🌲ScarletClan🟥~An on-sight Warrior Cats Roleplay~
Posted 2022-12-23 10:21:59
LilacPurr ~ She/Her ~ WarriorLilacPurr was happily padding around camp. She was hoping someone might need her help or have a task for her. She'd already finished all her normal chores and had to much energy to just sit around and do nothing. Soon she decided to take a walk and ended up spotting OakWind. She eagerly rushed towards him and leapt out of a nearby bush. "Boo!" She landed in front of the tom and his newly caught prey with a thud. |
![]() »--𝙻𝚎𝚡--« #33076 |
Posted 2022-12-23 11:13:40
OAKWIND ~ He/Him~ Warrior"GOODNESS LILACPURR" Oakwind growled. He dropped his mouse and swatted at her. "Stop. You can't do that to your elders." He hissed angrily. what has gotten i to her today. What was she thinking? OakWind thought to himself. |
𓆏 KynZee 𓆏 #111560 |
Posted 2022-12-23 11:19:23
LilacPurr ~ She/Her ~ WarriorLilacPurr only laughed and grinned at OakWind. "Okay, I'm sorry. And you're not that much older than me." She rolled her eyes and sat in the grass to lick her paw. "What are you doing out here anyway? TreeStump will be angry if he finds out we are not in the camp. I heard that he got onto the new cat about it." She felt bad for those who got on TreeStump's bad side, he was scary. |
![]() »--𝙻𝚎𝚡--« #33076 |
Posted 2022-12-23 13:11:15 (edited)
Riverpaw ~ she/her ~ ApprenticeRiverpaw's eyes flash open, as she turns eagerly to face Scarletstar. Almost losing her balance in a jolt of excitement, her front paws splay out in front of her but she quickly corrects her footing. "Goodmorning Scarletstar! Her fur begins to rise a bit just thinking about going on her first ever hunt, she quiets the hair on her chest with a few quick licks before replying. "That sounds amazing! we could bring back enough food to feed the whole clan for days!" Never having been on a hunt before, or past the clearing aside from maybe a few rabbit leaps beyond the entrance since the night she arrived, Riverpaw wasn't aware of how naive she sounded, yet she believed what she said with her whole heart. Still looking up at the sleek black cat, her ears can't help but flicker at the sounds of small birds flitting through the evergreens and the sounds of the squirrels chattering at each other, the forest was so alive during this time of year, she could hardly wait to venture beyond the clearing, this time unafraid, more sure of her self and ready to experience it all, better yet she was finally going to learn the ways of the warriors. Under Scarletstar's warm steady gaze she was unable to contain her excitement any further, the loud purr again wells up from within. Riverpaw began to wonder if she might even get a mentor soon, and who it might be, however she didn't voice these thoughts, she trusted Scarlets stars judgment and knew she would pair the apprentices with their warrior mentors when the time was right, settling her mind with determination, she would work hard make herself a great hunter and soon a great warrior. |
![]() Cₐₙₐdᵤₕ #109630 |
Posted 2022-12-23 13:28:36
ScarletStar ~ She/Her ~ LeaderScarletStar's eyes sparkle at the exightment in the young apprentice. Her chest warms and she purrs back softly, "A few days is a lot of food to bring back in one hunt." she purrs simply, she stands and gestures for her to follow. It was about time she got that hunt going. The Warriors were hunting without the go-ahead, TreeStump had taken care of it, for the most part, but she was going to have to talk to Oakwind about his antics. "BlackPaw." she calls and soon the black male, not much smaller then ScarletStar, comes running, a wide grin on his face. She walks to the edge of the clearing outside of camp and mews out, "First of all." her tone is a little ore brutal. "OakWind isn't meant to be hunting in the first place. not without permission and i don't remember giving it." she shifts her weight, she hated having to be the bad guy when someone did something wrong, but she would NOT have warriors breaking the warrior code. "LilacPurr, how would you like to go on the morning hunt with WhiteWhisker?" |
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2023-01-03 17:02:19
When i do get this job i would like to buy GC to help my pack, though im struggling really hard to keep my pack going rn. So i am going to be leaving wolvden(tempoerally) until i have the money to buy GC I won't be on for a while after this RO. )) |
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2023-01-03 17:02:56 (edited)
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2023-01-03 17:03:07 (edited)
Echo_OfTheStorm #88526 |
Posted 2023-01-04 21:32:20 (edited)
![]() Cₐₙₐdᵤₕ #109630 |
Posted 2023-01-25 12:51:44
Riverpaw ~ she/her ~ apprenticeRiverpaw nods considering what Scarletstar said, this was probably going to be a lot harder than she anticipated, but whatever the challenges were that lied ahead she was ready for them. She watched as Scarletstar turned and called for Blackpaw, and saw the young black tom bound up to them. "Hi Blackpaw" Riverpaw mewed, a slight purr in her tone. As they followed their leader to the edge of the clearing she fell in step beside Blackpaw, their fur almost touching. Riverpaw was fond of Blackpaw, when she first came to the camp he introduced her to his siblings and invited her to play with them, she always admired how confident and easy going he was. She noticed as she walked beside him that he was now much taller taller than he was when shed met him, they'd both grown in the past few moons but now she had to look up when she spoke to him. By the edge of the clearing Riverpaw turned her attention to her paws, and the soft earth below, kneading it rhythmically, the sensation of her claws gripping the mossy ground distracting her from the slight tension in the air as Scarletstar scolded those hunting without permission. She looked up when she heard the announcement that Lilacpurr and Whitewhisker would be the warriors taking them on their first hunt. Riverpaw pictured Lilacpurr in her mind, she was a pretty she cat with white and gray tabby fur, though she now realized that she hadn't seen Lilacpurr in the camp when she came out of the apprentice den that morning and walked out into the clearing. She cast her blue gaze around the clearing again, then back to the treeline, perhaps shed gone into the forest to follow the cats that had left the camp. Riverpaw kneaded the ground again, the day was already off to a messy start but she held out hope it would get better, after all shed been waiting for this day for the last two moons. |
![]() Cₐₙₐdᵤₕ #109630 |