Got Lore?
Got Lore?
Posted 2023-04-10 11:48:15
This forum is dedicated sharing lore that you have written for your wolves and/or pack.Do you have lore wolves? Well, share them and their stories with your fellow lore writing enthusiasts! |
![]() [FATAL_ERROR] #54485 |
Posted 2023-04-24 21:35:30 (edited)
I'm a hobby fantasy writer. Favorite story as far as dialogue is my herbalist's mother Shasiek. Her name comes from a a desert tribe in my fantasy series. Many Ghul Pack wolves have memories of past lives. They were reincarnated former pack members, humans, or desert ghouls (the creature in my avatar). Herbalists are called witches or wizards and can do minor magical rituals. ![]() Shasiek woke up. The snake was still there, filling the cave with blue light. She flattened herself into the back. "What are you?" "I am the ghost of a snake you ate in a past life. You may call me Gilgamesh." "I'm... sorry?" "No apology needed. The mice that gnawed your bones fed my children. Everything turns around into itself. I am here to protect you." Shasiek sat up straight and bowed her head. "Where does the danger come from, spirit?" "Today Aplha Taak will announce you are to lead a hunting team into the most dangerous lands for training. Wizard Zairn asked me to guide you. He wishes he'd lived to meet you. After saving your father, you are like a granddaughter to him." "Does Alpha Taak not trust my ability to take over from Father?" "You are not ready yet. Do not worry. I will advise you on your healing work as well." "I'm sorry, but... Do snakes have healers?" "Who do you think discovered the use of herbs? We brought them to the world. In return, the Creator told us which to eat in order to become young again. Wizard Zain may have taught human magic, but that is nothing compared to snake magic." Proud to continue the tradition of healer, magician, and dream interpreter, Shasiek is the first female to hold the title. First Wizard Zairn founded the profession with knowledge of the human world that frightened many. Her father Rayld brought a more easygoing style when his mentor passed on. Shasiek doesn't have her father's white fur and pale eyes, but she is the first to receive a spirit guide. No one else can see Gilgamesh. Anyone who suggests he isn't real hears an eerie rattling. My second lead also keeps a lot of setup for the pack in his bio. He is named after the main character in the series, a disabled ghoul raised by humans. Taak ![]() Taak was born with strange eyes, teeth, and claws that everyone agreed felt familiar. Wizard Zairn declared this a good sign; he was closer to the past-life beings they saw in their dreams. Taak's attention to detail impressed Alpha Yerv when he watched how he interacted with his teachers. He was strong but also clever, not the most charismatic but focused on how the rules everyone followed kept the pack orderly. Yerv could feel himself slowing down. Though the pup was not from his bloodline, he decided this kind of leadership would be best for the pack. Taak received the rule of Ghul Pack: Manage your resources. Everyone must have permission to take a mate or have a litter so the pack does not grow too fast. Test new males before allowing them to enter. They must have the dreams of past lives which set us apart. Have your mate do the same with the females. Kill foxes and badgers on sight- they are schemers who report the pack's activities to enemies. During apprenticeship he got too close to the hunt and was trampled by an elk. Unable to move his back legs, finisher Meep carried him home to die. To everyone's surprise Zairn promised a solution. He knew of human magic and returned from the farmlands with a strange device. He rubbed herbs on it and chanted in a human voice that made everyone's hair stand up. When Taak healed the Wizard showed him how to use it. It leaves a magical smell in his wake and moves in unnatural ways over the ground while he runs and fights. The constant exposure to magic awakened more past-life memories in Taak. He has a fondness for collecting human objects and sniffs out leftover food, which he will only eat if it is fresh. |
![]() 🍂 Leonca 🐆 #54339 |
Posted 2023-04-25 03:43:51
![]() [FATAL_ERROR] #54485 |
Posted 2023-04-26 08:37:19
![]() Skye #95023 |
Posted 2023-04-26 08:39:47
![]() Closed Account #46178 |
Posted 2023-05-04 15:26:45
When I came here a long time ago, way before you littluns came along, I had heard of rumors of a pack growing deep in the forest. I was wondering one day, and Blueheart came across me. She befriended me quickly and asked if I wanted to join this pack. I obviously obliged. I remember when we had to run away due to the hunters coming closer and closer. I remember observing my first mourning, which was for my own son, Osric. That was the day I swore I'd learn herbs way better than I had before, and I have. I am proficient in my job and wish to do it longer. Unfortunately, I can feel these bones getting older; my soul says I'm still a year old, but my body says otherwise. I have a son who will carry on my job. His name is Tybalt, and he will do very well in it. I will pass on one day and cross into the abyss, but I will always come down and talk to him whenever he wishes to talk with me. Whether that be guidance, comfort, or anything in between. He is my son, and I care about him deeply, and so does my mate, White Paw. I will, unfortunately, leave him behind, as I am older than him. That is alright. He is a fine and skilled hunter, and I know he will hunt until he can't anymore. It's the only thing he loves equal to Tybalt and I. I grew up in a pack called Moon Valley. Being an herbalist seemed to run in my family since my mother was one when I was younger, and then I became one myself here in this pack. I grew up with three siblings, and I was the oldest of two sisters and a brother. I was sorry to leave them behind to wander on my own, but I chose this life, and it's possibly the best thing I've ever done. After some time of wandering, I came across a small sparrow and decided to use what little herb knowledge I had to help it and nurture it. It didn't leave my side until its death. Every so often I swear I hear his call. One day I was wandering around in the forest, and I heard paw steps quickly approaching me. I was ready to try and talk before violence. That's the day Blueheart came into my life. I asked what she wanted, politely of course, and asked if there was anything I could help her with. She asked if I wanted to join her pack. I said yes, wondering how big it was. When I joined, it was small, but it seems it quickly grew and continues to grow. Thank you for listening, little one. Now go back to your mother before you get in trouble ![]() |
Zekara #52356 |
Posted 2023-06-01 16:00:35 (edited)
Stories of The Lost OnesIchor's lore: ![]() Story One: Fable of the Grinning DemonTo betray one's own mate seems to be as unimaginable as it is despicable. Especially when you must bear the consequences of a forbidden affair, and raise it as your own pup. For Faline, this was the exact thing that happened when she gave into temptation while in heat, which is a natural thing for wolves, but generally it's with one's chosen pairbond. While an affair with a breeding male is rather normal, the affair that Faline had was not. Seduction is a powerful weapon, especially when it's used by a shadow demon. She had been lulled in by a male wolf who was handsome beyond belief, and she was unaware of what he truly was at the time. The two had a bit of a fling under the light of the moon at midnight, while her mate was away. However, once the deed was done, the handsome wolf transformed into something a bit more monstrous. A huge shadowy being with glowing eyes and dark tendrils which flailed wildly stood where her lover had once stood. This wasn't a wolf… it was a horrible demon. It grinned at her and went on its way while laughing at her. She tried to follow it in order to try to fight it, but it had disappeared into a heavy fog. No apparent trace of it remained, not even a scent. Faline was mortified, realizing what she had just done would probably ruin her life. She retreated back to her den and waited for her husband to return. At the time she didn't realize that she was pregnant as she had convinced herself that it was only a nightmare. She never told her husband about her demonic lover, and had convinced him that the pups she was carrying were his, not that he would've suspected otherwise anyway. The birth of these demonic seeds of passion was incredibly normal and in fact a vast majority of them were incredibly normal looking as well, resembling Faline and her mate, Bambi. A single melanistic pup was born, but this wasn't that unusual as both Faline and Bambi had the gene necessary to have a melanistic pup. However, something still seemed a bit off about it. It showed no issues when it came to nursing, yet it remained weak and scrawny looking, as if it were on the verge of starvation. None of its siblings seemed to have issues, and there was no reason why it would have issues either, supposedly. The miserable creature was eternally hungry, it seemed. Of course this was very concerning to Faline, obviously. More disturbing was the black discharge which came from its eyes and mouth. It had the consistency of ink and was unlike anything that anybody had ever seen. Faline began to remember her encounter with the shadow demon, and wondered if the peculiarities that this pup possessed were a result of this. She named it Ichor and attempted to provide any accommodations for it that she could. She referred to Ichor as "it" even though Ichor was male, as she struggled to recognize this inky creature as being a wolf. When an unfortunate squirrel scurried into Faline's den, she was horrified as she witnessed Ichor viciously attack it and swallow it whole like a snake. It was even more concerning when the fact that he shouldn't have even been weaned at the time was taken into consideration. A pup that young shouldn't have been able to eat meat as it was supposed to rely on its mother's milk to survive at that age. When Ichor was first born, he seemed relatively normal, apart from being melanistic, but even that isn't too odd. Ichor's melanism wasn't the strangest aspect he possessed, the strangest thing about him was how hungry he always seemed to be. Of course, a growing pup needs plenty of nutrients to survive, but Ichor seemed remain unsatisfied, he grew and all, but the insatiable hunger remained. "Perhaps it is an eating disorder?" Most of his pack members would say, as that seemed to be the most logical explanation in their eyes… however his mother knew that this likely wasn't the case. Ichor was not a traditional wolf, black drool perpetually dripped from his mouth, and inky tears would occasionally stream from his eyes. This didn't seem to phase him much though, and his mother tried to ignore that aspect of her pup and treat him like her other pups. Unfortunately, this earthborn demon couldn't just be sustained through milk, even before it was weaned. It needed fresh meat… and lots of it at that. Ichor's mother was afraid to leave this thing and its "siblings" unattended for too long, which did interfere with her role in the pack sometimes. The being she raised as her own pup constantly needed attention. She tried her best to provide for Ichor, but it was no easy task. One day, Ichor's mom left him unattended for a bit too long, and the pup began to roam around like most other pups do. However, this exploration was interrupted by a sudden pang of hunger within Ichor's stomach, with no meat around, Ichor had no choice but to hunt. The hunger pains were so intense, that Ichor didn't even care what he ate, he just had to eat something. The hungrier he got, the more obscured his vision became. Everything had a sort of dark overlay to it, and he could no longer differentiate between prey, and things that weren't prey. Darkness had fully consumed his mind, and he needed to consume something himself just to make the pain go away. Within his mind, there were a few words seemingly repeating over and over again. One of those words was "Kill" and every time it repeated, his sight grew darker. Everything had a darkness to it, even the shapes of his own kin were obscured now. The young beast suddenly heard a yelp of pain close by, and he could sense the movement of something that had been injured. He could smell the blood, the fear that emanated from this injured creature, and the black drool from his mouth began to drip more intensely. Without thinking, he charged, his jaws opened wide, eager to feast. He pounced onto his prey and felt its last breath wither away beneath him after he delivered a death blow to its neck. Maddened by hunger, Ichor was oblivious to the fact that this "prey" was an injured wolf… but not just any wolf: It was one of his siblings. Ichor consumed most of his kill, but soon fell asleep. When he woke up, he was horrified to find himself by the partially eaten corpse of one of his siblings. More concerning was that he didn't feel hungry after waking up this time. He put two and two together and realized what he had done. He cried out for his mother, and after some time she appeared. A look of shock, possibly disgust, could be seen in her eyes. She then told Ichor to hide in the bushes while she alerted a pack member of the partially eaten corpse that was once one of his siblings. She made up a lie about coyotes being the ones behind such a travesty and surprisingly, the pack believed her. But Ichor knew the truth, and it horrified him. But… something was wrong, the guilt that should've lasted a lifetime seemed to fade rapidly. There was no sympathy, only darkness. He felt a pain in his jaws as his teeth seemed to change and rearrange. While already quite strange, this was only the beginning of his demonic transformation. As time went own, these hunger pains seemed to become more frequent, which led Ichor to occasionally resort to autocannibalism, for the most part, these self inflicted wounds seemed to regenerate and heal rather quickly, however for the flesh around his mouth, this wasn't the case. This left many of Ichor's teeth exposed, giving him a rather grisly look. These teeth were of an uncanny sort, not resembling those of a wolf. They were almost like those of a human, a two legged beast that was behind the deaths of many species, capable of leveling whole forests in a matter of weeks. Humans were almost like a folkloric monster to most wolves, as only a few who had encountered them made it out alive. However, while nobody had seen a human for quite some time, many wolves knew of the odd pup which bore teeth reminiscent of these creatures. On a cold winter's night, during a time where food was scarce and illness was abundant, a horrid hunger struck Ichor. He looked around the den he was in, searching for any small prey that had come in in hopes of finding food or warmth. He didn't see anything except for his siblings nestled by their mother's side. However, one of his siblings was very sick. It had a terribly infected wound which had gone unnoticed, but was still alert enough to move around, albeit very slowly. Chances are the pup still wouldn't be able to survive the winter regardless of what happened. His sickly sibling wandered out of the den at night, presumably to search for any scraps of food it could find. The pain of hunger was so intense that it nearly cost Ichor to lose balance. Darkness enveloped him as his hunger grew and he followed his sibling out of the den into the night. "So cold…so hungry…" a voice in his head said to him. Ichor trudged out into the snowstorm, hunting his sibling, overwhelmed with hunger and an ever growing darkness within him. Mindlessly, he attacked them. They tried to fight back, but Ichor overpowered them with his seemingly supernatural strength and began his monstrous feast. However, he feared what the others might think if they were to catch him, so he drug the carcass towards a random bear's den, and continued to feed on it. He didn't feel as much guilt this time as he did the first time, as