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✶ The Farhills [lore | read only]

✶ The Farhills [lore | read only]
Posted 2020-10-29 08:57:07 (edited)


This land feels strange and unfamiliar, shrouded in a thick fog that makes it difficult to see more than a few paces ahead of you. Shapes move through the gloom, fluid and unearthly. There's a strange silence in the air, and you wonder if you've taken a wrong step and wandered into the land of the spirits.

. . .
The Farhills are an inhospitable stretch of uneven grassland atop the Canadian shield, home to a small, isolated pack of rather unusual wolves. Fog hangs low over the pack's territory, affording them privacy despite the openness of the rocky hills. Though their pragmatic leader cares little for spirits, many among her pack believe the fog to be alive in some way, a guarding force that never entirely dissipates...

「Gameplay Rules」

✦ Pack is capped at 15 adult members

✦ Pack leadership is passed through the founder's bloodline

✦ Appearances should be realistic or semi-realistic

✦ I can only buy one wolf from the trading center per 'year'

✦ Bloodlines should not be inbred (excusing distant relations)

 I hope you enjoy reading my pack lore! I'm just having fun and doing some really self indulgent writing to destress after writing a lot of not so good essays for uni. Please don't post for the time being, but feel free to pm me if you have any thoughts! Also, this whole thing will change with my pack's generations so it's kind of an eternal WIP... 〉 


Posted 2020-10-29 09:38:46 (edited)

The pack founder, Tempest, was born south of the Farhills in an abundant woodland. Her birth pack was unconventional, descended from wolves gifted the ability to shift into humans by spirits. As years passed this ability corrupted them, and they grew more human than wolf, waging great wars and granting themselves fanciful titles.

Though she was of high status in her birth pack Tempest soon grew disenchanted with the complexity of life in the woodlands. War was a constant, and even in times of peace there was unrest due to the inequality within the group. Faced with inheriting leadership of the pack Tempest chose to leave, taking two companions with her on a long trip north.

Tempest's distaste for her homeland inspired her vision of a simple, logical life, and that simple desire underpins many of the Farhill pack's beliefs and practices. She chose to ban the taking of human form, condemning her pack to live as wolves alone, and discouraged spirituality and the practice of consorting with spirits. This, she believed, would lead them away from corruption and unrest, allowing them to live as their ancestors had – simply, as animals. However, not every resident of the Farhills is of the same belief….  


The pack is ruled by a sole lead wolf and their advisor. The pack's lead hunter and herbalist may also function in leadership roles in times of emergency.

Upon the death of the lead wolf the rulership is inherited by the most accomplished of their offspring. Adopted children are considered, but blood related offspring take priority. As one might imagine, this occasionally creates infighting among the Leader's children. If there are no offspring, or if the pack judges the offspring incapable of taking up the role, the rulership falls to a pack vote.

The role of advisor is assigned personally by the lead wolf rather than inherited. However, a new advisor may not be assigned before the passing of the previous advisor.

Though these ranks afford their bearers authority, life in the Farhills is largely egalitarian. The lead wolf lives almost identically to a common hunter, though they hold more social capital.

On the rare occasion that the pack welcomes an outsider the newcomer may be initially disturbed by the pack's traditions -- or lack of traditions, rather. When a pack member dies no ceremonies follow, and in most cases the body is simply left to decompose where it lays. Similarly, births go uncelebrated, as does the changing of seasons.

One of the few traditions the pack practices is the occasional matchmaking meeting, which occurs when a young wolf can find no suitable match within the pack -- generally due to a lack of compatibility or being too closely related to their packmates. A small entourage will escort this wolf to the territory of a nearby pack and attempt to broker a match. Unfortunately, few wolves are interested in marrying into the Farhills pack, which has a reputation for being odd and living in an uncomfortable, treacherous land. Further complicating things, few shifters are willing to give up their human form to join the pack, and few non-shifters are willing to taint their bloodline and take a werewolf mate.

The pack's leadership is not overly involved in the lives of pack members, and there are few formalized laws. However acts that defy logic and cause harm are generally outlawed, and as the pack lives by a collectivist worldview, displays of extreme selfishness or ego are considered among the most egregious crimes. 

Naturally, taking human form is an unspeakable taboo that also engenders severe punishment. That is not to say that this taboo is not often broken during clandestine meetings or under the cover of night.

Depending on the severity of the act punishments vary, but a common fate of lawbreakers is a ten sun-cycle exile into the shrouded woods. Should the lawbreaker survive this exile and manage to make their way back after the ten days they will be accepted back into the pack. Most do not return, and those who do never speak of the experience.

Those of high status are not except from the pack's laws, including the pack's leader.

「Naming practices」
Names are kept relatively simple and are usually derived from nature, but names that reflect pack values or indicate one's character are also sometimes used. Long, elaborate names are considered embarrassing, as are 'human' names. Newcomers to the pack generally select new names to demonstrate their dedication to living as a member of the pack.
Surnames and suffixes are not used at the moment.

If you were to ask a pack member about their spiritual practices they would, most likely, confidently reply that their pack doesn't concern themselves with spirits, that they are content to live simply. Few would admit to deep-rooted superstitions that the pack holds, superstitions that grow stronger with every generation.

The heavy fog that almost constantly blankets the region is believed to be somewhat sentient by most of the pack, who view it as a force of both protection and destruction. On the rare days when the fog lifts a great sense of unease falls over the pack, and most retreat to the safety of the den, unused to the harsh, direct light of day. It is commonplace for wolves to see visions in the fog, glimpses of spirits or reflections of one's human self, though few speak of them. In the early years of the pack these spiritual happenings were largely dismissed due to Tempest's assurances that they were nothing more than illusions. When Tempest's rule passes, however, this may change...

Whether the fog is simply a product of the low elevation and the nearby lake or a spiritual force remains uncertain.


Posted 2020-10-29 14:52:19 (edited)

The Farhills are an uneven, rocky plain, dotted by the occasional spindly pine. Large slabs of ancient, mossy bedrock rise from the hills, peeking through the thin soil. Streams snake across the land, some thin and some broad. The fog is often concentrated on the banks of the larger of the streams, making it quite easy to fall in if you're not vigilant.

Given the lack of trees and large shrubs, there are almost no birds or tree dwelling creatures living in the Farhills, save for the waterfowl that are attracted by the marshier sections of the territory. When hunting the fog is a double edged sword, forcing the wolves of the Farhills tend to rely on scent and sound over vision, but also providing cover that makes it far easier to sneak up on prey.

To the south the land slopes downwards, blanketed by a dense forest of conifers. The fog grows even thicker among the trees, so thick that one has little hope of navigating through it. Those who wander in will be greeted by the bodies of those who failed to find their way out of the Shrouded Woods. The woods occasionally spit out lost wanderers onto the pack's territory.

The pack's western, eastern, and northern borders are marked by steep forested slopes, dotted in fire watch towers. Beyond the northern border the land becomes increasingly more barren, stretching out into an endless taiga.

This is not a hospitable land, and even the pack's founder can't quite explain why she felt drawn to it.

「L A N D M A R K S」

The fog hides most of the land's features, but over the years the wolves of the Farhills have discovered and named the more interesting landmarks...

「Fogbreaker」 A massive stone formation that sits roughly in the middle of the pack's territory, shooting upwards and ending in an angular point. Conveniently, the rock is shaped in such a way that a small wolf can climb it and sit at the top. Though most of the territory is shrouded in fog, ruining the view, one can still see shadows beneath it.

「Spirit's marsh」 More a series of large, ever-present puddles than a true marshland, the Spirit's marsh sits at the juncture of several of the streams that run through the territory. It's rumoured that, should you visit on a particularly foggy day, you'll see spirits reflected in the murky water.

「The gate」 Two pieces of ancient stone that stand side by side with a space between them. Large enough to be seen from a distance, even through thick fog, the Gate is a popular meeting place.

「The Splits」 A stretch of exposed bedrock streaked with deep cracks. Most of the deeper fissures are impossible to escape should you fall in; the old, weather-worn skull of a wolf is wedged into one such fissure, warning the living away. The shallower, broader cracks make for a decent hiding spot.

「The tower」 A fire lookout tower on the northern border. Technically out of the pack's ordinary range, the wolves of the Farhills are advised to stay far away from the tower and it's human guardian. However it is not uncommon for the younger, more daring members of the pack to sneak out and lurk around the tower's great legs under the cover of night.

「The Warrens」 A series of interconnected tunnels that resemble a rabbit's warren, though large enough for a wolf to travel through. The walls and roof of the tunnel are stone, streaked with colourful lines of demarcation. The roof of the main cavern is fractured, a skylight that enables the growth of a variety of herbs even in the subterranean depths. The pack's first herbalist, Hemlock, claimed these tunnels as her own, believing them to contain some special energy. Those suffering from severe illnesses are often quarantined deep within the warrens

「The Den」 Several slabs of blue bedrock spring from the earth as if frozen as they collided. Through the sliver of space between these rocks is the pack's main den, which is lit dimly by cracks in the rock above. Moss carpets the uneven floor, but the den is otherwise undecorated and modest.


Posted 2020-10-30 08:26:05 (edited)

 〈current generation ; First〉

Tempest and her two advisors have only just arrived in the Farhills. In these early days little is known of the land's secrets and the pack's ideology is still in it's infancy. Newcomers arrive often, stumbling dazed out of the Shrouded woods.

Those who live during Tempest's reign are the founding generation, living simple lives on the barren hills of their new home. The generations that come after may not live quite so simply, but for the time being things are peaceful...

