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{Wolf RP} Character Sheets

Posted 2022-12-24 06:16:05 (edited)
Name- Aloe
Gender- Male (he/him)
Age- 3 years
Pack- Blossom Pack
Sexuality- Pan
Role- Hunter/Omega?
Personality- Aloe is nervous and easily manipulated. He tried his best to be kind to everyone, which makes him a bit of a pushover. He hates arguments and will go along with whatever he's told to do, even if it feels wrong to him. He is a coward and breaks easily under pressure. Despite his submissive attitude, Aloe has an unbreakable will to live, and will never let anyone take his life, which he values more than anything. He hasn't really developed an attachment to anything or anyone, since he's used to getting bullied, and having the things he loves taken away from him. To protect himself, he swore that he wouldn't care about anything except his own life, so he could survive and keep going. He wants most to feel like he is in control of at least a small area of his life, and so often puts himself into easily escapable dangerous situations, and escapes at the last moment, so that he feels like he can control his own life, and the reason he's alive is because he keeps it that way.
Appearance- Aloe is small and thin, the result of being both the runt of his litter and the fact that he didn't fight to be first to eat. He prides himself with the fact that he's outlived all the rest of his litter, and barely misses the siblings who constantly blamed him for things gone wrong and bullied him his whole life. He has short fur, with tufts of long hair in random spots, much like the jagged edges of the aloe plant, how he earned his name. He has kind, slightly sad hazel eyes that have often been described to look like a doe's eyes.

Posted 2022-12-24 07:51:14 (edited)
Name- Cardinal
Gender- Female
Age- 3 Years
Birth Season- Early Autumn
Pack- Blossom
Sexuality- Het
Role- Beta
Personality- A cunning and bossy wolf. She is very responsible and her job is her first priority. She likes to stay close to her loved ones. She doesn't likes crowds and large friend groups, she prefers one friend who will stay with her forever.

Posted 2022-12-24 08:06:10 (edited)
Name- Talon
Gender- Male
Age- 7 years
Pack- Fire Pack
Sexuality-  unknown
Birth season - winter
Role- scout (he will soon become a elder)
Personality- a silent, yet cold, rude, and grumpy, yet he has tales of the gods and amazing stories. (A grumpy grandpa basically)
Appearance- a shaggy yet handsome old wolf, with a dark brown, black and white coat and one olive eye, is covered in scars. No one knows what happened when he was a loner, but at some point, he did have grand pups, it is unclear of what happened to them tho. link

Posted 2022-12-25 07:25:27
Name-  Silver
Gender- Female
Age- 2 Years, 3 Months
Birth Season- Winter
Pack- Fire Pack
Sexuality- Bi (F-lean)
Role- Beta
Personality- Silver lacks sincere happiness, innocence, and cheerfulness. She is constantly grumpy, skeptic, sarcastic and clingy to anything anybody else than her would say, and has trouble listening to opinions of the others around her. She may come off snappy very often.

𓄿 Corv 𓅂

Posted 2022-12-27 20:22:28
Name- Crisanta
Gender- female
Age- 2 years
Birth Season- spring
Pack- blossom
Sexuality- N/A
Role- hunter
Personality- kind and caring

Posted 2022-12-27 20:23:57
Name- Crisanta
Gender- female
Age- 2 years
Birth Season- spring
Pack- blossom
Sexuality- N/A
Role- hunter
Personality- kind and caring

Posted 2022-12-30 21:42:37 (edited)
Name- Adder
Gender- Female (she/her)
Age- 4 years
Pack- Blossom Pack
Sexuality- Pan
Role- Scout
Personality- Adder is strict and cold-hearted. She cares deeply about her pack, and would fight a hundred bears to protect it, but she holds no love for individuals. She doesn't understand that hurting others is wrong, and finds it difficult to understand the emotions of others. Adder believes that pain is the best way to teach something, as she was often punished as a pup for failing, and believes that she is as strong and capable as she is now because of it.
Appearance- Strong and muscular, Adder is a large wolf with dark brown fur and deep-set eyes. She has a sharp jaw and a gaze to match, with a grim look ever-present on her face. She has silver and grey markings that seem to shimmer in the sunlight, and she strikes quickly, like an Adder.

Posted 2023-01-03 02:41:37
Name- Solis
Gender- Nonbinary
Age- 2.5
Birth Season- Winter
Pack- Loner, for now..
Sexuality- Pan
Role- Loner
Personality- Cold and calculating, Solis is here to destroy. Solis is good at it, too. Their clever, too, able to make descisions quick. A few other traits are territorial, flirty, alluring, dominant, and jealous. He plans to take over a pack and become the alpha, and he's leaning towards Firepack, so watch out!

Su̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Night Chat

Posted 2023-01-05 09:18:45 (edited)
Gender-female (she/her)
Age-4 years 1 month
Birth Season-late fall
Pack-blossom pack
Role-alpha female?
Personality-shy and doesnt speak up much
Appearance-she is rather on the small side link

Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"

Posted 2023-01-05 09:44:43
Name- Sunny
Gender- Female
Age- 2 and 1/2 yrs
Birth Season- Mid-Spring
Pack- Blossom
Sexuality- Bisexual
Role- Alpha Female? 
Personality- Sunny is a kind and caring she-wolf with a strong sense of smell. She loves her pack and would lay down her life for them. She can sometimes get lost in thought and will have a passive face if someone is talking to her. Sunny had a sister who died when they were adolescents. Sister's name was Rose.
Appearance- link


Name- Tempest
Gender- Female
Age- 3 yrs and 1 month
Birth Season- Mid-Winter
Pack- Fire Pack
Sexuality- Pansexual
Role- Hunter
Personality- Tempest is very kind and caring, though she can sometimes be harsh with her words.
Appearance- link

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