horrible as that was. Suddenly, Ichor felt another pain near his mouth. The corners of his mouth suddenly tore open, an inky black substance dripping from the newly formed wounds. Rather than reeling with pain, Ichor smiled. He made his way back towards the den, making sure to lick the blood from his face and paws to try and hide what he'd done. He then laid near his remaining siblings and mother, who were actually still asleep much to his surprise. The next morning one of the pack's scouts discovered the barely recognizable remains of Ichor's dead sibling next to the entrance of a bear's den. Obviously they blamed it on the bear who resided in that den, as the place reeked of it. However, it was odd because it was winter, and bears generally hibernated at that time. They just brushed it off though, as sometimes bears do wake up from hibernation if disturbed by humans… or pups that got a little too nosy for their own good. Despite his excessive eating, Ichor remained relatively gaunt compared to some of his other "siblings", despite this he was still slightly taller and longer than most of them. He always complained about how hungry he was, even after downing an entire elk carcass which led his mother to worry. She had since forgotten about the horrors that her "pup" was responsible for. She took him to Somnium, the pack's herbalist at the time, but he was unable to find the source of the problem despite being greatly gifted in herbalism. By some miracle, one of Ichor's siblings managed to avoid being consumed by her inky, demonic brother, and the two of them managed to survive into adulthood. Their mother let out a sigh of relief… thinking that Ichor had outgrown his demonic tendencies or had at least gotten them under control. However, unfortunately this was not the case. Of course, much to his mother's shock, Ichor managed to find a mate, a melanistic she-wolf named Eris. Faline, Ichor's mother, kept trying to warn her of her son's monstrous nature but she didn't seem to care. Ichor seemed quite happy with Eris by his side. Unfortunately, she'd soon realize that the half-demon spawn were the least of her concern as, to Faline's horror, Ichor seemed to be going through more transformations. He had grown taller and more aggressive… and his appetite had increased as well. A new found, intense hunger plagued Ichor's mind; it seemed that pups were no longer enough to keep his demonic gluttony at bay. His head hurt and it almost felt as if a strange new growth would soon burst out from it. It itched as well. The pain was excruciating… but still not nearly severe as the constant pang of hunger that he felt in his stomach. In an unfortunate turn of events, Ichor crossed paths with Seamair's grandson. This would be the first time that Ichor had ever killed and consumed a wolf that was not a helpless, unprotected pup… it would be the first adolescent lost to his insatiable appetite. He consumed everything except a few, now dry, bones, which he had somehow managed to break open and slurp the marrow out of. In a brief time of being seemingly satiated, Ichor decided to take a nap by the bones. When he woke up, Ichor discovered that he had grown a large set of demonic, dragon-like horns. Even his claws had seemed to grow larger, and were shaped in such a way that grasping onto prey would take little effort. The newfound power which surged through Ichor's body was exhilarating… and yet he was still unsatisfied. He felt a familiar pang within his body… a pang of hunger. However these hunger pangs seemed different, as it was a hunger not just for more food, but for more power. The premature death of his mate, Eris, devastated Ichor. The fact that her life had been taken by humans, angered him even more. He was hungry for vengeance. He set up a sort of trap for the human which he knew was responsible for his wife's death. A heartless hunter, hellbent on taking the lives of the creatures which had thrived in this world for millenia, long before the likes of mankind had ever began to interfere with it. The hunter had a horrid hound, more vicious than any of the animals it had led its owner to, and this mutt had to be dealt with before its master could, as its vocalizations would quickly alert the human of the presence of any creatures that walked into what it deemed to be its territory. Luckily, being a demonic beast, Ichor quickly managed to overpower the dog and deliver a crushing blow to its neck and then dragged the corpse from the human's porch to the entrance of his cave, leaving a trail of blood. Just as Ichor had expected, the hunter followed the trail. He was exactly where Ichor wanted him to be, looking over his hunting dog's carcass in confusion. Seeing as the hunter was distracted, Ichor leaped onto him and mauled him, enjoying the sounds of the human's dying cries. The human tried to use his fire stick to shoot Ichor, but the wounds he received would not deter the demonic beast in the slightest. As Ichor delivered the final blow to the hunter's skull, cracking it open like an egg, he took a sip of the human's blood. He felt more powerful than he ever had before and let out a howl of triumph as dark tendrils enveloped the corpse and pulled it into the darkness of the underworld, where the human's wretched soul would be tormented and provide Ichor with sustenance for all eternity. |
![]() [FATAL_ERROR] #54485 |