with his constant dwelling around the commonly hurt cats of the colony make him need a particular skill in it. He enjoys healing and loves testing out new remedies. Also trying new plants on himself. At this point he's eaten so many suspicious things you could just day he's built a immunity. He can be a bit air-headed and has often found himself at risk of Nightwalker attacks becaus of his daydreaming. Many cats like to spectulate how long they think he'll last before something finally gets to him. He loves collecting things, and has a buried stash of goodies in a nearby tree, containing interestingly colored insects, feathers, stones, and a oddly shiny blue twoleg gem. Nicknamed Flamechild because of his young age for being a Firekeeper History: Born to Aconite and Lichen in their second litter (his older sister being a molly named Mousebane), Wolfbane had two brothers, leopardsbane and monkshood, wolf and leopard pointed like their parents… and monkshood was stark white, with lilac eyes and red pupils. Monkshood didn't survive many nights- in fact, the poor kitten was sacrificed before his eyes even opened. Wolfsbane and Leopardbane grew up as normal kits would, or as normal as kits could grow in Sun's Garden. Leopardsbane died after his curiosity went too far and he was caught out alone in the forest. Wolfsbane was alone then. He didn't really miss them much.. he was told not to ever get too attached. His mothers were very protective of him after that, but Wolfsbane was quick to slip away and peek outside of seemed like he was a bit faster then his dead brother and was more keen on dodging danger and knashing teeth then he was. He became a Stalker Novice at first, but because of his terrible skills, switched to Firekeeping. Family: Aconite (mother) npc Lichen (mother) npc Mousebane (older sister) adoptable leopardsbane (brother) dead monkshood (brother) dead Other: if it isn't obvious, both of his parents carry albinism, however it only passed fully onto monkshood. whether mousebane and wolfsbane carry is up for debate 🤷‍♀️. also fun favt he collected the bear teeth from a skull he found


Posted 2022-12-27 10:07:41 (edited)

Lineart source, edits by me.

Name: Chrysanthemum (Chrys for short)
Age: 12 moons
Rank: Stalker
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)
Orientation: questioning
Physical Description: A gray tabby with medium-length fur, green eyes, and a fluffy mane. They put various feathers in their fur and use mud to cover themself. They don't have any other accessories, mostly because they prefer their good ol' feathers.
+++ curious, imaginative, observant
/// eccentric, nonchalant
- - - not empathetic, dreamy, messy

Chrysanthemum is regarded as a complete weirdo due to their eccentric behavior. While some may sit, discussing the threat of Nightwalkers, they'll be near, watching butterflies and wondering why those amazing, absolutely fascinating creatures don't have feathers. Similarly, when there is a death and the others are grieving, Chrys wouldn't show many signs of grief. This was another reason for others to dislike them. Truth be told, Chrys doesn't see death as a particularly sad thing. They also just kinda... don't understand emotions.

Chrys is very observant, being able to detect subtle changes around them, from others' emotions to a slight change in the wind's direction. Well, they're observant when they're not stuck in a world inside their mind, that is. Their curiosity often causes them to ask why someone is feeling a certain way. Chrys follows Sun's Garden's rules in order to stay alive, but they have always dreamed of wandering the land at night without having to worry about Nightwalkers.


Chrysanthemum was born as a she-kit to two competent members of Sun's Garden, Milkweed and Deadnettle. Their two siblings, Blackhaw and Silverleaf, died before becoming novices. Blackhaw and Silverleaf were pretty normal kits, unlike Chrys, whose head has been stuck in the clouds since, like, forever. Milkweed and Deadnettle protected their three kits as guardians, but favored Blackhaw and Silverleaf, more or less in secret. However, as a kit, Chrys was observant and knew they were the lesser-liked kit. As a result, they became friends - best friends, in fact - with Snakeroot, an old and amiable Firekeeper.

Eventually, Snakeroot started viewing Chrys as her own kit, and Chrys started seeing Snakeroot as a mother figure. Snakeroot would spend time with Chrys when they visited her, usually when Milkweed and Deadnettle were busy fawning over Blackhaw and Silverleaf.

When Chrys and their siblings reached the age of five moons, just one moon away from becoming novices, the Nightwalkers took Blackhaw and Silverleaf. It was like the Nightwalkers had played a cruel joke on Milkweed and Deadnettle, taking away their two liked children and leaving them with... Chrys. Milkweed and Deadnettle had always bickered, but this time they agreed on something. That Chrys should've been taken instead of Blackhaw and Silverleaf. Since then, they have openly displayed dislike for Chrys. They did their best to avoid contact with Chrys and, to their relief, Chrys didn't try to interact with them too much.

Chrys continued to visit Snakeroot after becoming a novice, the two maintaining a close bond. Snakeroot was a stalker before becoming a firekeeper, and this influenced Chrys' choice of becoming a stalker themself despite Milkweed being a scout and Deadnettle being a sentinel. They were recently made a stalker before the arrival of StormClan, and even as a fully-grown cat, they are still best friends with Snakeroot.

Family (and Relationships):
Mother - Milkweed - alive, 49 moons - NPC Scout
Father - Deadnettle - alive, 53 moons - NPC Sentinel
Brother - Blackhaw - deceased (5 moons)
Sister - Silverleaf - deceased (5 moons)
Best Friend and Mother Figure - Snakeroot - female, alive, 103 moons - Firekeeper - Adoptable! Will be used as NPC until adopted.
Other: They have a whole collection of feathers.


