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🌲ScarletClan🟥~An on-sight Warrior Cats Roleplay~

Posted 2022-12-21 13:06:37

ScarletStar ~ She/Her ~ Leader

ScarletStar's eyes flicker to Riverpaw when her thought returns to her, and she smiles softly, tail wraping around her front paws softly. "Goodmorning, RiverPaw." a slight purr wells in her chest for the younger apprentice. She didn't pick favorites, but she was fairly fond of RiverPaw and her past. Already the young apprentice held a lot of respect from the leader, and in ScarletStars eyes, she was a perfect cat for future deputy. "what are your thoughts on going out with the sunrise hunt this morning? BlackPaw is going, and i'm thinking about asking rowanpaw too."

TreePaw ~ She/Her ~ Med Cat Apprentice

Treepaw purrs softly as she looks up to see another apprentice awake. "Goodmorning Riverpaw." she mews, before returning her attention to rowanpaw.

Posted 2022-12-21 16:01:19
He opens his eyes sleeply as he awakes in the morning light.He stretches a bit before padding outside to bask in the morning sun."Ah this is the life."he purrs to himself as he lays in a patch of grass."And best of all there are no clan cats to ruin it."he purred to himself as he began to groom his pelt.He padds off in search of a snack after he grooms himself,something small..perhaps a squirrel or a mouse.

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2022-12-21 16:09:15 (edited)

RumorMoon ~ He/Him ~ Warrior

RumorMoon was swiftly making his way out of his den, trying not to be noticed. 'I'll just grab something to munch on then I'll be right back. No one will notice, right?' He thought to himself as he darted out of the clan entrance and into the forest. Once he was out of earshot he sighed deeply and smiled to himself. "Now to find something to eat." He told himself as he searched the tree branches and ground for a small snack. He wondered off and soon found a squirrel with its back turned to him. 'Perfect!' He thought. He struggled to put himself into hunting position considering his stomach was against the forest floor due to his stub legs. He did his best then moved towards it and prepared to leap.


Posted 2022-12-21 16:26:42

TreeStump ~ He/Him ~ Medicine Cat 🌿🍃

TreeStump tilts his head from his den as he watches RumorMoon leave the camp. It wan't odd to see cats leaving, but he seemed to have . . . ill intentions. Glancing around carefully, the large calico tom makes his way out of his den before following the much shorter cat out of camp and following him through the clearing, all while staying hidden and saying nothing. He was hunting, but . . . ScarletStar hadnt sent him, of that Treestump was sure.

Posted 2022-12-21 16:41:05

RumorMoon ~ He/Him ~ Warrior

RumorMoon leapt to catch the prey but failed as it darted away. "Ugh! Darn my short legs!" He was angry and and hungry. He hadn't eaten in a long time but didn't want his clan to worry about...or he didn't think anyone noticed so he went on like normal. He was about to turn and look for more prey but picked up another scent. He looked around and soon found the area it was coming from. It was a familiar scent so he walked forward and found TreeStump. "Ah!" He sprang back and hissed. "What are you doing following me?"


Posted 2022-12-21 16:52:26

TreeStump ~ He/Him ~ Medicine Cat 🌿🍃

"There's food in the fresh kill pile. You know the rules. not even in the clan for 4 seasons and your already trying to break the Warrior Code?" he pins his ears to the back of his head and his tail flicks, narrowing his eyes and even bareing his teeth. He may have been the medicine cat, but he definately counted as a Warrior. he a big, strong and mean if he wanted to be.

Posted 2022-12-21 16:57:56

RumorMoon ~ He/Him ~ Warrior

RumorMoon felt his chest tighten and he began to feel pressured. "I'm so sorry!" He collapsed onto the ground and buried his face into the grass. "I'm still trying to learn the code. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm so, so sorry!" He felt pathetic and knew in your eyes that he look hopeless. "I just wanted to prove I could catch something without help from..." He paused and bowed his his head, looking at his legs. "...normal cats."


Posted 2022-12-21 17:09:33 (edited)

TreeStump ~ He/Him ~ Medicine Cat 🌿🍃

TreeStump growls lowly, clearly unamused. "Three strikes, kit-cat, and i'll be able to convince ScarletStar to kick you. This is already strike one." he stands and shakes himself off, huffing as he licks his tail a few times before turning and walking back to camp. uncaring for if Rumormoon followed or not.

Posted 2022-12-21 17:15:29

RumorMoon ~ He/Him ~ Warrior

RumorMoon waited for you to vanish then slowly followed. Once he reached the clan entrance he went to the prey pile and took a small sparrow that had been caught. He didn't want to get yelled at again so he rushed off to a dark corner to eat in shame. He silently wished he was back home with his humans, happy and safe. Here he felt like an outcast and a burden. He watched others go by and finished his meal. Once done he stood and moved out of the shadows a little. He wanted to speak with someone, something that he rarely did, about what he should do. He looked around rapidly in hopes someone would spot him and try to talk to him.


Posted 2022-12-23 10:17:50
Oakwind ~ He/Him ~ Warrior~

OakWind was wandering out into the forest outside of the camp. He saw a mouse and scrambled off to hunt it. OakWind sprinted after it. He caught it. "Gotcha." He mumbled.
𓆏 KynZee 𓆏

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