"I will not go without Wraith." He says dully, glancing at the bush and trotting over to his smaller friend. He lays down, his body next to his friend. "Wraith... Do you want to come with us? I will only go if you do." He woofs softly.
Wraith was started that someone had bothered to ask him or even go over to him. He just stared at the much larger male for a moment. The look in his eyes was sad but sweet, as if he wanted to smile but something was weighing him down. He gave a slight nod and tried to stand but collapsed. He was confused then realized what was happening. He gave a pitiful whine and couldn't look Cannibal in the eyes. "I- I c-an't move...par-aly-zed." His voice was small and he sounded ashamed.
Wraith whimpered. He hated when this happened but he was relived that it wasn't a stroke or seizure. He layed there for a moment then thought of something. "Can y-ou car-ry me?" He looked up at Cannibal and tilted his head slightly.
Astrid was about to say that they should get going now when he realized that Wraith and Cannibal had both disappeared. He looked around quickly then picked up their scents from a bush. He walked over and peeked into it. "Um, is something wrong?"
"Yes, I can carry you." The large wolf says softly as he begins to lift the smaller wolf in his jaws, laying him across his back. "Okay - everyone follow us." Cannibal barks as he sees Frost come to his side. He begins the walk to the dens.
Solis recalled seeing something in his short, yet wild sprint. it was an outcropping with what he assumed a hollow in it, but he couldn't be sure. Solis started to feel guilty of how he had acted, he was confused, but that didn't excuse his actions " Actually. " He Woofed at the wolfdog known as Cannibal, " I thought I saw a den nearby, can we go check that first? I'ts very close. " He said, tilting his head slightly and taking a step back, flicking his tail in the direction. " I can't be sure it's a den, or a big one, but It's worth a shot I guess. Looked a lot like something that would protect you from the elements. " His eyes flicked to the others, awaiting a response
Wraith laying on his large companions back nodded at Solis and sensed the change in his feelings. 'It's okay. You were just trying to figure things out. No need to feel bad. After all we are somewhere new and there could have been anything out here.' He spoke through his mind but smiled softly at the new addition to their group.
Astrid was surprised by how Solis was suddenly speaking calmly and how he was trying to help all of the sudden. "Yes. We can check that out first. You may lead us to that place Solis then if it doesn't have enough space Cannibal can take us to the place."
" Right. It's back there. Come one, everyone. " He woofed, turning back and starting to pad away, after a few feet he turned his head back slightly, making sure the others were following " Coming? " He asked expectantly before speeding up into a slow trot, lifting his tail up a bit into a confident position. He saw clean tracks from where he had come, and was using that to guide himself. The Yoteolf looked left to right, scanning for the den.
Astrid walked up next to Solis and smiled. "We are following. No need to stop. We should hurry to find a place and rest." They watched the others got ready to leave and glanced at Frost and Wraith. They knew Wraith would be fine with Cannibal carrying him but they were unsure about Frost. "If you need help along the way or you grow tired feel free to ask for it." The small multi-limbed wolf reminded them of of another like him, someone they'd grown up with.
Wraith was falling asleep slightly but seemed to be fighting the urge to let himself rest. He yawned and moved into a less comfortable position on Cannibals back in hopes of not drifting off. His eyes seemed a little more cloudy and dark as if the tiredness wasn't the only thing nagging at him, he looked weaker and more zoned out. He was used to it though as it happened every time he became paralyzed because of his disorder.
lovelace lagged behind lost in thought following the group. She then cought the scent of a dead animal so she strayed from the group and started following it. She didnt know where she was but all she could think was how hungry she was. "hopefully it's something big that died so i can tell the rest about the food i found", she thought to herself. Lovelace was now standing infront of a elk bull carcass. but something about the dead animal was not adding up to her but she decided to push that thought to the back of her head. "I have to get back to the pack and tell them about the food that i found but I dont where i am.". she looked around afraid and lost.