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Starless Sky [Character Sheets]

Posted 2022-09-30 23:44:34
Name: MossKit
Age: 2 moons
Rank: Kit
Gender: Male [Undecided]
Orientation: Undecided
Physical Description:
While he has his father's black coloration, he inherited his mother's markings but in more of a grey color, giving him a smokey look. They haven't particularly emboldened yet, but they get more noticeable by the day. He has very light brown eyes that are extremely expressive, which makes it hard for him to lie about things and get away with it. He's small, even for a kit but there may be a possibility that he grows to be bigger than even his father.
+++ Sweet enough to give you a cavity; Courageous, he would run into battle for anyone he believed was wronged
/// Clever but uses it in the wrong way; extremely impressionable
--- If he ever does insult someone, he does it in a way that sounds like a compliment; Argumentative when he doesn't agree with something
History: Although born small, this... lively young kit has started to begin growing, at least a little bit. So far, he's an absolute mama's boy, hanging onto her every word with absolute delight. If you see SparrowSong, he's probably not too far behind (or underneath) her.
HawkRiver - Father - Deceased
SparrowSong - Mother - 34 Moons [Played by Phrog]

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-10-01 09:52:17 (edited)

Name: Featherspire
Age: 27m ( approx. 2.3 years)
Rank: Medicine Cat
Gender: Intersex (He/They/Any, except She) (Genetically both Female and Male)
Orientation:  Omniromantic (Male-pref)
Physical Description: a chimeric cat of only just over two years, Featherspire is skinny due to the constant rejection of food, preferring it goes to the more important members of the clan. His eyes are a brown like mahogany., with a touch of green in his left eye. Xer pelt is a patchy mix of grey, black, and white, a obvious chimera, and it's feathery and soft. Their voice is masculine, although they are talented at altering their vocals to imitate different tones.
Personality: Smart and Reserved, Featherspire is extremely independent, and hates putting their own burdens on anyone elses shoulders. Although slightly selfish, Featherspire craves validation, and usually tries to keep up a good show for the clan. It has low empathy, and struggles feeling bad for their patients, something they're slightly self-conscious about. Despite their role,  Featherspire can be a bit of a romantic, and likes to flirt with their clanmates, usually without much meaning behind their words.
History:  Featherspire was two cats in one, being the only kit of their litter when they should've had a brother. Their parents were old to be having kits, and during birth, Featherspire's mother passed. Without a mom and needing to be adopted by a nursing queen named Littlepurr, their father Shrikeswoop adored his only kit and named the little kit Featherkit, after their mother Grayfeather. Shrikeswoop was very doting to Featherkit/paw, and babied the jack as well as praising them for their unique pelt. This gave Feather a bit of a ego, one that persists slightly to this day. Always wanting the approval of Shrikeswoop as well as their mentor and fellow apprenticemates, Featherpaw tried his very hardest as a apprentice, but never found fighting and hunting enjoyable. This brought xem to start speaking to the medicine cat, becoming interested in herbs. So it wasn't a surprise when they were asked to become a medicine cat apprentice. Accepting nearly immediately, Featherpaw found love for his new role, and became Featherspire. Although he never did have a connection with StarClan then, and certainly not now.. Featherspire never really held much respect for their dead ancestors.
Family: Shrikeswoop (father, deceased)
Grayfeather (mother, deceased)
Other: i guess this counts as a mutation? idk


Posted 2022-10-01 11:00:18 (edited)

Name: Little Brown -> Mousekit (-> Mousepaw -> Mouseflame)
Age: 2 moons
Rank: Kit
Gender: male, he/him
Orientation: undecided
Physical Description: A fluffy brown tabby tomkit with amber eyes.
+++ Kind, Funny, Extroverted
/// Adventurous, Energetic
- - - Stubborn; Forgetful; Say/Do first, think later
Mousekit is an energetic ball of fur that will bounce from one corner of camp to another. He never seems to tire and is always looking to go on adventures.

