🌲ScarletClan🟥~An on-sight Warrior Cats Roleplay~
🌲ScarletClan🟥~An on-sight Warrior Cats Roleplay~
Posted 2022-11-30 10:44:08 (edited)
~Lore~For the longest time, ScarletScale and her mate, TreeStump, lived as a loner family with their three kits. The first winter with the kits was approaching quickly, and ScarletScale and TreeStump were very, very busy trying to make sure they had enough food. Then, ScarletScale met a Kittypet, who said his name was "officer" . . . Long story short, he agreed to join them. taking the new name FrozenHeart. That night, StarClan came to TreeStump, showing him a clearing in their territory, where a tall rock with a gem stood, and stones around it formed a "Stair Case" . . . The next morning, he hold ScarletScale quickly, and the three of the adult cats voted. ScarletScale would be the next leader of this new clan. TreeStump and ScarletScale made the journey over to the rock, where their connection to Star Clan would be, to give ScarletStar her new name. While they were gone, FrozenHeart was alerted by a rouge male that his mate was having kits!! FrozenHeart took ScarletStar's kits and went to help the female with her labor, TreeKit had some herbs from her father's collection to help the labor pain. Skunk, the rogue female, gave birth to six kits. FrozenHeart returned to camp, telling ScarletStar about the interaction before taking her to see the two new parents and their kits, and they agree to join the clan. SkunkPelt and SnowWhisker were then part of the clan, along with their Kits FrostKit, ColdKit, IceKit, SkunkKit, EmeraldKit, and HollowKit. We start many, many moons later. the clan has grown, and ScarletStar has been a good leader. They take in any loners willing to join, and follow in the old pawsteps of the clans before them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello hello! This is a Warrior Cats Roleplay building off an origonally 1x1 roleplay. I am Echo or Storm, and i will be your host!(along with Lost Marine, as he is FrozenHeart) Rules-You can have as many characters as you can keep track of! -No cursing, though the curses for the clans are alright(mouse brain, fox dung, so on and so fourth) -keep it PG 13. -if you want to have kits please discuss with me :D -cats must be at least semi realistic. -this is a literate roleplay! at least 3-4 scentences per post(per character!) -rules are subject to change or grow! CampCamp is a burrow under a large tree, dug out around the large roots, using the underground wood as supports. The main aria is about 30 feet by 30 feet. the Med Cat den is 15 by 20, with extra spaces to the side for healing cats. The Nursery is 17 by 15 feet, with arias for nests along the walls, inside the main aria of the nursery are balls of moss and feathers for the kits to play with. The Warriors Den is 15 by 15 feet. The Apprenice Den is 15 by 15 feet. Just outside camp is a small clearing ScarletStar and TreeStump made before the forming of this clan, made so that foxes and other enemy animals wouldn't be able to sneak up on them. the clearing is 30 by 30 feet and round. Territorya thick-ish forest full of mostly evergreen trees, all no leaf seasons are hard here, but the new leaf seasons tend to make up for it. Roster(Some cats may take time to be added!) Leader; ScarletStar - A Large black female with bright red eyes. Deputy; none Med Cat; TreeStump - a large calico male with dark green markings and dark green eyes. Med Cat Apprentice; TreePaw - A large calico female with dark green markings, one red eye and one green eye Apprentices; BlackPaw - a black male with red eyes. HalfPaw - a calico female, with half of her face black and the other a dark green. Warriors; FrozenHeart - a large tabby tom with blue markings WhiteWhisker - a thin, small white male with short furr and blue eyes. Queens; SkunkPelt - a black female with a white marking down her back, making her look like a skunk. Kits; FrostKit - a white female with icy blue eyes ColdKit - a white male with one blue, one green eye IceKit - a white female with blueish green eyes skunkKit - a mostly black female with a white stripe down her back EmeraldKit - a white female with green eyes. HollowKit - a white male with a glaze over his green eyes, indicating blindness. Character Sheets |
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2022-12-07 05:35:08
ScarletStar ~ She/Her ~ LeaderThe large black female stretches as she steps out of her den glancing around the underground camp. Despite her and her mate nearly losing hope at growing the clan not-so-many moons ago, her new clan was slowly growing. And it overjoyed her. Her crimson gaze scans the camp for her mate, who, if she knew him at all, would already be awake, likely talking to Treepaw about herbs. She makes her way to the fresh kill pile, picking up a particularly large fish, before bringing it over to the nursery and placing it down for currently the only clan's queen; Skunkpelt. The female thanks her with a soft smile and ScarletStar nods softly before going back out to the main camp. |
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2022-12-07 05:41:24