> click on names to view

「L E A D E R S H I P」

〈The pack founder. Stoic and disciplined, Tempest departed from her bountiful homeland seeking a less complicated life. Her ideals inform the pack's way of life long after her death. Though she will one day be deified by her ancestors, in life Tempest has a fun streak under her straight-laced exterior〉

Frost ♂
〈The pack's second founder who derived from the same original pack as Tempest. Frost currently serves as Tempest's advisor as well as the lead hunter.  Though he is fiercely loyal to Tempest he has never agreed with her vision of what the pack should become. Having known Tempest throughout her life he knows well that despite her solemn demeanor and pragmatism she isn't quite as wise as some think and can be blind to the flaws in her convictions〉

「H E R B A L I S T」

〈The pack's first herbalist, Hemlock is intimidating despite her small frame and limp. She has a habit of tasting poisonous plants, which might explain the frequency with which she sees spirits in the fog. Hemlock was the first to theorize that the fog might have some strange power. She and Tempest often clash over this belief, and Tempest generally ignores Hemlock's omens. Hemlock also discovered the tunnel system that would serve as the pack healer's abode for years to come.〉

「H U N T E R S」

A wandering loner who found a home in the Farhills during the pack's first days. Rowan often attempts to come off as cool and collected, but he's actually high-strung and preachy. He follows Tempest with enthusiasm, seeing her word as absolute. 

Though timid by nature, Wan is among the most respected hunters in the pack. With his pale fur he manages to blend seamlessly into the fog on the days when it is thickest, steady as he runs despite not being able to see the ground before him. 

Ash ♀
Quiet and mischievous, Ash's taste for causing chaos is often not noticed until it's too late. Her ghostly demeanor makes her an excellent stalker -- a skill that also serves her in executing countless pranks.

Aloof and with little tolerance for nonsense, Sitka is not the most social of the hunters. She is notable for her large, powerful frame, intimidating presence, and embarrassingly obvious affection for Tarn

「S C O U T S」

Moth ♀  [DECEASED]
Tarn's hyperactive scouting partner, Moth tends to flit about erratically just like her namesake. She can be overbearing, and many of her packmates are glad that her job mostly entails wandering off to distant parts of the territory and beyond.

Rumour has it that the fog guided Tempest's steps into the shrouded woods, where she discovered a pup with sand in his fur, curled up within the mossy skeleton of a stag. Taken in by the pack's alpha as a son, Tarn has carried himself with a strange sense of dignity from a young age. Quiet, contemplative, and wary, Tarn embodies Tempest's vision of an ideal Farhill wolf. Unfortunately this also draws the ire of his peers, who take joy in trying to get a rise out the leader's golden child.

certain pack members -- namely Hemlock -- believe Tarn to be a bad omen, having been taken from the field of death that is the shrouded woods. Tempest, who pays little mind to superstition, brushes off such concerns...

「P U P S I T T E R S」

〈Prim is one of the more sociable pack members. As a pup she stumbled out of the Shrouded woods, lost and traumatized, but these days she's rarely seen not chattering away about the weather or the state of the dens. Though she gets along with almost everyone she seems to have trouble creating deep bonds with her packmates. As her name suggests, she's a little too prim and proper for life in the rugged Farhills, but she is determined to remain regardless. 

「D E C E A S E D」

Shiver ♂  
An elderly wolf who wandered out to the Farhills, looking for a quiet place to die, Shiver had his retirement rudely interrupted by Tempest and her entourage. Somewhat unwillingly he became the pack's pupsitter and lived a happy life until his eventual death of old age.〉

Gale ♂
Tempest's second advisor, another childhood friend from her original pack. Gale became lost in the fog and fell into the Splits, where his bones remain. Tempest saw it as nothing more than bad luck, but Hemlock, though not much more than a pup at the time, believed otherwise... 


Posted 2020-10-30 20:16:47 (edited)

〈 A very brief summary of the pack's story so far 〉

「Founding Era」

> Disillusioned with her complicated life, the heir to a large, powerful pack of werewolves sets out on a journey north. She brings with her two childhood friends. Together they shed both their human forms and their old names, becoming Tempest, Frost, and Gale. The trio travel through the perilous shrouded woods and emerge into a land they dub The Farhills

> On the outskirts of the territory Tempest comes across a scraggly adolescent with one foot caught in a bear trap. Against the will of her advisors, who assume a pup with such a severe injury can be nothing more than a burden, she frees the young wolf, who chooses the name Hemlock upon joining the pack.

> Gale, after a disagreement with Tempest and Frost, tries to leave the Farhills. A thick fog surrounds him, causing him to fall to his death in the Splits.

> Summer comes, and with it several lost travelers. The pack doubles in number and begins to settle down. The territory is explored and the pack's ideology is born. Hemlock ages into her role as herbalist and plants the seed of superstition among her packmates.

> On the day of the summer solstice a warm breeze draws Tempest into the shrouded woods, where she finds Tarn

> Tempest's first child, Vigil, is born

> Tarn's half sister, Wren, joins the pack

[the present]


Posted 2020-10-30 20:50:51 (edited)

I hope you enjoyed reading!

For more on the Farhills pack check out Tales from the Farhills, a separate, less neat thread that catalogues the pack through the generations. It has a more detailed history of the pack, and includes little drabbles & bits of art!


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