History: Mousekit was born to a loner who lived near the Grove. He had a few siblings, so he was never alone. He got used to creating chaos with his siblings when their mother was out hunting. One day, Mousekit, still known as 'Little Brown' at this point, wandered a bit too far from his mother's den due to his adventurous personality and got lost in the forest.
Family: Unnamed loner (mother, probably alive), ??? (father, status unknown), Little Gray and Little Mew (siblings, probably alive), Sparrowsong (adoptive mother, alive), Mosskit (adoptive brother, alive)
Other: Received permission from Sparrowsong and Mosskit's players.


Posted 2022-10-05 09:10:42 (edited)
Name: Lilacivy
Age: 32 moons
Rank: Deputy
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Physical Description: (picture)
+++ Adventurous, Charasmatic, Disciplined
/// Busy, Determined, Outspoken, Romantic
--- Blunt, Impulsive
Lilacivy was always very adventurous as an apprentice. To some that made him brave while it made him negligent to others. It was mostly impulsive that he would throw himself into new situations and get ahead of his mentor in what he was meant to be doing. However, it didn't take him very long to gain a love for the warrior code and job, and he has lived his life very strictly to the rules since. He is quite disciplined in all of his skills: hunting, fighting, etc. He tends to keep himself busy because of his desire to keep his clan well. As a kit and an apprentice he got himself into a bit of trouble because of his blunt and outspoken nature. Most didn't mind him speaking up, but it wasn't very appreciated how harsh his words could sometimes come out. He hopes to one day have kits of his own, but he's been very focused on his duties which has prevented him from finding a partner, but he doesn't shy away from romance or romantic gestures. He found himself generally well liked both as a warrior and as a deputy because he is so charismatic. His troubles with bluntness were quickly smoothed over by his natural charm and ability to convincingly retract or restate his words.
History:Lilacivy had been born into ThunderClan as the lone kit of his mothers final litter. She had passed not long after his naming ceremony. He had never known his father. His mother is the reason why he is so driven and disciplined, and he continues to do his best to honor her. He wants to be a tom his mom would be proud of. His blunt nature got him into many situations as a kit and an apprentice because he's quick to soeak his mind eithout filtering the statement to come off calmer or kinder.
Family: N/A
Other: He is interested in Breammist


Posted 2022-10-05 12:35:48 (edited)
Name: Cloversong
Age: 80 moons
Rank: Senior Warrior (Soon to be elder, but I'd like to rp with her as a warrior for now)
Gender: She/her
Orientation: Straight
Physical Description:

Cloversong is a small black she-cat with short fur and green eyes. Her muzzle is tinged with white/grey flecks, and her two front paws are white.

++++ Very Accepting/Kind, Honorable, Good-natured
////// Witty/Sarcastic, Strict
------ Grumpy at times, Stubborn

History: Cloversong was a Thunderclan cat and very loyal and dedicated to her clan. She has served as a warrior for a long time now and she's starting to reach that point where she needs to slow down. She trained a few apprentices in her time and enjoyed teaching all that she had learned. She's very kind, almost motherly but she isn't afraid to give someone a witty retort if they push her buttons. When the clans joined together, she was very hesitant at first, she wasn't one for change. But she approves of Applestar as their leader and believes him to be a wise cat, and she is loyal to her new clan. Cloversong had one litter of kits with her now deceased mate, Tigerbreeze. Her son Leafclaw was killed in battle and her daughter was lost to the sickness along with Lionbreeze. She also really enjoys talking to other cats and will tell stories to anyone who is willing to listen to her ramble.

Mate - Tigerbreeze - Deceased (C.O.D.: The Sickness)
Brother - Palehawk -Deceased (C.O.D.: The Sickness)
Sister - Willowheart -Deceased (C.O.D.: The Sickness)
Daughter - Dovebreeze -Deceased (C.O.D.: The Sickness)
Son - Leafclaw - Deceased (C.O.D.: Battle against Rogues)

Mentor: Runningclaw -Deceased (C.O.D.: Old age, LONG before the Sickness)


Anyone with a cat from THUNDERCLAN can say she was their mentor if they'd like, just let me know first.

Posted 2022-10-05 15:23:25 (edited)
Name: MoonFurr
Age: 34
Rank: Outsider
Gender: Female(She/Her
Orientation: Pansexual
Physical Description: A small, sheek black female with an almost unusually small size and red eyes(if thats okay, if not than Blue eyes!!)
Personality: MoonFurr has a more happy-go-lucky aditude most of the time, always positive and there for anyone she cares about. She doesn't eat much on her own, unless she's told to . . . . She gets scared quite easily if she's unawere, and that can cause her to go violent for a moment. sometimes throwing a paw at someone or trying to bite someone. She's very clean, a little too clean, if something is out of place she'll either fix it herself or compain untill someone else does. she talks a lot.
History: she was born in a litter of 3, the middle kit in her litter. also the smallest. when she became 10 moons old, she was kicked out of her family and home for accidentally letting her younger brother go off and get eaten by some fox. she's been mostly alone sense than. almost makes you wonder how she's so happy.
-TreePaw, Daughter
Other: she's missing the tip of her tail.

Posted 2022-10-06 08:16:57

Name: BerrySight
Age: 29 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Female [She/They]
Orientation: Pansexual
Physical Description: BerrySight is a thin she-cat, with long fluffy fur. She has albinism, so she has snow white fur and lavenderish colored eyes. She has canines that are a bit longer than normal, and chipped ears. As well as scars from many past battles.
+++ Confident, Curious
/// Blunt, Noncommittal
--- Secretive, Impulsive
History: As a kit growing up in ShadowClan, BerrySight and her sister BrightLeaf were always looked at as if they werent natural. Unfortunately this led to self esteem issues, at least in BerrySight. Which in turn led to her blocking her emotions out and refusing to commit to anything important.

Unknown Parents
BrightLeaf [Also Albino] - Adoptable


𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-10-12 16:26:15 (edited)
Name: Foxkit - Foxpaw - Foxtail
Age: 11 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Gender: AMAB, he/him
Orientation: Bisexual
Physical Description: A rather tall kit, Foxpaw has long legs and a springy body. A long tail to aid in balance as well! He seems to be made to jump, leaping from rock to rock, bouncing across branches or leaping forward to deliver a killing blow on any animal he faces! Well... any animal smaller than a young hare. His fur and whiskers are long and full, despite the illness razing the clans, but it hides the thin body underneath. Foxpaw used to be almost chubby but a good bit was muscle - his mother and father's muscle passing down to him.
source!Personality: [two positive, one neutral, two negative personality traits at a MINIMUM]
++ Sweet and bubbly, main goal in life is to become a renowned warrior. Knows when to calm down and how to listen.
// Horrible at making decisions, usually passes them along to someone else. Very flickery when it comes to loyalty, he'll go with whatever side has done the most for him. Quite vain, extremely proud of himself.
-- Impulsive at best, he does not like to stop and think for long. He can slow down and listen but he often forgets, choosing to bound around and do his own thing until someone is forced to stop him. Foxpaw is learning as he gets further along with his apprenticeship but his streak of recklessness will not fully leave.
History: Foxpaw was named for surviving the fox that came sniffing around when he was born. His mother, a loner, had refused to wait. She had claimed the kits would hold off and she needed to get food. His father, a clan cat, had found the small family with fox scent trailing around it. Three of the kits were dead and the mother barely alive, but Foxkit was untouched. The kit was brought back to the clan and named. His memories only hold clan life, not a clue of what happened to his littermates and mother. His Warrior name, Foxtail, keeps his original name and includes the long tail he's quite proud of - with long legs and a springy body, his tail only adds to how exact his leaps and pounces are.
Father - Warrior - Deceased
Mother - Loner - Deceased
Littermate - Kit - Deceased
Littermate - Kit - Deceased
Littermate - Kit - Deceased
Other: lmk if the name/backstory needs to be changed!!

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2022-10-14 12:02:46 (edited)
[Dropped out]

Ferny | Ven

Posted 2022-10-16 07:16:02 (edited)
ignore this post, it was deleted lol


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