Posted 2022-12-30 11:31:29 (edited)
Name: Cypress
Age: 10 moons
Rank: Stalker novice
Gender: Tom, He/Him
Orientation: Bisexual
Physical Description: A brown tom with black stripes
+++ Responsible, Clever, Honest,
// Soft, Emotional
--- Anxious, Foolish, Forgetful
Cypress has learned to be responsible after the very traumatizing death of his sister Maple just two months into be a novice. Cypress is very clever as a kit he would sneak around camp listening to the older cats conversations and he was almost never caught because he always had his sister to cover for him. He would also hide food that he wanted for later, his parents had a very strict time he and Maple could eat, so that led him to hide food. If someone came up to him and asked him if he had done something, even if he knew it was wrong, he would tell the truth not being able to live with a lie.

Cypress is very soft and emotional, always feeling bad about cats having to sacrifice themselves, even though he knew it was an honor. He would get upset over the smallest things, which he kind of grew out of.

He is a very anxious cat always worrying over something or another. He is also quite foolish, talking when he shouldn't, probably saying thigs he shouldn't and talking to strangers when he shouldn't. Cypress is a little forgetful, forgetting he is has to tell someone something or forgetting he should of went hunting with his mentor.

(Not much as he is only a novice.)
When Cypress was a kit he had three siblings, Maple, Oak and Sycamore. Two days in a row the Nightwalkers took two of his siblings, Oak and Sycamore, Leaving him and Maple. Maple is now currently his best friend. Watching a ton of other kits being taken he became anxious and was scared to make friends because Cypress thought they were going to die. Cypress was very careful to stay out of the way of all the cats in the clowder and never really wanted to go outside. He did however like to stand in bushes and tall patches of grass within the camp and listen to the older cats talk. Cypress heard a lot about different groups of cats and loners wandering about, and them getting killed by Nightwalkers. Whenever some cat would confront him about listening to their conversation he would tell the truth, not being able to handle the guilt from even a little white lie.

Novice- A moon into his Novice years his dad passed away due to being a sacrifice to save the clowder. He doesn't really have any friends because of being anxious all the time and fear that they will die. About two moons after being a Novice his sister Maple decided to hunt alone, at night. That didn't end well and the next day while he was out training with his mentor they stumbled upon Maples corpse, he was traumatized. The other months in him being a Novice was uneventful, except for when the cats of Storm clan came (Right now)

Wisteria, mom, 37 moons.
Cedar, dad, dead.
Maple, sister, dead.
Oak, sister, dead.
Sycamore, brother, dead.
Other: Uses leaves and feathers as a disguise. Collects cool leaves.

Posted 2023-01-05 22:37:29 (edited)
Name: Caedes'Vindicta (Latin: Murderous'Revenge)

Age: 35 Moons

Rank: Deputy? (If not, Warrior)

Gender: Trans (Female to Male, He/Him/His/They/Them/Theirs)

Orientation: Pansexual & Graysexual with a preference for toms

Physical Description: Image provided! A cat of many colors, they are primarily white, but do have dark, smoky blue-gray patches on their head, shoulders, middle torso, and tail tip. This is caused from a  genetic mutation known as skewbald, which makes said animals have white patches at random parts of their pelt, while still having mixes of other colors. Caedes eyes are a handsome yellow-orange color that is considered to be Orche. A cute little feature is the white smudge on his muzzle, giving a mustache appearance. Overall, Caedes is larger than the average cat, giving them a good fighting build.

Personality: Overall good, VERY MISUNDERSTOOD
~ Romantic (Pos)
~ Will literally protect you till his last breath (Pos)
~ Quick-Witted (Pos)
~ Inclusive (POS OVI)
~ Persuasive (Nue)
~ Determined (Nue)
~Ambitious (Nue)
~ Conceited at times (neg)
~  Remote/Cold (Neg)
~ Paranoid (Neg, Please give this baby a hug)

History: Not much is known, but here is what cats currently know
Caedes was born with strict parents who expected too much of her, pummeling them if she made a mistake. This pushed her to be a perfectionist in her early months, but this has worn off significantly. During her apprentice years, she grew a crush for another she-cat, Exitium'Letalis. The other, returned her feelings and the two had a harmless little relationship. Little did she know, Her parents disapproved of such actions, and the 3 got into a major brawl, Caedes coming out with many wounds. The She-cat went missing a few days later and has never been seen since. Warrior years were okay, She became a He, and this time was very secretive of it. At 18 moons, both parents fell to the plague. She now lives as a deputy (or warrior) many moons later! She is doing relatively well, excusing the occasional panic attack.

Family: [
𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: Sanguis'Libidine

𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 Occidere'Lasciva

British boi who can speak latin

Su̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Night Chat

Posted 2023-01-25 09:01:49
Name- Clematis
Gender- Tom (AMAB), He/Him
Rank- Royal, helps out as a guard usually
Age- 32 Moons
Orientation- Homosexual

Physical Description- Pretty much exactly what is shown above except for one important thing: His eyes are a light purple color.
Decoration-wise he only wears a simple flower wreath on his head alongside his mud covering

History- Being a royal, Clematis has always been a bit hopeless. Knowing since he was a child that he was a prime candidate for sacrifice has made him somewhat hopeless, going along with a "What happens happens" mindset. Being the only kit born to his mother, Clem is rather open to making new friends as growing up he was rather lonely. He guards the camp with the sentenials as he dislikes not being of use to his family.

+- Friendly, warm, curious
/- blunt, intelligent
- - hopeless, air-headed, gullable

Unnamed mother- deceaced

☀️🦦Mayfly🦦 ☀️

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