Silverclaw - He/him - WarriorSharp blue eyes scanned the camp of Scarletclan, there weren't many clanmates which was both a good and bad thing. Small clans weren't seen much and made it easier to live undetected for a while. A downside was the amount of hard work every feline had to put in to keep the clan afloat. There was a litter of little ones to feed and a few apprentices to train. His long tail flicked as he pondered, sitting to the edge of the camp and cleaning his sharp claws. |
![]() Prince of Amethyst #60184 |
Posted 2022-12-07 06:23:32
HalfPaw ~ She/They/He ~ ApprenticeHalfPaw darts out of the Apprentice's den, almost immediately headbutting . . . oh, SilverClaw! She shakes off quickly, looking up at the warrior before she tilts her head, "Hi SilverClaw!" Her brother, BlackPaw, runs out after her, running past SilverClaw and out of the burrowed Camp. "Bye SilverClaw-" HalfPaw quickly goes to follow her brother, no doubt some game the two were playing. perhaps a race, maybe something else. |
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2022-12-07 07:55:01
Frozenheart ~ He/him ~ WarriorThe tom glances around as he stretches. He sees no one in the den, and he makes his way out of it with a dull look around the clearing. He sees Blackpaw and Halfpaw, along with Silverclaw, and his gaze follows Blackpaw as Thrasherpaw - his apprentice - erupts out of the Apprentice den with a look around. Thrasherpaw ~ She/her ~ ApprenticeHer heart lifts as she sees Blackpaw. Thrasherpaw approaches him with wide, bright eyes. "Hello, Blackpaw." She mews softly, shyly. "Greetings, Halfpaw." |
![]() Russkie #83665 |
Posted 2022-12-07 08:04:50 (edited)
Silverclaw - He/him - WarriorThe overexcited apprentices were a little hard to keep up, not replying as they scurried off. They were so full of life and curiosity. He hoped it wouldn't get any of them into trouble, he'd hesitantly make sure of that. Once the pair had left his sight, he stood up from his spot and followed after in the direction had gone. |
![]() Prince of Amethyst #60184 |
Posted 2022-12-07 08:11:30
BlackPaw ~ He/Him ~ ApprenticeBlackPaw purrs happily as he makes it to just outside the camp before his sibling, tail flicking as he looks at HalfPaw as she quickly follows after him. "Hi Thrasher!" Blackpaw says happily, before hearing his sibling whine loudly. "Not faiiiiir! I ran into SilverClaw! i want a rematch!" she huffs as she looks at her brother. "Hi thrasherpaw-!" |
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2022-12-07 08:20:56
Thrasherpaw ~ She/Her ~ Apprentice"Were you two racing?" She mews with a tilted head. Thrasherpaw glances at the other two apprentices, her eyes wide. She cannot help but purrs, although she cannot help but feel slight sadness at the death of her siblings. Turning to look at Halfpaw, she tries to lay her long, lanky body down so she's their height. |
![]() Russkie #83665 |
Posted 2022-12-08 11:16:16
Littleflower - Warrior - they/she - Location: CampThey watched the young apprentices running round, playing their silly little games. It reminded them of when they were one, before they had realized their own identity, but Littleflower shook their head. Their thoughts were interrupted by fluffy silver and white fur who had dropped a vole in front of them. "Here you are, Littleflower, I know they're your favorite." Cloudmist - Warrior - she/her - Location: CampWhen her eyes landed on the orange cat, Cloudmist could feel her heart jump a beat. It looked like they hadn't eaten yet, only recently having woken up. The fluffy cat made it her duty to pick out two plump voles, and padded right on over to Littleflower. She placed the larger one in front of them, a purr in her chest that she almost couldn't hear over her heartbeat and the warmth in her face. "Here you are, Littleflower, I know they're your favorite!" She mewed, voice higher than she intended. But Littleflower smiled at her, saying a thank you, and offered Cloudmist a spot in front of her so the two could eat together. "I hope Scarletstar sends out a hunting patrol soon." Cloudmist says, filling in the silence. Looking over the camp, cats were already up and even playing. The only thing missing was a deputy. The cat chosen by the leader, second in line to become leader. She remembered learning about. Now that things have settled down, Cloudmist wondered when Scarletstar would announce who it is. |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2022-12-08 11:40:01
ScarletStar ~ She/Her ~ LeaderScarletStar moves out of the way for one of the apprentices running outside, a soft smile on her face. She leaves the burrow to stretch, greeting ThrasherPaw and the other aprentices, before asking. "I think i'm going to send at least a couple of you out with the rising sun hunt." She smiles as BlackPaw's eyes shimmer with exsightment at the thought. "Can i go, mom, please!?" ScarletStar nods softly, "I think WhiteWhisker, CloudMist and SilverClaw will be going out. And while you take care of the hunt o believe i should focus on choosing a deputy . . ." Truth is, ScarletStar had no idea who to choose. pretty soon they would have 6 more apprentices and not enough Warriors to train all of them. So with not enough Warriors already, how was she meant to pick one to be future leader? |
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |